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4. Лексико-грамматические.упражнения (Spotlight 6 Module 8)

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Лексико-грамматические упражнения (Spotlight 6 Module8)

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«4. Лексико-грамматические.упражнения (Spotlight 6 Module 8)»

Match the words

Bicycle ­­­­­­______ a) belt

Yellow ______ b) crossing

Parking ______ c) driver

Traffic ______ d)helmet

Door ______ e) lines

Racing ______ f)zone

Seat ______ g) zone

Zebra ______ h) warden 

Fill in the correct words.

Watch / park / careful / handgrip / brakes / car/ crossing / pavement / riding / road / traffic signs / flow

When you cross the road, always be­­­­­­____________________________

There’s a train coming. _________________ out!

When there are no vacant seats in the bus I always use ______________________

I always stop at the______________________  .

There’s no pavement here. We can stand on the _________________________

Drivers and pedestrians must follow the _____________________________

When you ride a bike, always ride with the _____________ of traffic.

Before ride a bike check its _____________________

People must use ____________________ side when they get out of the car .

Can you _____________________ your car near this park?

My brother has got a driving license he is buying a ______________________.

I don’t listen to music when I am____________________  a bike.

Complete with the correct word

Road Safety Instructions

Walk / push / play / turn / wear / look

When in the car don’t ________________ with the car door handles.

Crossing the road, _________________ both ways.

When you enter the bus don’t _____________________ the other passengers.

When you travel by bike, ___________________ bike helmet.

When the lights _________________ green you can cross the road.

When going to school, ________________ on the pavement. 


Chose the correct item.

Never carry a second person _______ your bike. (in, on, by)

When you travel by bus, don’t wave ___________ the window. ( on, of, from)

Don’t run __________ the road (in, onto, to)

It’s not dangerous to travel _________________plane (in, at, by)

Always wear a seat belt when you travel _________a car. (at, on, in)

Use pavements when you travel _________ foot. (in, at, on) 

Put CAN or CAN’T in the following sentences according to the signs.

1) You_________  take the food inside. 
2) You__________  speak loud here. 
3) You___________  turn left. 
4) You__________  use the mobile phones.
5) You_________  cross the road here. 

Choose the correct response

How can I get to the post-office? _____ a) You’re welcome

Is there a café near here? ____ b) Look at the sign “No parking”.

Can I park near the hospital? _____ c) Yes, there’s one on your left.

Can we cross the road here? ____ d) Go down the road it’s opposite the bank.

Thanks a lot. _____ e) No zebra crossing here. We can’t do it.


Read the text and answer the questions.

My name is Kate and I’m eleven years old. My best friend is Bobby and he’s thirteen years old. Bobby is very smart and can do a lot of things. Bobby can play the violin and the guitar. He is very good at sport. He can swim very well and sail a boat. I can’t swim and sail a boat. Bobby cooks breakfast for himself and his little sister every day. I can’ cook because my mother says I’m too young. There’s one thing that Bobby and I can’t do. We can’t drive a car.

Who is eleven years old, Bobby or Kate?_______________________________

What can Bobby play?______________________________________

What sport can’t Kate do?___________________________________________

Who cooks breakfast every day?________________________________

5.What can’t Kate and Bobby do?_______________ 

Complete the dialogues with the key words. Start from the crossing(hospital).

A: Can you tell me the way to the bank, please? 
B: Turn1.______into South Street. Go 2.____the Sport Centre, the library and the City Hall. The bank is3.________of South Street and West street,4.__________your right,5.__________the café.

opposite / past / on the corner / on / right

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

4. Лексико-грамматические.упражнения (Spotlight 6 Module 8)

Автор: Альбина Фирдаусовна Гаффарова

Дата: 27.05.2022

Номер свидетельства: 608159

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