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Test "Kazakhstan is my motherland"

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                                        Test   “Kazakhstan is my motherland”           (10 form)

Answer the questions.

1. What is the largest city of Kazakhstan?

The largest city of Kazakhstan is ………… .( Almaty)

2. Almaty was the capital of Kazakhstan until December 1997. Then the capital was moved to ……:

a)  Atyrau            b) Karaganda                c)Akmola

3. Akmola was renamed Astana in ……….:

a) March 1998              b) May 1998                c) May 1997

4. “Astana” is the Kazakh word for:

a) population                b) republic                     c) capital

5. Kazakhstan was established as the Republic of  Kazakhstan in …….:

a) December 1991        b) December 1997         c) November 1993

6. What river flows through the western portion of Kazakhstan to the Caspian Sea? (The Ural River)

7. What is the official language in Kazakhstan?

The official language in Kazakhstan is ……. (Kazakh).

8. Name the lakes of Kazakhstan.

(Balkhash, Alakol, Tengiz, Zaisan)

9. The rivers Syrdaria, Ural, Ishim, Tobol, Ertis, Ili and Charin are known as :

a) “the home of fish”              b) “the places of interest” 

с) “the land of seven rivers”

10. Kokshetau is famous for :

a) pine forests                    b) salt deserts            c) rice


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«test "Kazakhstan is my motherland"»

Test “Kazakhstan is my motherland” (10 grade)

Answer the questions.

1. What is the largest city of Kazakhstan?

The largest city of Kazakhstan is ………… .( Almaty)

2. Almaty was the capital of Kazakhstan until December 1997. Then the capital was moved to ……:

a) Atyrau b) Karaganda c)Akmola

3. Akmola was renamed Astana in ……….:

a) March 1998 b) May 1998 c) May 1997

4. “Astana” is the Kazakh word for:

a) population b) republic c) capital

5. Kazakhstan was established as the Republic of Kazakhstan in ……..:

a) December 1991 b) December 1997 c) November 1993

6. What river flows through the western portion of Kazakhstan to the Caspian Sea? (The Ural River)

7. What is the official language in Kazakhstan?

The official language in Kazakhstan is …….. (Kazakh).

8. Name the lakes of Kazakhstan.

(Balkhash, Alakol, Tengiz, Zaisan)

9. The rivers Syrdaria, Ural, Ishim, Tobol, Ertis, Ili and Charin are known as :

a) “the home of fish” b) “the places of interest”

с) “the land of seven rivers”

10. Kokshetau is famous for :

a) pine forests b) salt deserts c) rice

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

test "Kazakhstan is my motherland"

Автор: Есетова Маншук Сеилхановна

Дата: 18.11.2015

Номер свидетельства: 255203

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