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Проверочная работа "Герундий"

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Проверочная работа "Герундий" включает в себя подборку наиболее распространенных глаголов, после которых следует герундий, упражнения на подстановку подходящего по смыслу глагола, составление предложений из двух частей, использование определенных предлогов перед герундием, соотненсение слов и дефиниций по теме "Science and Technology". Мной работа была использована к УМК "Rainbow English" 9 кл.

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«Проверочная работа "Герундий"»

Глаголы, используемые перед Герундием

Зачастую в английских предложениях можно увидеть два глагола «работающих» вместе. После следующих глаголов можно использовать Герундий:

enjoy stop keep feel like imagine mind practice

suggest recommend finish go* avoid miss have trouble

think about consider talk about discuss remember take up give up

be worried about be excited about be angry about be happy about

These words can be followed by gerunds or infinitives and retain the same meaning....

like love dislike hate continue try prefer start begin

Переведите глаголы в таблице, затем выполните задания.

Let's look at some examples, and note the changes in tense....(свои примеры с глаголами из рамочки)

I don't mind washing dishes. Let's practice speaking English. The cat loves sleeping on my bed.

Make some sentences with your own ideas. Try to use different tenses too!




Use the verbs in the box to complete these sentences as many ways as you can. Try to use

the verbs that work best. Try to use different tenses.

1 Joe is _________ being fired. 5 I _________ taking a trip to Europe.

2 Everybody _________ taking tests in math class. 6 Has Mom _________ making dinner yet?

3 I am _________ leaving this job. 7 Do you _________ turning down the music?

4 When we _________ fishing, we _________ catching many fish right away.

Match the parts of the sentences.... (стрелками или буквами/цифрами)

1 Mom tried.... taking this medicine twice a day.

2 Nancy is excited about.... wearing jeans at the office.

3 The doctor recommended.... talking to the kids, but they won't listen.

4 The hikers began.... selling our house next year.

5 We are thinking about.... going out with her new boyfriend.

6 The boss says we must stop.... trekking up the mountain at sunrise.

7 My kids love.... ….smoking.

8 I'm lazy, so I don't like.... ….having our breakfast in the garden.

9 Dad finally stopped.... ….watching cartoons.

10 Bob and Tina started.... ….waking up very early.

11 We enjoyed.... ….meeting her new boss.

12 Marie is excited about... ….painting their whole apartment.

(А теперь вспомним предлоги) Fill the gap with the correct prepositions

1) My friend is good ............ playing volleyball.

2) She complains .................. bullying.

3) They are afraid ................. losing the match.

4) She doesn't feel .................... working on the computer.

5) We are looking forward ................ going out at the weekend.

6) Laura dreams ................. living on a small island.

7) Andrew apologized ....................... being late.

8) Do you agree ....................... staying in a foreign country?

9) The girls insisted ....................... going out with Kerry.

10) Edward always thinks ................... climbing trees.

(Не забывайте про науку и технику!)

Match each word with its definition.

1-high-tech -idea that tries to explain something.

2-gadget /device -show how something works.

3-online -events that are hard to explain.

4-laser -using the most modern technology.

5-demonstrate -a person who studies a subject in detail.

6-phenomena -a small tool or machine that helps you do something.

7-researcher -connected to the Internet.

8-theory -equipment that produces a powerful beam of light.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс

Проверочная работа "Герундий"

Автор: Лебедева Светлана Вячеславовна

Дата: 19.03.2016

Номер свидетельства: 307744

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