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Зачетная работа по теме Comparatives

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«Зачетная работа по теме Comparatives»

1. 1. Comparatives: onesyllable words (5 examples)

2. Make superlative forms for these adjectives:

interesting, sad, good, big, small, great.

2. 1. Comparatives: two- and moresyllable words (5 examples)

2. Make superlatives for these adjectives:

enjoyable, beautiful, big, bright, fast, nice/

3. 1. Superlatives: onesyllable words (5 examples)

2. Make comparatives for these adjectives:

high, beautiful, fat, dirty, happy, bad.

4. 1. Superlatives: two- and moresyllable words (5 examples)

2. Make comparatives for these adjectives:

little, warm, cold, clever, active, cheap.

5. Comparatives. Using (3 examples)

2. Make comparatives and superlatives for these adjectives:

nice, pretty, awful, interesting.

6. 1. Superlatives. Using (3 examples)

2. Make comparatives and superlatives for these adjectives:

tidy, big, dangerous, expensive.

7. 1. Irregular adjectives (+ examples)

2. Make comparatives and superlatives for these adjectives:

красивый, дорогой, высокий, жаркий, холодный, интересный.

8. 1. Irregular adjectives (+ examples)

2. Put the adjectives inte the correct form.

a) My brother is ______________ (tall) than me.

b) This hotel is _______________ (cheap) in the city.

c) We can find ________________ (cheap) hotel if you want!

9. 1. Comparatives and superlatives. Spelling (5 examples)

2. Put the adjectives into the correct form

a) My car is _____________ (fast) than yours.

b) I don't have enough money for this skirt. Can we look for something ___________ (cheap)?

c) Jim Carey is one of _____________ (famous) actors in the world.

10. 1. Comparatives and superlatives. Spelling (5 examples)

2. Make comparatives and superlatives for these adjectives:

быстрый, счастливый, дешевый, активный, популярный, большой.

11. 1. Using of ONE OF.... (3 examples)

2. Find out if there're any mistakes.

a) His test is the best in our group.

b) I can't buy this dress! It costs too much money! Could we look for something cheapest?

c) I like it because it's the least beautiful picture in the Gallery.

12. 1. Comparatives (5 examples)

2. Make comparatives and superlatives for these adjectives:

much, little, good, bad, far

13. 1. Superlatives (5 examples)

2. Write 3 sentences using the comparative form of NICE.

14. 1. Irregular adjectives (+examples)

2. Write 3 sentences using the superlative form of GOOD.

15. 1. Comparatives and superlatives. Spelling (5 examples)

2. Correct the mistakes:

bad – badder, nice – nicer, sad – sader, funny – funnyer

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Зачетная работа по теме Comparatives

Автор: Черепова Любовь Борисовна

Дата: 21.01.2016

Номер свидетельства: 280742

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