Variant 1
I. Open the brackets. One verb should be used in the Past Simple, the other - with used to.
1. I (like) apple juice but then I (have) an allergy on it.
2. They (study) German but then they (move) to Spain.
3. We (spend time) together but then Tom (move) to another city.
4. Steve (not read) this book but then he (read) it.
5. Tim (go) to work by bus but then he (buy) his own car.
6. Lena and Nina (be) friends but then they (quarrel).
7. Mary (hate) rap but then she (like) it.
8. Peter (be) lazy but then he (become) hardworking.
9. She (like) Martin but then she (meet) Mike.
10. My friend (think) that he was the best in Maths but then Linda (come) to our class.
II. Make up sentences with used to:
1. I liked drawing in childhood.
2. Misha played basketball at school.
3. Children liked to play in the yard.
4. Zina did her homework for a long time.
5. She was plump when she was small.
6. Tina liked chocolate.
7. He composed music in his youth.
8. Denis was very naughty.
9. We liked to walk to the lake.
10. Alex dreamed of becoming a doctor.
III. Translate:
1. Он не любил петь в детстве.
2. Маша не мыла посуду в детстве.
3. Paньшe я cmoтpeл мультфильмы.
4. Oн бегал пo yтpam.
5. Paньшe oни нe игpaли вmecтe.
Variant 2
I. Open the brackets. One verb should be used in the Past Simple, the other - with used to.
1. He (dislike) her character but then they (fall) in love.
2. Mike (hate) Tom but then they (become) friends.
3. Lena (love) Steve but then they (quarrel).
4. Vera (dance) badly but then she (become) a good dancer.
5. His dog (like) sausage but then it (taste) dog’s food.
6. Her sister (be) short but then she (become) tall.
7. Steve (not sleep) at night a lot but then he (change) his job.
8. Olga (argue) with her mum but then she (move) to another city.
9. Mrs. Black (think) that Helen was a bad in foreign languages but then she (take part) in the Olympiad in English.
10. He (cry) at me but then I (go) away.
II. Make up sentences with used to:
1. They liked to watch TV at night.
2. We often watched horror films.
3. Sue ate a lot of junk food.
4. Misha wanted to buy a new house.
5. They were best friends.
6. We never argued with my best friend.
7. Children fed ducks every weekend.
8. Zina always thought that she was the best student.
9. He wanted to travel to all European countries.
10. Mark planned to get a tattoo in his youth.
III. Translate:
1. Paньшe Cepгeй был ленивым.
2. Paньшe я ymeл кататься на коньках.
3. Paньшe я носила шopты.
4. Он много путешествовал в юности.
5. Она не готовила, когда жила с родителями.