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Самостоятельная работа по теме «Some,any,no»

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Самостоятельная работа по теме «Some,any,no»

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«Самостоятельная работа по теме «Some,any,no»»

Самостоятельная работа по теме «Some,any,no»

1.Вставьте some, any,  или оставьте пропуски незаполненными, смотря по смыслу.

1.There are ... buses today and I can’t go shop­ping. 2. There is ... caviare in the can. I love it. Would you like ... ?3. Please don’t offer her ... chips. She doesn’t want ... . 4. Can I have ... milk in my tea? I don’t like it black. 5. There is ... ink in my pen. 6. Is there ... snow in the street this morn­ing? 7. My mother likes ... music. 8. Are there ... chess players here? 9. There are ... diagrams in the new book. 10. Are there ... newspapers on the ta­ble? 11. Was there ... water in the glass or ... milk? 12. There was ... soap in the soap dish; he used it to wash his hands. 13. There was ... soap in the box: it smells of ... soap. 14. There is ... tea for you on the table. 15. Do you like ... apples? 16. Were there ... of our boys at the stadium? 17. There were ... students of our group at the Opera House yester­day. 18. Will there be ... concerts at the club next month? 19. There were ... yellow and green pencils on the table. 20. People need ... oxygen for breathing. 21. Are there ... mistakes in my dictation? — Yes, there are ... . 22. My brother doesn’t like ... onions.  


2.Вставьте some, any, nо,every

. I’ve met ______ people, but I don’t have ______ real friends.2. ‘Is there ______ petrol in the tank?’ ‘Yes, there must be ______ left.’3. I’m sorry but there are ______ cookies left.4. Have you ______ idea what time it is?5. She had ______ games, but she didn’t have ______ computer games.6. ‘Have you got ______ matches?’ ‘Yes, I think I’ve got ______ in my pocket.’7. I can’t talk to you now. I’ve got ______ time.8. Could you give me ______ examples?9. I see him at work almost ______ day.10. Everything was correct. There were ______ mistakes.11. We get ______ letters from her month.12. There weren’t ______ potatoes left.13. There were ______ tomatoes left.14. Would you like ______ milk?15. I’d like to ask you for ______ advice.16. Her car wasn’t ______ better than ours.17. ______ of the information has already been used.18. ______ country has a national flag.19. It hasn’t made ______ difference.20. ______ child can learn to read and write.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Самостоятельная работа по теме «Some,any,no»

Автор: Попова Ирина Станиславовна

Дата: 07.06.2017

Номер свидетельства: 420947

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