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Текст для чтения и/или аудирования The Last Will с тестовыми заданиями. Контроль

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«Текст для чтения и/или аудирования The Last Will с тестовыми заданиями. Контроль»

Текст для чтения и (или) аудирования “The Last Will” с тестовыми заданиями;

(могут быть использованы учителями, работающими по различным УМК как текст для чтения и (или) аудирования, а также для контроля чтения и (или) аудирования.

Автор: Жигло И.В.

Учитель английского языка МАОУ СОШ № 14

станицы Родниковская

Курганинского района

Краснодарского края

Last Will.

Mr. Brown was a very rich and mean man. When he died he had 10 million pounds in the bank. He had only two relatives, his sons Joseph and Oliver who pretended to get this money. They were twins. They were so alike that nobody could tell who was who. Joseph and Oliver left home when they were 20 years old. When the two brothers heard about their father’s death, they went to his house right away. Their father’s lawyer Miss Smith met them. She said; “Come into the library, I must read you your father’s will. Your father made a very short will. It is in three parts. Part one says: I leave all my money to my son Oliver.” The lawyer turned to the twin brothers and asked, “So which one of you is Oliver?” Both of the sons said;“I am. I’m Oliver!”
Miss Smith was angry; “One of you must be a liar”. Then she began reading the second part of the will. It said: “If there is any argument about which son is real Oliver, then I leave all my money to Joseph!” Once again the lawyer asked; “Which one is Joseph?” “I am!” cried the two sons with one voice. The lawyer was very angry. She cried; “But a minute ago you both were Oliver!”You are liars!” Then she began reading the third part of the will. It said;“If both my sons turn out to be liars then I leave all my money to Miss Smith, my faithful lawyer.”
So the twins left the house without a penny. The clever will had shown that both of them were liars. But it was Miss Smith, who tricked them, because Mr. Brown had never made a will!

1.Choose the correct answer to the question.

  1. How much money did Mr. Brown have?

  1. Ten million dollars.

  2. Ten million rubles.

  3. Ten million pounds.

  4. Ten thousand pounds.

  1. Who was very rich and mean?

  1. Oliver.

  2. Joseph.

  3. Mr. Brown.

  4. Miss Smith.

  1. Where did Miss Smith read the will?

  1. In the kitchen.

  2. In the living room.

  3. In the cafe.

  4. In the library.

  1. Who got the money?

  1. Miss Smith.

  2. Oliver.

  3. Nobody.

  4. The twins.

2. Mark the following statements “True” (T) or “False” (F).




Many people pretended to get Mr. Brown’s money.


Both brothers were liars.


Mr. Brown’s will was very clever.


Miss Smith was very smart.

3. Match the words with their descriptions. There is one variant you don’t need to use.


A lawyer


A rich man


A library


A liar


A will


A man who has much money.


A room where the will was read.


A person who reads the will.


A person who is not honest.

4.Complete the sentences with the information from the text.

1. Mr. Brown was___________________________________________________.

2. Joseph and Oliver were ____________________________________________.

3. The clever will had shown_________________________________________.

4. Miss Smith_____________________________________ the twins.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: Прочее.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Текст для чтения и/или аудирования The Last Will с тестовыми заданиями. Контроль

Автор: Жигло Ирина Викторовна

Дата: 23.03.2017

Номер свидетельства: 402758

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