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Страноведческий тест по теме "Соединенные Штаты Америки"

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Страноведческий тест по обобщению темы "Соединенные Штаты Америки" подойдет для обучающихся 7, 8 классов. в нем подготовлены вопросы по истории и символам США, а так же по основным достопримечательностям столицы и крупных городов Америки

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«Страноведческий тест по теме "Соединенные Штаты Америки"»

Test “Visiting the USA” 8 класс

  1. The USA is often called _____.

a) the Wild West b) the New World c) the Home of Traditions

  1. The capital of America is ________.

a) New York b) Chicago c) Washington D.C.

3. _____ is the biggest state of the USA.

a) Hawaii b) Alaska c) Texas

4. There are _______ states in America.

a) fifteen b) fifty c) thirty

5. There are no skyscrapers in the city of ____.

a) Chicago b) Washington D.C. c) New York

6. California is the US _____.

a) state b) city c) river

7. People call this city “the Big Apple”

a) Hollywood b) Washington D.C. c) New York

8. Washington D.C. stands on the banks of river ____.

a) Colorado b) Potomac c) Mississippi

9. The lowest place in America is ______.

a) Death Valley b) Grand Canyon c) the Rocky Mountains

10. Canada borders on the USA in the______.

a) west b) south c) north

11. The USA doesn’t have a border with _____.

a) China b) Mexico c) Canada

12. The Superior, the Huron, the Michigan, the Erie, the Ontario are___ of the USA.

a) lakes b) states c) cities

13. The national symbol that has arrows and olive branch is ____.

a) flag b) anthem c) emblem

14. The Capitol is the seat of American ____.

a) Congress b) President c) Library

15. The first president of the USA was ____.

a) George Washington b) Abraham Lincoln c) Barak Obama

16. ____ is the official residence of American President.

a) the Capitol b) the White House c) District of Columbia

Test “Visiting the USA” 8 класс

  1. The USA is often called _____.

a) the Wild West b) the New World c) the Home of Traditions

  1. The capital of America is ________.

a) New York b) Chicago c) Washington D.C.

3. _____ is the biggest state of the USA.

a) Hawaii b) Alaska c) Texas

4. There are _______ states in America.

a) fifteen b) fifty c) thirty

5. There are no skyscrapers in the city of ____.

a) Chicago b) Washington D.C. c) New York

6. California is the US _____.

a) state b) city c) river

7. People call this city “the Big Apple”

a) Hollywood b) Washington D.C. c) New York

8. Washington D.C. stands on the banks of river ____.

a) Colorado b) Potomac c) Mississippi

9. The lowest place in America is ______.

a) Death Valley b) Grand Canyon c) the Rocky Mountains

10. Canada borders on the USA in the______.

a) west b) south c) north

11. The USA doesn’t have a border with _____.

a) China b) Mexico c) Canada

12. The Superior, the Huron, the Michigan, the Erie, the Ontario are___ of the USA.

a) lakes b) states c) cities

13. The national symbol that has arrows and olive branch is ____.

a) flag b) anthem c) emblem

14. The Capitol is the seat of American ____.

a) Congress b) President c) Library

15. The first president of the USA was ____.

a) George Washington b) Abraham Lincoln c) Barak Obama

16. ____ is the official residence of American President.

a) the Capitol b) the White House c) District of Columbia

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

Страноведческий тест по теме "Соединенные Штаты Америки"

Автор: Хоменко Анна Николаевна

Дата: 30.10.2018

Номер свидетельства: 482784

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