Б?л саба? 4 сынып?а "What are you wearing?" та?ырыбына арнал?ан.Cаба?ты? ма?саты: о?ушылар?а та?ырып бойынша м?лімет бере отырып, сын есімді т?сінду. Т?рі: жа?а саба? Саба?та ?р т?рлі о?ушылар ?ызы?ушылы?ын арттыратын ?р т?рлі тапсырмалар: "Magic card" ойыны, ?ндер, ?з к??іл к?йінді к?рсет смайликтер ар?ылы т.с.с
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«4 сынып?а арнал?ан What are you wearing? »
Атырау облысы Қызылқоға ауданы
Жаңашаруа қазақ орта мектебі Ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі
Сагинова Акмоншак
Form: 4
The theme : What are you wearing?
Language focus : Adjectives of state.
The aims of the lesson: a) to enlarge pupil’s vocabulary, to pay attention to their pronunciation; b) to develop pupils’ skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking speech; c) talk about the grammar rules
The type of the lesson : new lesson.
Visual aids : blackboard, vocabulary, СD disk, pictures, interactive board, slide & cards.
Methods: work in pairs
Brilliant 2 оқулығы бойынша Макмилан баспасы
The procedure of the lesson I. The organizational moment Greeting:
II. Warm up Now children come to the blackboard and take these pictures.
So, let's divided into three groups, who has clothes picture are 1st group , and 2nd group are animals, and the 3 rd group are colors.
So I give you puzzles in each group. Good luck !
The 2nd group, who is finished first, they sing us song. The 3rd group, who is finished second , I ask you home work.
III. Checking up the home work
Ex: 5 Take the cards, answer the questions
IV. New theme
How you feel today? Today we speak about feelings. “ Adjectives of state ”. New words:
V. Doing exercises. Task: divide the clothes into two groups.
Ex: 5 Draw your feelings
VI . Let's play the game “magic card” games.
I'll give in group a magic cards.
4. dr-s-
9. 2.How old __
VII. So pupils let's sing song with the CD
I'm hot, I'm hot
I'm not wearing my shoes and socks
I'm not wearing my coat and hat.
I'm wearing my shorts
I'm cold, I'm cold
I'm not wearing my shoes and socks
I'm not wearing my coat and hat.
I'm wearing my shorts
V ІІ I. Giving marks
Every group give marks each other with smiles
IX. Home work
To learn new words, ex-7 p27
X . The end of the lesson The lesson is over! Good-bye.