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Тестирование (английский язык) в 7 классе

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Тестирование в 7 классе по английскому языку

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«Тестирование (английский язык) в 7 классе»

Контрольная работа по английскому языку в 7 классе

№1. Прочитайте тексты и соотнесите их с номерами. Один номер лишний.

1. Business News a) Prime Minister N. is going to visit Oslo and Amsterdam on

his way to France. He is planning to spend two days in its

2. Sports News capital and have talks with the President/

3. School News b) At the end of the week we are going to see some rain and

The wind is going to change for north – westerly. The

4. Weather News temperature will go down to zero degrees. It’s not going to

be a good weekend for staying outdoors.

5. World News

c) We are going to have the teacher – and – parent meeting

on March 15 at 6 p. m. We ask parents to go straight to

room 7 on the second floor to meet the Principal who is

going to speak about school discipline.

d) The Friday Match between Manchester and Newcastle

showed again who the best players in the country are.

The match was the hit of the season and a real surprise

for the football lovers.

№ 2. Соотнесите вопросы с ответами.

1. Do you want to buy any a) I think so. Let’s take our umbrellas with us.

plums? b) Tomorrow, I think.

2. Are there any cabbages c) I think, we shall stay at home.

at home? d) No, I don’t. My son doesn’t like them.

3. Is it raining heavily? e) I don’t know. Let’s buy some.

4. What shall we do if f) I don’t know. There are different books here.

it rains?

5. What shall we read?

6. When will you come


№ 3. Выберите правильную форму глагола.

Maria and Jenny don’t know each other. They (plan) trips to London now.

Maria (be) from Italy. She says that if she (come) to London she (see) a lot of places there. She is going (visit) some museums and galleries. If it (not, rain) she (walk) about London streets and gardens.

Jenny (come) from Manchester. She (plan) to visit London next week. She (be) going (do) her Christmas shopping. Jenny (want) to buy presents for her family but she (not, know) if she (buy) presents for all of them.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

Тестирование (английский язык) в 7 классе

Автор: Гаврилина Наталья Анатольевна

Дата: 04.12.2024

Номер свидетельства: 660875

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