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Тест по теме "Вспомогательные глаголы DO и DOES"

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Тест позволяет оценить умение учеников выстраивать отрицательные  и вопросительные предложения (с краткими ответами) при помощи вспомогательных глаголов DO и DOES.

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«Тест по теме "Вспомогательные глаголы DO и DOES"»

Put DO or DOES in the blanks then MAKE UP Yes/ No answers!!!

____Peter live with his father? No _____

____you learn Spanish? No _____

____Andrew and Martin ride their bikes to school? Yes ____

____they play in the garden? No ______

____Sandy's hamster live in a cage? Yes_____

____the cats sit on the wall? Yes _____

____we work in front of the computer? No _____

____you play the drums? Yes _____

____Steve wear pullovers? Yes _____

____I clean the bathroom? No _____

Начало формы

1. you like hockey? Yes _____

2. she have a cat? Yes/ No _____

3. they want a drink? No _____

4. your mother work? No _____

5. Raymond have a bicycle? Yes _____

6. your teachers give you homework? No _____

7. the children live in the city? Yes _____

8. we need our books? No _____

9. the radio play music? Yes _____

10. Tom like his new car? No _____

1. your father have a car?

2. Melissa know how to skateboard?

3. Rick and Richard have a sister?

4. your brothers work?

5. the cat drink milk?

6. your classmate go to class every day?

7. the man want a drink?

8. Ana and I need to bring our jackets?

9. the people like this song?

10. the school principal work on Saturday?

Now decide which words are needed to complete the sentences:

  • 1 - ___ you want some coffee?


  • 2 - Where ___ they come from?


  • 3 - No, she ___ like spicy food.


  • 4 - What ___ Micheal and I have in common?


  • 5 - ___ your father drive a red car?


  • 6 - ___ Angela have a boyfriend?


  • 7 - They ___ work on Sunday.


  • 8 - ___ we have school tomorrow?


  • 9 - ___ your parents smoke?


  • 10 - ___ children play here?


Put Do or Does

___ you go to school by bus?

___she play on the computer?

___the girls like football?

___the cat like to drink milk?

___You speak English or French?

___he read books?

___the children go to school on Fridays?

___she like cats?

___they play tennis?

___he like birds?


Put Don’t or Doesn’t

1.     He  live in Mexico.

2.   She work in a bank.

3.    I play golf.

4.   Max listen to the radio.

5.    We speak English.

6.   You drink coffee in the morning.

7.   My cat eat meat.

8.   Shelly drink milk.

9.    I understand.

10.  His car work

Конец формы

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 4 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Тест по теме "Вспомогательные глаголы DO и DOES"

Автор: Ничай Евгений Александрович

Дата: 13.06.2017

Номер свидетельства: 421509

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