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Проверочная работа для 7 класса (Unit 3) по УМК "Rainbow English" (О.В. Афанасьева)

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Проверочная работа состоит из 6 заданий (аудирование (из учебника), чтение (из учебника), грамматика, лексика, страноведческие знания). За каждое задание указан получаемый балл.

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«Проверочная работа для 7 класса (Unit 3) по УМК "Rainbow English" (О.В. Афанасьева)»

Progress Check Unit 3 Form 7

  1. Listening. Listen to the text about the Grand Canyon and complete the sentences. 4 points

  1. The country where the Grand Canyon is situated is …

  1. Dry and empty

  2. Green and grassy

  3. Wet and rainy

  1. The two sides of the Grand Canyon look …

  1. The same

  2. Nearly the same

  3. Different

  1. In winter there is …

  1. A lot of snow in the Grand Canyon

  2. Snow in some places of the Grand Canyon

  3. No snow in the Grand Canyon

  1. The north side of the Canyon is …

  1. As quiet as the south side

  2. Quieter than the south side

  3. Busier than the south side

  1. Read the text and match its four parts with their names. 4 points

  1. The Nation “Living” Outdoors

  2. Australian Holidays

  3. Two cultures together

  4. The old custom on the New Continent

  5. What they do to keep it

  1. Grammar and Vocabulary. 12 points

  1. Choose the right verb forms to complete the sentences.

  1. She (to read) the story yet.

  2. They (to write) some texts lately.

  3. The day before yesterday we (to visit) the Niagara Falls.

  4. Sasha just (to drive) from Baikal.

  5. Alena (to do) homework just now.

  6. We (to learn) some rules about Present Perfect Tense the other day.

  1. Use the definite article with the geographical names where necessary.14 points

t h e Appalachian Mountains

1. ___Potomac River

2. ____Melbourne

3. ____Grand Canyon

4. ____Hawaii

5. ____Sahara Desert

6. ____Rockies

7. ____Colorado River

8. _____Lake Badwater

9. _____Alaska

10. _____Uluru Rock

11. _____USA

12. ____Australia

13. _____Death Valley

14. _____Atlantic Ocean

  1. Complete the sentences as in the example. 8 points

Most of the Americans live in America and speak English.

  1. Most of ________ live in Germany and speak _______________.

  2. Most of _____________live in England and speak ____________.

  3. Most of ___________ live in ________ and speak Japanese.

  4. Most of ______________live in Russia and speak __________.

  1. Answer the questions. 8 points

  1. What is the capital of the USA? Australia?

  2. Who were the first people to live on the continent Australia?

  3. What countries does the USA border on?

  4. What is the largest river in the USA?

  5. Can you name two places of interest in Washington, D.C.?

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

Проверочная работа для 7 класса (Unit 3) по УМК "Rainbow English" (О.В. Афанасьева)

Автор: Хасанова Василя Вакильевна

Дата: 27.02.2017

Номер свидетельства: 396075

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