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Промежуточная тестовая работа для 9 класса по УМК Комаровой Ю. А.

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Лексико-грамматический тест для проведения промежуточной аттестации по учебнику Комаровой Ю. А. для девятых классов

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«Промежуточная тестовая работа для 9 класса по УМК Комаровой Ю. А.»

Промежуточная аттестация 9 класс

1 Circle the correct possessive adjective.

  1. I am English but my / your / her father was born in the USA.

  2. He lives at home with his / her / their parents.

  3. His / Her / Our husband is a lawyer.

  4. Is this your / his / her dictionary, Peter?

  5. We are happy with their / his / our teacher.

2 Circle the correct alternatives.

  1. Most people have friends who / which like the same kind of music.

  2. I don't like clothes who / which are not comfortable.

  3. New York was the city which / where rap music started.

  4. There are a lot of places in our city where / who you can dance.

  5. Chicken Run is a film who / which is based on The Great Escape.

  6. I know a lot of people who / which like pop music.

3 Circle the correct alternatives.

  1. You wear earrings / sunglasses on a sunny day.

  2. She's wearing a flowery silk bag / scarf.

  3. Please make / take care when you cross the road.

  4. The English always say / make 'please' and 'thank you'.

  5. An autobiography / film script is a book in which someone writes about their own life.

  6. A fantasy / legend is a traditional story, similar to a myth.

  7. You shrug / shake your head to say 'no'.

  8. People usually smile / frown when someone takes their photograph.

  9. The American word for holiday is elevator / vacation.

  10. The British word for mall is city centre / shopping centre.

4 Complete the sentences with will or would.

  1. You ……. save a lot of electricity if you turned off all the lights.

  2. ……… you visit me if I was in hospital?

  3. If we decide to go to the cinema, I ……… call you.

  4. We ……….. be very happy if we pass the exam.

  5. If I see Maria, I ………. tell her the news.

  6. What ………. you do if you lost all your money?

  7. If the car broke down, you ………. be cross.

  8. If we miss the train, we ………. catch the bus.

  9. ………. you play football if it's raining?

  10. If I'm late, I ……… call you and let you know.

5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of be going to.

  1. She ………… do her homework.

  2. It ………… rain this afternoon

  3. The teacher ……….. correct our tests.

  4. We ……….. walk to school.

  5. My parents ……….. buy a new car.

6 Complete the story with the verbs in brackets. Use the present perfect or past simple.

Charlie Watson is 80 years old. He has a wife, six children and twelve grandchildren. He (a )…………. (live) in the same house in a small village in Wales since he (b) ………….(be) a baby. He (c) ……………… (buy) a lottery ticket every week for the last 20 years and he (d) ……………….. (use) the same lucky numbers every week for 20 years, too. Then last week he (e) ……………….. (decide) to buy an extra ticket with a different set of numbers. He (f) ……………. (win) the jackpot - a prize of more than £4 million! He (g) …………………. (take) his whole family on holiday to Australia. His grandchildren wanted to see a kangaroo. He said, 'This (h) ………………… (be) the best year of my life'.

7 Read the text and answer the questions.

Sir Ranulph Fiennes is a British explorer, who was born in 1944. He was the first person to visit both the North and South Poles. One summer's day in 2003, he was sitting in a plane at Bristol Airport when he suffered a heart attack. He was taken to a local hospital where a team of doctors saved his life. Just four months later, Fiennes ran seven marathons in seven days on seven different continents. He ran the marathons (a distance of 42 km each) to raise money for charity. He ran with a friend and they completed the marathons in Patagonia (South America), the Falkland Islands (Antarctica), Sydney (Australia), Singapore (Asia), London (Europe), Cairo (Africa) and New York (North America). They slept on the plane, ate bananas and drank milk to give them energy. Fiennes had some difficult moments. He almost stopped during the Singapore marathon. It was very hot and when he reached the end he thought that he couldn't run another one. But after he had eaten some food and had a short rest, he changed his mind. When people run a marathon, they usually have very tired legs the next day but Fiennes could still run and walk after seven marathons - incredible! Although he is afraid of heights, in 2007 he climbed the north face of the Eiger, a terrifying climb even for experienced mountain climbers. Finally, in 2009, he reached the top of Mount Everest.

  1. What happened to Ranulph Fiennes in the summer of 2003?

  2. What did he do just four months later?

  3. Where did he nearly stop?

  4. What did he eat and drink for energy?

  5. What did he do in 2007?

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс

Промежуточная тестовая работа для 9 класса по УМК Комаровой Ю. А.

Автор: Шестакова Наталья Игоревна

Дата: 03.05.2024

Номер свидетельства: 649914

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