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 1. ІІІ типті буынмен о?ылатын с?зді та?да?ыз.

A) Close

B) Base

C) Bark

D) Same

E) Rose

 2. Орфографияѓа назар аудара отырып, аѓылшын сµзін табыњыз.


A) inbahitant.

B) inhabitant.

C) inhatibant.

D) inabihtant.

E) intanhabit.

 3. “Anybody” сµзініњ синонимі.

A) neither.

B) nothing.

C) something.

D) anyone.

E) anything.

 4. Д?рыс с?зді та?да?ыз

Children are taught at school by.....

A) workers

B) pilots

C) painters

D) teachers

E) engineers

 5. "Кіру" ма?ынасына с?йкес фразалы? етістік:

A) Get out.

B) Get wіth.

C) Get off.

D) Get up.

E) Get іn.

 6. Д?рыс аудармасын табы?ыз:

Са?ат бестен то?ыз?а дейін жа?быр жауып т?рды.

A) The rain was going from 5 till 9 o’clock.

B) The rain was form 5 till 9 o’clock.

C) It was rained from 5 till 9 o’clock.

D) It was raining from 5 till 9 o’clock.

E) It rained from 5 till 9 o’clock.

 7. Арты? с?зді табы?ыз:

A) Publіsh.

B) Artіcle.

C) Іssue.

D) Enjoy.

E) Report.

 8. Ма?ынасы ??сас ма?алды та?да?ыз:

Ашты? не жегізбейді.

A) Hunger іs the best sauce.

B) Never say dіe.

C) No paіns, no gaіns.

D) Appetіte comes wіth eatіng.

E) Look before you leap.

 9. Д?рыс артикльдi та?да?ыз:

I work as…assistant in …same office as my father does.

A) a, the

B) an, the

C) _, _

D) the, the

E) _, the

10. Демеулікті ?ойы?ыз:

He was dіsappoіnted ... hіs new frіend.

A) from

B) wіth

C) about

D) on

E) for

11. Істі? н?тижесін білдіретін ж?рна?ты с?з:

A) Actіon.

B) Actіve.

C) Actіvely.

D) Act.

E) Actless.

12. Етістіктен жасал?ан сын есімді табы?ыз.

A) helpless

B) Russian

C) big

D) beautiful

E) nice

13. Сан есімні? д?рыс о?ылу н?с?асын табы?ыз:


A) Nine hundred ninety-nine.

B) Ninety-nine and nine.

C) Nine hundred and ninety-nine.

D) Nine hundreds and ninety-ninth.

E) Nine hundreds and ninety-nine.

14. С?йлемге cын есімні? д?рыс т?рін ?олданы?ыз:

Where is the  … post office, please ?

A) more near

B) near

C) nearest

D) the nextest

E) nearer

15. Есімдікті ?ойы?ыз:

There are ... sheep іn the farm yard.

A) anythіng

B) somebody

C) some

D) nothіng

E) any

16. Белгіленген с?зге с?рау есімдігін та?да?ыз:

І want to go to the cіnema but my brother doesn’t.

A) What.

B) When.

C) Who.

D) Why.

E) How.

17. К?пше т?рдегі зат есім:

A) Shelf.

B) Postcard.

C) Women.

D) Cup.

E) Foot.

18. Зат есімні? жекеше т?ріндегі т?уелділік формасын та?да?ыз:

A) Monkeys’

B) Dresses’

C) Buses’

D) Parrot’s

E) Factories’

19. С?йлемді ая?та?ыз:

We saw the fіlm ...

A) two days ago.

B) at thіs moment.

C) yet.

D) tomorrow.

E) every day.

20. Етістікті? д?рыс ыры?сыз етіс формасын та?да?ыз:

The books (to put) on the shelf tomorrow.

A) Were put.

B) Will be put.

C) Are put.

D) Is put.

E) Was put.

21. Ерекше белгіленген модальдік етістікті оны? эквивалентіне ауыстыры?ыз.

We have to do this  today.

A) may

B) must

C) could

D) can

E) need

22. Д?рыс жауапты та?да?ыз:

This is the house … I have been living all my life.

A) which

B) that

C) who

D) whom

E) where

23. Д?рыс н?с?асын та?да?ыз:

…English or Geography today?

A) do have we

B) have do we

C) have got we

D) do we  got

E) have we got

24. С?йлемді болымсыз т?рге ?ойы?ыз:

Cross the street!

A) Don’t cross the street!

B) Cross no the street!

C) No cross the street!

D) Do cross the street!

E) Not cross the street!

25. There is/are ?±рылымыныњ д±рыс н±с?асын табыњыз

… one wardrobe in the bedroom.

A) there.

B) there aren’t.

C) their.

D) there is.

E) there are.

26. Етістікті? д?рыс н?с?асын та?да?ыз:

Mike … to disco with Sally.

A) Going.

B) Are going.

C) Go.

D) Am going.

E) Was going.

27. Аудары?ыз:

Герундий мен инфинитивті о?у ?те жа?сы ой.

A) Havіng studyіng gerunds and іnfіnіtіves іs a good іdea.

B) Studyіng gerunds and іnfіnіtіves іs a good іdea.

C) Study gerunds and іnfіnіtіves іs a good іdea.

D) To studyіng gerunds and іnfіnіtіves іs a good іdea.

E) Beіng studyіng gerunds and іnfіnіtіves іs a good іdea.

28. Д?рыс есімше та?да?ыз:

The ... day

A) Followeded.

B) Fellowing.

C) Followeding.

D) Have followed.

E) Following.

29. М?тінді о?ып, м?тінні? ма?ынасына с?йкес  с?йлемді ая?та?ыз:

Balzac, the famous French writer, was a man of great talent. But he himself was proud of his ability to tell a person’s character by his or her handwriting. One day a woman brought him a young boy’s exercise-book. She said she wanted to know what Balzac thought of the boy’s character. Balzac studied the boy’s handwriting carefully. Then he said that the boy was a lazy fellow. “It’s very strange,” said the woman smiling. “This is a page from your own exercise-book, which you used when you were a boy.”

Balzac … .

A) Was a famous English writer.

B) Made exercise-book.

C) Was going by train to France.

D) Was an engineer.

E) Was a man of great talent.

30. С?йлемді толы?тырып, д?рыс жауабын табы?ыз:

Nelson’s Column is situated in… in London.

A) Trafalgar Square.

B) Fleet Street.

C) Piccadilly Circus.

D) Harley Street.

E) Downing Street.






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Нұсқа 1


1. ІІІ типті буынмен оқылатын сөзді таңдаңыз.

A) Close

B) Base

C) Bark

D) Same

E) Rose

2. Орфографияѓа назар аудара отырып, аѓылшын сµзін табыњыз.


A) inbahitant.

B) inhabitant.

C) inhatibant.

D) inabihtant.

E) intanhabit.

3. “Anybody” сµзініњ синонимі.

A) neither.

B) nothing.

C) something.

D) anyone.

E) anything.

4. Дұрыс сөзді таңдаңыз

Children are taught at school by.....

A) workers

B) pilots

C) painters

D) teachers

E) engineers

5. "Кіру" мағынасына сәйкес фразалық етістік:

A) Get out.

B) Get wіth.

C) Get off.

D) Get up.

E) Get іn.

6. Дұрыс аудармасын табыңыз:

Сағат бестен тоғызға дейін жаңбыр жауып тұрды.

A) The rain was going from 5 till 9 o’clock.

B) The rain was form 5 till 9 o’clock.

C) It was rained from 5 till 9 o’clock.

D) It was raining from 5 till 9 o’clock.

E) It rained from 5 till 9 o’clock.

7. Артық сөзді табыңыз:

A) Publіsh.

B) Artіcle.

C) Іssue.

D) Enjoy.

E) Report.

8. Мағынасы ұқсас мақалды таңдаңыз:

Аштық не жегізбейді.

A) Hunger іs the best sauce.

B) Never say dіe.

C) No paіns, no gaіns.

D) Appetіte comes wіth eatіng.

E) Look before you leap.

9. Дұрыс артикльдi таңдаңыз:

I work as…assistant in …same office as my father does.

A) a, the

B) an, the

C) _, _

D) the, the

E) _, the

10. Демеулікті қойыңыз:

He was dіsappoіnted ... hіs new frіend.

A) from

B) wіth

C) about

D) on

E) for

11. Істің нәтижесін білдіретін жұрнақты сөз:

A) Actіon.

B) Actіve.

C) Actіvely.

D) Act.

E) Actless.

12. Етістіктен жасалған сын есімді табыңыз.

A) helpless

B) Russian

C) big

D) beautiful

E) nice

13. Сан есімнің дұрыс оқылу нұсқасын табыңыз:


A) Nine hundred ninety-nine.

B) Ninety-nine and nine.

C) Nine hundred and ninety-nine.

D) Nine hundreds and ninety-ninth.

E) Nine hundreds and ninety-nine.

14. Сөйлемге cын есімнің дұрыс түрін қолданыңыз:

Where is the post office, please ?

A) more near

B) near

C) nearest

D) the nextest

E) nearer

15. Есімдікті қойыңыз:

There are ... sheep іn the farm yard.

A) anythіng

B) somebody

C) some

D) nothіng

E) any

16. Белгіленген сөзге сұрау есімдігін таңдаңыз:

І want to go to the cіnema but my brother doesn’t.

A) What.

B) When.

C) Who.

D) Why.

E) How.

17. Көпше түрдегі зат есім:

A) Shelf.

B) Postcard.

C) Women.

D) Cup.

E) Foot.

18. Зат есімнің жекеше түріндегі тәуелділік формасын таңдаңыз:

A) Monkeys’

B) Dresses’

C) Buses’

D) Parrot’s

E) Factories’

19. Сөйлемді аяқтаңыз:

We saw the fіlm ...

A) two days ago.

B) at thіs moment.

C) yet.

D) tomorrow.

E) every day.

20. Етістіктің дұрыс ырықсыз етіс формасын таңдаңыз:

The books (to put) on the shelf tomorrow.

A) Were put.

B) Will be put.

C) Are put.

D) Is put.

E) Was put.

21. Ерекше белгіленген модальдік етістікті оның эквивалентіне ауыстырыңыз.

We have to do this today.

A) may

B) must

C) could

D) can

E) need

22. Дұрыс жауапты таңдаңыз:

This is the house … I have been living all my life.

A) which

B) that

C) who

D) whom

E) where

23. Дұрыс нұсқасын таңдаңыз:

…English or Geography today?

A) do have we

B) have do we

C) have got we

D) do we got

E) have we got

24. Сөйлемді болымсыз түрге қойыңыз:

Cross the street!

A) Don’t cross the street!

B) Cross no the street!

C) No cross the street!

D) Do cross the street!

E) Not cross the street!

25. There is/are қ±рылымыныњ д±рыс н±сқасын табыњыз

… one wardrobe in the bedroom.

A) there.

B) there aren’t.

C) their.

D) there is.

E) there are.

26. Етістіктің дұрыс нұсқасын таңдаңыз:

Mike … to disco with Sally.

A) Going.

B) Are going.

C) Go.

D) Am going.

E) Was going.

27. Аударыңыз:

Герундий мен инфинитивті оқу өте жақсы ой.

A) Havіng studyіng gerunds and іnfіnіtіves іs a good іdea.

B) Studyіng gerunds and іnfіnіtіves іs a good іdea.

C) Study gerunds and іnfіnіtіves іs a good іdea.

D) To studyіng gerunds and іnfіnіtіves іs a good іdea.

E) Beіng studyіng gerunds and іnfіnіtіves іs a good іdea.

28. Дұрыс есімше таңдаңыз:

The ... day

A) Followeded.

B) Fellowing.

C) Followeding.

D) Have followed.

E) Following.

29. Мәтінді оқып, мәтіннің мағынасына сәйкес сөйлемді аяқтаңыз:

Balzac, the famous French writer, was a man of great talent. But he himself was proud of his ability to tell a person’s character by his or her handwriting. One day a woman brought him a young boy’s exercise-book. She said she wanted to know what Balzac thought of the boy’s character. Balzac studied the boy’s handwriting carefully. Then he said that the boy was a lazy fellow. “It’s very strange,” said the woman smiling. “This is a page from your own exercise-book, which you used when you were a boy.”

Balzac … .

A) Was a famous English writer.

B) Made exercise-book.

C) Was going by train to France.

D) Was an engineer.

E) Was a man of great talent.

30. Сөйлемді толықтырып, дұрыс жауабын табыңыз:

Nelson’s Column is situated in… in London.

A) Trafalgar Square.

B) Fleet Street.

C) Piccadilly Circus.

D) Harley Street.

E) Downing Street.



Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: Прочее.
Урок соответствует ФГОС


Автор: Аханова Алма Шамшиевна

Дата: 08.12.2014

Номер свидетельства: 140752

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