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Тест 6 класс "to be" в Past Simple

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тест для 6 класса по теме глагол "to be" в Past Simple
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«тест 6 класс "to be" в Past Simple»

Тесты по английскому языку для 6 класса

Тест № 1.

Тема: Past Simple Tense of the verb “to be”

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple

1. Bob’s parents (to be) at work last Saturday.

a) are

b) were

c) be

d) was

e) is

2. Last year I (to be) in Paris.

a) am

b) were

c) is

d) was

e) be

3. Last week he (to be) in London, but his friends (to be) in Cardiff.

a) were; was

b) be; was

c) was; was

d) were; were

e) was; were

4. Your cake (to be) delicious!

a) were

b) was

c) be

d) are

e) am

5. There (to be) no apples in the fridge, there (to be) apple juice only.

a) was; was

b) were; were

c) were; was

d) was; were

e) is; are

6. They (to be) sad, because their mother (to be) ill.

a) were; was

b) was; were

c) be; be

d) was; be

e) be; were

7. Two years ago Tom and Meg (to be) students.

a) are

b) were

c) be

d) was

e) beed

8. You (to be) in the library yesterday. I (to be) there too.

a) were; was

b) was; was

c) was; were

d) were; were

e) are; am

9. When my grandfather (to be) young, he (to be) a pilot.

a) was; were

b) were; was

c) was; was

d) were; were

e) be; was

10. I (not to be) at the cinema yesterday.

a) did not to be

b) was not

c) be not

d) were not

e) not was

11. He (not to be) a rich man.

a) not was

b) was not

c) not were

d) were not

e) did not be

12. Last lesson the pupils (not to be) ready.

a) were not

b) be not

c) not was

d) was not

e) did not be

13. Mary (to be) at school yesterday.

a) be

b) was

c) beed

d) was

e) been

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глагол в Past Simple

14. Tom (to play) football yesterday.

a) play did

b) played

c) playing

d) plaed

e) plaied

15. We (to buy) a car last year.

a) bought

b) brought

c) buyed

d) boutghted

e) bued

16. Pete (to give) me a book last week.

a) given

b) gived

c) givd

d) giveed

e) gave

17. We (to visit) our relatives two months ago.

a) visiting

b) visits

c) visited

d) visitid

e) vase

18. I (to cook) dinner yesterday.

a) cooked

b) cooking

c) cake

d) cook

e) cooks

19. My grandmother (not to water) the flowers in the garden yesterday.

a) not watered

b) watered not

c) did not water

d) did not watered

e) was not water

20. His brothers (not to do) homework last week.

a) did not

b) did not did

c) do not did

d) did not do

e) not doed

21. We (not to go) to the library yesterday.

a) not goed

b) did not go

c) do not go

d) did not goed

e) did not went

22. She (not to tell) me a secret yesterday.

a) told not

b) did not telled

c) did not told

d) telled not

e) did not tell

23. They (not to work) last week.

a) did not work

b) not worked

c) did not worked

d) work not did

e) worked did not

24. Выберите общий вопрос к предложению:

You were in America.

a) Were you in America?

b) You were in America?

c) In America you were?

d) Did you be in America?

e) America were you in?

25. Выберите специальный вопрос к предложению:

She was in Astana two months ago.

a) Where did Astana be two months ago?

b) Who be in Astana two months ago?

c) When she did be in Astana?

d) Where two months she was ago?

e) When was she in Astana?

26. Составьте общий вопрос, употребляя Past Simple глагола “to be

it / to be / yesterday / cold?

a) Was it cold yesterday?

b) Were it cold yesterday?

c) Yesterday did cold it be?

d) Cold were it yesterday?

e) It was cold yesterday?

27. Составьте специальный вопрос к предложению, употребляя глагол “to be” в Past Simple Tense.

There (to be) five books in his bag yesterday.

a) Where was five books yesterday?

b) How many books there were in his bag yesterday?

c) Where are five books yesterday?

d) How many was books there in his bag yesterday?

e) How many books were there is his bag yesterday?

Определите правильный порядок слов в предложении

28. angry, were, parents, not, my

a) Parents my angry were not.

b) Parents not my angry were.

c) Not angry my were parents.

d) My parents were not angry.

e) Parents not were angry my.

29. not, I, tired, was, yesterday

a) Yesterday I not tired was.

b) Not was I tired yesterday.

c) Tired yesterday was not I.

d) Was yesterday tired I not.

e) Yesterday I was not tired.

30. yesterday, were, where, you?

a) Were where you yesterday?

b) Where were you yesterday?

c) You were yesterday where?

d) Yesterday were where you?

e) You yesterday were where?

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

тест 6 класс "to be" в Past Simple

Автор: Долгова Наталья Анатольевна

Дата: 25.04.2016

Номер свидетельства: 322303

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