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Questionare: "What do we know about Halloween?"

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Questionare "Whar do we know about Halloween?". The work can be used for students to revise information about the holiday. Test consists of 9 questions.There is a choice of answers for each question thats why there wont be difficulties in solving the tasks. It is suitable for the 7th and 8th forms. We wish you good luck in doing the test!

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«Questionare: "What do we know about Halloween?"»

Let's celebrate Halloween together

Everybody likes to tell scary stories and watch horror films, that’s why Halloween is one of the most interesting holidays which is celebrated by adults and children. On this day, we can arrange a funny “horror” party. In addition, what do you know about Halloween?

Goals: expanding knowledge about language-learning country.


-To introduce interest to traditions and culture of English speaking countries

- To intensify available knowledge about the holiday

Hypothesis: Halloween is one of the most unusual and funny holidays which is becoming more and more popular in Russia



-all available sources


  1. Remember what you know about Halloween. Learn more about this holiday with the help of the Internet or other sources

  2. Prepare photos and pictures of this holiday

  3. Answer the questions in questionnaire

  4. Follow the discussion of the project


  1. When is Halloween celebrated?

  • October 31

  • The night from October 31 to November 1

  • November 1

  1. How do you call Halloween in other way?

  • Night of a vicious pumpkin

  • Night of forest spirits

  • Night of flying apples

  • Night of magic

  1. What is a symbol of Halloween?

  • Pumpkin

  • Wreaths

  • Black cat

  • Hollowed squash

  1. It was believed that the souls of the dead dwelt in…

  • Plants

  • Animals

  • Birds

  • Fish

  1. What should we do in order to be protected from the Evil Spirit on this day?

  • Turn on a flashlight

  • To spit through the left shoulder

  • To whisper incantation

  • To wear masks

  1. It is not accepted on this day:

  • To be offended

  • To quarrel

  • To laugh

  • To cry

  1. Girls told fortunes at Halloween. What was a bad prediction?

  • A poured water

  • A broken glass

  • A fallen candlestick

  • A fallen chair

  1. At Halloween children knock the doors and shout:”Treat or trick”. After this phrase the hosts sjould give children:

  • Sweets

  • Money

  • Clothes

  • Spoilage

  1. How do you celebrate Halloween? Put a photo, picture with costumes, symbols, attributes etc. of this holiday.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

Questionare: "What do we know about Halloween?"

Автор: Степанова Софья

Дата: 18.11.2015

Номер свидетельства: 255037

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