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Входящий мониторинг знаний по английскому языку обучающихся 8-9 классов.

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Работа предназначена для входящего мониторинга владения обучающимися 8-9 классов английской грамматикой и лексикой , что позволит учителю, по результатам мониторинга, спланировать дальнейшую учебную работу так, чтобы устранить недостатки в знаниях английского языка у обучающихся.  

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«Входящий мониторинг знаний по английскому языку обучающихся 8-9 классов.»

Входящий мониторинг знаний по английскому языку обучающихся

8-9 классов

Вариант 1

I. Choose the right word to complete the sentences.

1. Do you (do/make) your bed every morning? 2. It (does/makes) more harm than good.  3. There were a lot of (fruit/fruits) on the plate: apples, grapes and oranges. 4. What is the (last/latest) day of the week? 5. Is Steve your (older/elder) or your younger brother? 6. Excuse me, where is the (next/nearest) telephone box? 7.  I have no (farther/further) information. 8. What (is/are) the contents of this play?

9. This book is a (dictionary/vocabulary). 10. You can have (any/either) of the two shirts.

II. Complete the sentences giving English equivalents.

  1. A large group of birds, sheep and goats is called a (стадо).

  2. (Выверни) your sweater (наизнанку) and you’ll find what country it is made in.

  3. The dog (набросилась на) him.

  4. They (отправились) on their journey late in the afternoon.

  5. The money (заканчиваются) now.

  6. My father was so tired out yesterday. He (заснул) as soon as his head touched the pillow.

  7. Be careful! It is (темнеет) outside. Hurry back home!

  8. John (представился) and began to speak about his life.

  9. Her poems (произвели хорошее впечатление на) the audience.

  10.  This e-mail (прислали) yesterday.

  11. A new school (строится) in our street now.

  12. (К счастью) for us the bus came exactly on time.

 III. Put in the articles where necessary:

  1. Before going to … bed, the boy asked his father to tell him a bedside story. 2. After … breakfast she left for … Rocky Mountains by … plane. 3. I got … good mark for … test which I wrote on … second day of … school. 4. Last time I saw her in … autumn of 1990. 5. It was September. It was … early autumn.

6. … church was empty. There were no services on that day. 7. What a day! It is … real winter!

IV. Open the brackets to make the story complete:

An Unusual Chess Player

The other day I went to see Jim. I (not see)0 hadn’t seen him for a couple of months. When I (drive)1 up to the house, I (ring)2 the door bell. The door (open)3 and Jim’s wife said that Jim (be)4 very glad to see me. She added that he (play)5 chess with his partner in the sitting-room. What I (see)6 there (make)7 me speechless for some time. Jim (sit)8 at the head of the table and opposite him there (be)9 his dog Spot. Their eyes (fix)10 on the chess-board lying between them. At the sound of my voice Spot (begin)11 barking, but Jim (keep)12 silent. When I called Spot the cleverest dog I ever (know)13, Jim answered, «Not at all. He just (lose)14 his third game.”

Вариант 2

I. Choose the right word to complete the sentences.

1. Excuse me, could you (do/make) me a favor and watch my bags for a moment? 2. Have you (done/made) any progress on that report yet?  3. We need to buy (fruit/fruits) and vegetables.

4. I have just bought a good (dictionary/vocabulary). I’m sure it will be helpful. 5. What is the (last/latest) news? 6. Do you know that our neighbour’s (older/elder) daughter is a ballet dancer? 7. Have you got any (farther/further) questions? 8. The (next/nearest) train to London is at 10.00. 9. The contents of this story (is/are) very unusual. 10. You can get (any/either) book you like in our library.

II. Complete the sentences giving English equivalents.

  1. The ship (экипаж) were all saved when the ship went down under the water.

  2. John’s sister (оказалась) to be a very rude girl.

  3. Let’s (отправимся) on a trip before it gets dark.

  4. I forgot to turn off the tap and the water (перелилась) the sink.

  5. My dog and my cat (ладят) with each other.

  6. My father was so tired out yesterday. He (заснул) as soon as his head touched the pillow.

  7. Be careful! It is (темнеет) outside. Hurry back home!

  8. Let me (представить) my wife to you.

  9. Daniel (произвел хорошее впечатление) and the manager gave him a good job.

  10. Six public holidays (празднуются) in Great Britain.

  11. A new library (построят) next year.

  12. (К сожалению) they were late and missed the beginning of the performance.

III. Put in the articles where necessary:

  1. After school they had … lunch. 2. It was … warm Friday afternoon at … end of the month.  3. … morning we met was surprisingly bright. 4. People go to … church to say their prayers (молиться).    5. The lawyer went to … hospital to make a will (завещание) for Mike.  6. It was … late autumn. 7. If you want to see … Lake Victoria and … Mount Kilimanjaro go to … Kenya.

             IV. Open the brackets to make the story complete:

Harry’s Adventure.

Harry got a letter from his friend Jack. Jack (have)0 was having a week’s holiday in a camp. He invited Harry to join him if he (be)1 free at the weekend. Harry (catch)2 the five o’clock train. But he (leave)3 all his things behind. He (think)4 he (borrow)5 what he needed from Jack. On the train Harry (run)6 into* a strange man.  He remembered that he (see)7 the man’s face on television as the police (look)8 for him. Harry (keep)9 watching the man during the trip. When the train (stop)10 at the station, Jack (wait)11 for his friend Harry. Harry called the policeman and they (catch)12 the man. He (send)13 to prison. Harry (feel)14 very proud about his adventure.

*to run into smb - столкнуться, случайно встретиться с к.-л.


Вариант 1

Вариант 2

Задание I

  1. make

  2. does

  3. fruits

  4. last

  5. elder

  6. nearest

  7. further

  8. are

  9. dictionary

  10. either

  1. do

  2. made

  3. fruit

  4. dictionary

  5. latest

  6. elder

  7. further

  8. next

  9. are

  10. any

Задание II

  1. flock

  2. turn … inside out

  3. rushed at

  4. set  out/off

  5. is running out

  6. fell asleep

  7. is getting dark

  8. introduced himself

  9. made a good impression on

  10. was sent

  11. is being built

  12. Fortunately

  1. crew

  2. turned out

  3. set out/off

  4. ran over

  5. get along

  6. fell asleep

  7. is getting dark

  8. introduce

  9. made a good impression

  10. are celebrated

  11. will be built

  12. Unfortunately

Задание III

  1. –, the, -

  2. a, the, the, -

  3. the

  4. The

  5. -

  1. a, the

  2. the

  3. The

  4. -, the, -

Вариант 1

Задание IV


hadn’t seen


was playing


were fixed














opened/was opened


was sitting


had known


would be




has lost

Вариант 2

Задание IV


was having


would borrow








was waiting




had seen




had left


were looking


was sent







Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

Входящий мониторинг знаний по английскому языку обучающихся 8-9 классов.

Автор: Кулютина Галина Александровна

Дата: 23.12.2016

Номер свидетельства: 372794

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    ["subcategory_seo"] => string(5) "testi"
    ["date"] => string(10) "1482507770"

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