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Тест на понимание текста ( True/False/ not stated) "Yura's holidays" УМК Rainbow English 6 Unit 2

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Тест составлен на основе текста из учебника УМК  Rainbow English 6, часть 1, стр. 60  для учащихся 6 класса. Учащимся предлагается определить правильные или ложные высказывания  приведены в тесте, опираясь на содержание текста

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«Тест на понимание текста ( True/False/ not stated) "Yura's holidays" УМК Rainbow English 6 Unit 2»

6th form. Unit2. Yura’s holidays. True/False/Not stated

  1. Yura liked his summer holidays.

  2. They went to Sochi in June.

  3. They didn’t like the hotel in Sochi.

  4. Yura went fishing with his mother and father.

  5. When they were in Sochi they went fishing every day.

  6. Lena is Yura’s sister.

  7. Lena enjoyed her trip to Yaroslavl.

  8. Yura’s grandparents live in St.P.

  9. Yura and Lena visited the museums in July.

  10. Yura wants to visit the Planetarium again.

  11. In August Yura went to London and Lena stayed at home.

  12. Yura doesn’t want to go back to school.

6th form. Unit2. Yura’s holidays. True/False/Not stated

  1. Yura liked his summer holidays.

  2. They went to Sochi in June.

  3. They didn’t like the hotel in Sochi.

  4. Yura went fishing with his mother and father.

  5. When they were in Sochi they went fishing every day.

  6. Lena is Yura’s sister.

  7. Lena enjoyed her trip to Yaroslavl.

  8. Yura’s grandparents live in St.P.

  9. Yura and Lena visited the museums in July.

  10. Yura wants to visit the Planetarium again.

  11. In August Yura went to London and Lena stayed at home.

  12. Yura doesn’t want to go back to school.

6th form. Unit2. Yura’s holidays. True/False/Not stated

  1. Yura liked his summer holidays.

  2. They went to Sochi in June.

  3. They didn’t like the hotel in Sochi.

  4. Yura went fishing with his mother and father.

  5. When they were in Sochi they went fishing every day.

  6. Lena is Yura’s sister.

  7. Lena enjoyed her trip to Yaroslavl.

  8. Yura’s grandparents live in St.P.

  9. Yura and Lena visited the museums in July.

  10. Yura wants to visit the Planetarium again.

  11. In August Yura went to London and Lena stayed at home.

  12. Yura doesn’t want to go back to school.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Тест на понимание текста ( True/False/ not stated) "Yura's holidays" УМК Rainbow English 6 Unit 2

Автор: Черепанова Наталья Евгеньевна

Дата: 21.10.2020

Номер свидетельства: 560828

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