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Тест Relative clauses 11 th form

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Данная проверочная работа направлена на контроль сформированности грамматических навыков по теме определительные придаточные предложения. Составлена по модулю 2 к учебнику Spotlight в двух вариантах. Состоит из трех заданий

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«Тест Relative clauses 11 th form»

Relative clauses. Variant 1.

Task 1. Write defining or non-defining, write down the clauses where it is necessary to put commas.

1.I can’t stand magazines that are full of ads. 2. Fashion magazines which are really mostly about shopping usually have the most ads. 3. The celebrities who are always in the gossip magazines don’t really interest me. 4. London which is the capital of England is one of the largest cities in the world. 5. This is the dress my mother has made for me. 6. Queen Elizabeth who is 83 has been the queen of England for 57 years. 7. That’s the dog that bit me. 8. Tom Cruise who has starred a lot of films is a famous American actor.

Task 2. Join the sentences using relative pronouns. Omit the pronoun if possible.

1.The girl is my sister. I’m talking to the girl. 2. That is the swimming pool. I used to go swimming there. 3. That is the man. He married a famous actress. 4. I went to a restaurant last week. It was very expensive.

Task 3. Complete with the right relative pronoun or adverb.

1.Nick is the boy ____ gave me the necklace. 2. Brighton is the place ____I studied. 3. July is the month ___I usually go on holidays. 4. My best friend ____hobby is poetry has just published her first book. 5.Should I ask my university professor___I failed the exam? 6. This is the first time___ that we go paragliding.

Relative clauses. Variant 2.

Task 1. Write defining or non-defining, write down the clauses where it is necessary to put commas.

1.Good theatre actors who never get as famous as movie actors deserve more attention. 2. I really enjoy reading about celebrities and charity work they do. 3. When I buy music magazines I usually buy ones which have a free CD. 4. The village which I visited last summer is remote. 5. Greg who is a doctor has been in nearly in all countries in the world. 6. The office I have just rented is near my house. 7. This is the officer that arrested the burglar. 8. Lady Gaga who is a well-known pop-star is only 32.

Task 2. Join the sentences using relative pronouns. Omit the pronoun if possible.

1.She is married to a man. He is richer than her. 2. She is my friend. She helps me with my homework. 3. A doctor examined me last Friday. He was really kind. 4. I saw a film last night. It was very interesting.

Task 3. Complete with the right relative pronoun or adverb.

1. This is the first time___ that we go paragliding. 2.With ____ are you going to the movies? 3. The laptop ___I bought last week was infected by the virus. 4. I can’t figure out ___ he was so argumentative. 5. Berlin is a city___ I’m going to move. 6. Students ___ behave badly will be punished.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Тест Relative clauses 11 th form

Автор: Черепанова Наталья Евгеньевна

Дата: 09.11.2021

Номер свидетельства: 590847

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