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Тест "Артикль с географическими названиями"

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«Тест "Артикль с географическими названиями"»

Tест «Употребление артикля the с географическими названиями»

1. ... British Isles include two big islands (Great Britain and Ireland) and nearly 6000 small islands.

2. The North Pole is the northernmost point on the Earth, which is located in the middle of … Arctic Ocean.

3. The South Pole is situated on the continent of … Antarctica.

4. The national currency of ... Jamaica is the Jamaican dollar.

5. The flora of ... Madagascar includes 14,883 unique plant species.

6. The official language of ... Netherlands is … Dutch.

7. ... Amazon is the second longest river in the world.

8. ... United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland occupies the British Islands.

9. ... Greenland is the world’s largest island.

10. ... Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean on the Earth.

11. There are 30 bridges over ... Thames in … London.

12. ... Cyprus used to be a British colony until 1960.

13. ... Suez Canal connects … Mediterranean Sea and … Red Sea.

14. ... Kilimanjaro is the tallest mountain in … Africa.

15. ... Lake Baikal is the deepest lake in the world.

16. My dream is to visit ... Canaries one day..

17 ... Vatican is the smallest state in the world.

18. Is ... Australia a continent or an island?

19. ... Hague is called “City of Peace and Justice”.

20. How many rivers ate there in ... Europe?

Шкала оценки





25 - 21

16 - 20

9 - 15

8 - 0

Tест «Употребление артикля the с географическими названиями»

1. ... British Isles include two big islands (Great Britain and Ireland) and nearly 6000 small islands.

2. The North Pole is the northernmost point on the Earth, which is located in the middle of … Arctic Ocean.

3. The South Pole is situated on the continent of … Antarctica.

4. The national currency of ... Jamaica is the Jamaican dollar.

5. The flora of ... Madagascar includes 14,883 unique plant species.

6. The official language of ... Netherlands is … Dutch.

7. ... Amazon is the second longest river in the world.

8. ... United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland occupies the British Islands.

9. ... Greenland is the world’s largest island.

10. ... Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean on the Earth.

11. There are 30 bridges over ... Thames in … London.

12. ... Cyprus used to be a British colony until 1960.

13. ... Suez Canal connects … Mediterranean Sea and … Red Sea.

14. ... Kilimanjaro is the tallest mountain in … Africa.

15. ... Lake Baikal is the deepest lake in the world.

16. My dream is to visit ... Canaries one day..

17 ... Vatican is the smallest state in the world.

18. Is ... Australia a continent or an island?

19. ... Hague is called “City of Peace and Justice”.

20. How many rivers ate there in ... Europe?

Шкала оценки





25 - 21

16 - 20

9 - 15

8 - 0

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Тест "Артикль с географическими названиями"

Автор: Ханжинова Алена Викторовна

Дата: 07.06.2018

Номер свидетельства: 472490

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