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Тренировочные упражнения для закрепления конструкции " I wish"

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Use wish+past simple to say you regret or are sorry about a present situation.


I wish I had more free time.

I wish Andrew wasn’t/ weren’t so jealous.

I wish I was a famous actor.


Use wish+past perfect to say you regret or are sorry about a past situation.


I wish I hadn’t called him. (But I did and now I regret it)

I wish we hadn’t seen that film. It was horrible.


Use wish+person/it+ would+ infinitive to say what you want another person to do or not to do something, often because you are annoyed or when you want something to happen.


I wish you would stop crying

I wish it would stop snowing (it’s annoying me)

EXERCISE Fill the gaps with the correct form. Use the verbs in brackets.

1- I wish Anna ______________________ (not say) that to Charles. Now he’s upset.

2-I wish the weather _________________ (to be) better here in summer but there’s nothing

we can do about it.

3-I wish I ___________ (have) a bigger car. Mine is too small.

4-I wish Tomas ___________ (not be) so selfish but he’s always been like this.

5-I wish I _______________ (know) Carol was ill last week. I would have phoned her.

6-I wish my son _______________ (study) more often. He only studies before the exams.

7-I wish I _________________ (not eat) so much at Phil’s party. Now I don’t feel well.

8-I wish someone _________________ (answer) that phone. It’s been ringing for ages.

9-I wish I _________________ (know) her e-mail address. I would send her an e-mail.

10-I wish he __________________ (not speak) so loudly. He thinks we are deaf!

11-I wish you _________________ (not drive) so fast. You are making me angry.

12-I wish Sandy _______________ (not arrive) late. We’ve missed the beginning of the film.

13-I wish I ____________________ (can buy) a new computer now. Mine is broken.

14- I wish I ____________ (not forget) my umbrella on the bus. I’ll have to buy a new one.

15-I wish Maria ________________ (not be) so impatient. It does her no good at all.

16-I wish you __________________ (stop) telling me what to do. It really annoys me.

17-I wish your friend _________________ (tell) so many lies. It can’t stand liers.

18- I wish my daughter _______________ (not be) so untidy.

Her room is always a mess.


1- I wish Anna HADN’T SAID (not say) that to Charles. Now he’s upset.

2-I wish the weather WOULD BE (to be) better here in summer but there’s nothing

we can do about it.

3-I wish I HAD (have) a bigger car. Mine is too small.

4-I wish Tomas WOULDN’T BE (not be) so selfish but he’s always been like this.

5-I wish I HAD KNOWN (know) Carol was ill last week. I would have phoned her.

6-I wish my son WOULD STUDY (study) more often. He only studies before the exams.

7-I wish I HADN’T EATEN (not eat) so much at Phil’s party. Now I don’t feel well.

8-I wish someone WOULD ANSWER (answer) that phone. It’s been ringing for ages.

9-I wish I KNEW (know) her e-mail address. I would send her an e-mail.

10-I wish he WOULDN’T SPEAK (not speak) so loudly. He thinks we are deaf!

11-I wish you WOULDN’T DRIVE (not drive) so fast. You are making me angry.

12-I wish Sandy HADN’T ARRIVED (not arrive) late. We’ve missed the beginning of the film.

13-I wish I COULD BUY (can buy) a new computer now. Mine is broken.

14-I wish I HADN’T FORGOTTEN (not forget) my umbrella on the bus. I’ll have to buy a new one.

15-I wish Maria WASN’T (not be) so impatient. It does her no good at all.

16-I wish you WOULD STOP (stop) telling me what to do. It really annoys me.

17-I wish your friend WOULDN’T TELL (tell) so many lies. It can’t stand liers.

18-I wish my daughter WASN’T (not be) so untidy. Her room is always a mess.

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«I wish 3»

I wish / if only

Упражнение 1. Put the verbs given in brackets into the correct form.

  1. I wish I __________ (be) taller so that I could be in the basketball team.

  2. I wish I ___________ (can drive) a car and we could go travelling.

  3. The Browns live in the city, but they wish they ________ (live) in the suburbs.

  4. Robert can’t dance very well, but he wishes he ________ (can dance) better.

  5. Kate is having a hard time learning English at the University. She wishes she ________ (study) it better at school.

  6. Mike didn’t go to college after school. Now, he wishes he ________ (go) to college.

  7. The weather was hot while we were there. I wish it _________ (be) a bit cooler.

  8. I wish you ________ (stop) watching TV while I am talking to you.

  9. I wish she _________ (can come) yesterday but she had an important meeting.

  10. I wish I __________ (know) someone to whom I could have gone for advice when I was 18.

Упражнение 2. Раскроите скобки, употребляя

требующуюся форму сослагательного наклонения после «I wish».

  1. The weather was awful. I wish it __________ (to be) better.

  2. I wish I __________ (to know) Sue’s telephone number.

  3. I wish it__________ (not to rain) so much in England last week.

  4. Do you wish you __________ (to study) science instead of languages last year?

  5. I feel sick. I wish I __________ (not to eat) so much.

  6. It’s crowded here. I wish there __________ (not to be) so many people.

  7. I wish I __________ (to be) taller.

  8. I wish you __________ (stop) shouting. I am not deaf you know.

  9. I wish he__________ (to borrow) that book from the library last week.

  10. I wish you__________ (to give) him my phone number at that party.

  11. I wish it __________ (to stop) raining.

  12. I wish I ________ (can speak) several languages.

  13. If only I _______ (to have) the chance to study when I was younger.

Упражнение 3. Подчеркните верный вариант.

1) I wish he... (will get/got/would get) on better with his parents.

2) I wish you... (stopped/will stop/ would stop) talking at the lessons.

3) I wish I... (have/ had/had had) more money.

4) If only I... (was having / have had / had had) the chance to study when I was younger.

5) If only I... (would keep / kept / had kept) my appointment with the dentist yesterday. I wouldn't have toothache now.

6) If only you... (will/would/ wouldn't) make less noise.

7) I wish I ... (had been / hadn't been / weren't) disappointed after such an inspiring speech yesterday.

8) If only you ... (had been / would be / were) tolerant of each other's moods in your family! You would get on better.

9) I wish I... (had learnt / learnt / have learnt) to trust my own judgments in my childhood.

Упражнение 3. Подчеркните верный вариант.

1) I wish he... (will get/got/would get) on better with his parents.

2) I wish you... (stopped/will stop/ would stop) talking at the lessons.

3) I wish I... (have/ had/had had) more money.

4) If only I... (was having / have had / had had) the chance to study when I was younger.

5) If only I... (would keep / kept / had kept) my appointment with the dentist yesterday. I wouldn't have toothache now.

6) If only you... (will/would/ wouldn't) make less noise.

7) I wish I ... (had been / hadn't been / weren't) disappointed after such an inspiring speech yesterday.

8) If only you ... (had been / would be / were) tolerant of each other's moods in your family! You would get on better.

9) I wish I... (had learnt / learnt / have learnt) to trust my own judgments in my childhood.

Ответы к упражнениям.

Упражнение 1.

1 were, 2 could drive, 3 lived, 4 could dance, 5 had studied, 6 had gone, 7  had been, 8 stopped, 9 could have come, 10 had known

Упражнение 2.

1 had been, 2 knew, 3 hadn’t rained / hadn’t been raining, 4 had studied / had been studying, 5 hadn’t eaten, 6 were not, 7 were, 8 stopped, 9 had borrowed, 10 had given, 11 would stop, 12 could speak, 13 had had

Упражнение 3.

1 would get, 2 would stop, 3 had, 4 had had, 5 had kept, 6 would, 7 hadn't been, 8 would be, 9 had 

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«I wish»

I wish/If only

Past Simple

Сожаление о ситуации в настоящем времени, которую мы хотели бы изменить

could + V

Сожаление о невозможности сделать что-либо сейчас или в будущем

Past Perfect

Сожаление о ситуации в прошлом

Would + V

Нереальное желание изменить ситуацию в будущем (с оттенком недовольства)

I wish/If only

Past Simple

Сожаление о ситуации в настоящем времени, которую мы хотели бы изменить

could + V

Сожаление о невозможности сделать что-либо сейчас или в будущем

Past Perfect

Сожаление о ситуации в прошлом

Would + V

Нереальное желание изменить ситуацию в будущем (с оттенком недовольства)

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«i wish2»

1.I wish I…………….(leave)

home earlier.

2.I wish she………………(behave)

more politely to her parents.

3.Margaret wishes she…………..

(not/forget) to answer her friend’s email.

4.Mother wishes her son……………..

(follow) her advice.

5.I wish you………………(not/make) so

much fuss about it!It was just a joke.

6.I wish our gardener………………

(be) more hard-working

It takes him ages to plant a few


7.I wish my daughter……………….(tidy)

her room more often.

8.Peter wishes his boss ……………..(give)

him a pay rise last month.

9.If only I……………..(can) go away for a couple of days.

10.That music is driving me crazy.I wish you

………………..(turn) it down.

11.Helen wishes her brother……………….

(take) their dog to the vet yesterday.

12.I wish you……………….(call)

me before you came because I’m

in a hurry now.

13.If only I ……………..(know)

how to drive.

14.I wish I……………….(can) afford to buy

a bigger house.

15.She wishes she……………….(not/go) to the party last night.She feels awful today.

16.If only I…………………(keep) my mouth shut.I said terrible things to him.

17.I wish they………………(do) something

about the traffic problems in our area.

18. He wishes he ……………..(be)

more careful with his money.Now he

can’t pay all those bills.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

Тренировочные упражнения для закрепления конструкции " I wish"

Автор: Демченко Анна Александровна

Дата: 14.06.2017

Номер свидетельства: 421725

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