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Тренировочные упражнения по английскому языку для 9 класса по теме "Условные предложения"

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«Тренировочные упражнения по английскому языку для 9 класса по теме "Условные предложения"»

Упражнение 1

Раскрывая скобки, напишите каждое предложение три раза, образуя условные предложения 1, 2 и 3 типов.

· E.g. If you (to be) free, I (to come) to see you.:

If you are free, I will come to see you.

If you were free, I would come to see you.

If you had been free, I would have come to see you.

If I (to see) her, I (to be) glad.

If I see her, I will be glad.

If I saw her, I would be glad.

If I had seen her, I would have been glad.

  1. If my friend (to come) to see me, I (to be) very glad. 2. If mother (to buy) a cake, we (to have) a very nice tea party. 3. If we (to receive) a telegram from him, we (not to worry). 4. If you (not to work) systematically, you (to fail) the examinations. 5. If you (to be) busy, I (to leave) you alone.

Упражнение 2

Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, так, чтобы предложения выражали реальное условие.

1. If I (to see) John, I (to tell) him your news. 2. He (to be) very pleased if it (to be) really true. 3. If you (to go) to town on Monday, you (to meet) my brother Tom. 4. If you (to need) help, my father (to help) you. 5. We (to have) a picnic lunch if the day (to be) fine. 6. If you (to ask) a policeman, he (to tell) you the way. 7. I (to finish) the job tomorrow if I (to can). 8. I (not / to require) an umbrella if it( not / to rain). 9. If she (to think) it over carefully, she (to form) a clear opinion. 10. If they (to catch) the bus now, they (to arrive) at half past nine

Упражнение 3

Образуйте условные предложения.

1. He is busy and does not come to see us. If ... . 2. The girl didn't study well last year and received bad marks. If ... . 3. He broke his bicycle and so he didn't go to the country. If ... . 4. He speaks English badly: he has no practice. If ... . 5. I had a bad headache yesterday, that's why I didn't come to see you. If ... . 6. The ship was sailing near the coast, that's why it struck a rock. If ... . 7. He was not in town, therefore he was not present at our meeting. If ... . 8. The pavement was so slippery that I fell and hurt my leg. If ... . 9. The sea is rough, and we cannot sail to the island. If ... . 10. They made a fire, and the frightened wolves ran away. If ... . 11. It is late, and I have to go home. If ... . 12. I was expecting my friend to come, that's why I couldn't go to the cinema with you. If ... . 13. He always gets top marks in mathematics because it is his favourite subject and he works a lot at it. If ... . 14. I didn't translate the article yesterday because I had no dictionary. If ... . 15. We lost our way because the night was pitch-dark. If ... . 16. The box was so heavy that I couldn't carry it. That's why I took a taxi. If ... .

Упражнение 1

Раскрывая скобки, напишите каждое предложение три раза, образуя условные предложения 1, 2 и 3 типов.

· E.g. If you (to be) free, I (to come) to see you.:

If you are free, I will come to see you.

If you were free, I would come to see you.

If you had been free, I would have come to see you.

If I (to see) her, I (to be) glad.

If I see her, I will be glad.

If I saw her, I would be glad.

If I had seen her, I would have been glad.

6. If I (to live) in Moscow, I (to visit) the Tretyakov Gallery every year. 7. If I (to get) a ticket, I (to go) to the Philharmonic. 8. If I (to live) near a wood, I (to gather) a lot of mushrooms. 9. If my father (to return) early, we (to watch) TV together. 10. If she (to know) English, she (to try) to enter the university.

Упражнение 2

Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, так, чтобы предложения выражали реальное условие.

. 11. He (to find) the answers if he (to look) at the back of the book. 12. If you ( to want) me to, I (to come) for a walk with you. 13. If he (to write) to her, she (to answer) at once. 14. If you ( to wait) a few moments, the waiter (to bring) your coffee. 15. He (to lose) weight if he (to stop) eating too much. 16. If she ( to be) patient, I (to try) to explain. 17. I (to wear) a purle tie only if I (to must). 18. If we (to leave) at once, we (to catch) the early train. 19. If he (to do) that again, his father (to punish) him. 20. If she (drink) this medicine, she (to feel) much better.

Упражнение 3

Образуйте условные предложения.

1. The travellers had no camera with them, so they could not take photos of the beautiful scenery. If ... . 2. There was no sugar left, so we had to go to the shop late in the evening. If ... . 3. This house is very nice and comfortable, but it is not very good for living because it is situated close to a chemical plant and the air around is very bad. If ... . 4. He is an excellent specialist, but I can't ask his advice because I'm not acquainted with him. If ... . 5. You cannot enjoy this merry evening party because you have a toothache. If ... 6. You know the material well enough, but you are very absent-minded, and that's why you always make many mistakes. If ... . 7. You did not ring me up, so I did not know you were in trouble. If .. . 8. You left the child alone in the room, so he hurt himself. If ... . 9. They spent a year in the tropics, so they got very sun-tanned. If ... . 10. It rained heavily, so we got drenched to the skin. If ... . 11. Why didn't you watch the cat? It ate all the fish. If ... . 12. A huge black cloud appeared from behind the forest, so we had to turn back and hurry home. If ... . 13. We shall not go to see them because it is very late. If ... . 14. Naturally she was angry, because you were in her way. If ... .

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Автор: Тищенко Анастасия Вячеславовна

Дата: 25.08.2017

Номер свидетельства: 426265

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