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Тестовое задание ( Spotlight 7 Module 2)

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Данная работа поможет осуществить контроль знаний обучающихся по УМК Spotlight 7, освоевших модуль 2.

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«Тестовое задание ( Spotlight 7 Module 2)»


Test 2 (Module 2)

1. Fill in the word.

amazed explore compass cosy solve hide rubbing

1. What can we do to _______ the problem of unemployment?

2. Where did you _______ the money? I can’t find it.

3. Let’s use a _______ to find our way home.

4. Let’s _______ the city before it gets dark.

5. I love my flat. It’s nice and _______.

6. Stop ______ your eyes.

7. I was ______ by her beauty.

2. Translate the words (phrases) from English into Russian.

1. a magnifying glass

2. incredible adventures

3. a faithful companion

4. to strike a match

5. a powerful gust of wind

6. to solve the mysterious case

7. a great imagination

8. a nephew

9. an American ambassador

10. to overcome great obstacles

3. Choose the correct item.

1. Larry got a job after / until he finishes school.

2. First he had dinner, then/ when he listened to the radio.

3. When/After I was younger, I used to write stories.

4. Suddenly/As soon as the rain stops, let’s go for a walk.

5. We played in the park until/then it got dark.

4. Write negative and interrogative sentences.

  1. Sherlock Holmes smoked a pipe.

(-) _____________________________________

(?) _____________________________________

  1. Hercule Poirot caught a lot of criminals.

(-) _____________________________________

(?) _____________________________________

5. What did/didn’t Emma use to do when she was seven? Write sentences.

  1. play hide-and-seek (√) __________________________________________

  2. watch cartoons (√) __________________________________________

  3. read comics (x) __________________________________________

  4. drive a car (x) __________________________________________

6. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple.

    1. Agatha Christie … (write) over thirty novels.

    2. After they heard the noise, the men … (hide) behind some trees.

    3. … (you /feel) that gust of wind?

    4. Hercule Poirot … (be) a Belgian detective.

    5. He … (stop) talking when I entered the room.

    6. I … (lose) my wallet on the bus.

    7. … Brian (win) the competition? – No, he … .

    8. The professor and Axel … (find) a mysterious message.

7. Choose the correct response.

1. You’ll never guess what happened to me.

A No, you certainly don’t.

2. Are you afraid?

B Luckily, no.

3. Well, you don’t see that every day, do you?

C What? Tell me.

4. Was anyone hurt?

D Of course not!

5. You look a little upset.

E Well, I had quite a shock.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

Тестовое задание ( Spotlight 7 Module 2)

Автор: Клипикова Анастасия Сергеевна

Дата: 05.12.2016

Номер свидетельства: 366019

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