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Открытый урок по английскому языку на тему "The Adverb"

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«Открытый урок по английскому языку на тему "The Adverb"»

Subject: English

Grade: 4

The theme: The Adverb

The aims:

  1. educational: to introduce the pupils with new

grammar and with new words

and to teach them how to use them in

their own sentences. To teach them

how to work with visual aids.

B) developing: to develop them to speaking, reading,

writing and auding abilities. To teach

them to polylanguages.

C) cultural: to educate the pupils to respect their

classmates, to be a honesty, to teach

them to speaking etiquette.

The type of the lesson: Mixed lesson

The kind of the lesson: Practical

Teaching technology: Teaching by developing technology

Teaching methods: vocabulary method, method of

explanation, question- response, bring


Visual aids: posters, book, pictures

Literatures: I. N. Vereshchagina “English III”

The plan of the lesson

I. Organization moment

1.1. Greeting

1.2. Checking up the home task

II. Explanation of the new lesson ( material )

2.1. New words

2.2. The Adverb

III. Doing exercises

3.1. ex 1 on p 248

3.2. ex 2 on p 248

3.3. ex 3 on p 248

3.4. ex 4 on p 249

3.5. ex 5 on p 249

IV. Concluding the lesson

V. Giving the home task

5.1. ex 11 on p 252

VI. Putting marks

The outline of the lesson

I. Organization moment

1.1. Greeting

Teacher: - Good morning pupils

Pupils: - Good morning

Good morning

Good morning to you

Good morning our teacher

We are glad to see you

Teacher: - OK, sit down. Who is on duty today?

Pupil 1 : - I am on duty today

Teacher: - Who is absent?

Pupil 1 : - All are present

1.2. Checking up the home task

a) ex 13,14 on p 242

II. Explanation of the new lesson (material)

2.1. New words

well [kout] жақсы

slowly [ǝn ouvǝkout] жайырақ

quickly [reɪnkout] тезірек

day off [taɪts] демалыс

end [hu] соңы

weekend [wen] апта соңы

2.2. The Adverb

Bad – badly

Slow – slowly

Quick – quickly

Dear – dearly

Good - well

III. Doing exercise

ex 1 on p 248

Learn to pronounce and use the new words

ex 2 on p 248

Learn to read the words and sentences: first read them yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can

Working with text – good reading and translation work

ex 3 on p 248

Read and compare

She is a slow readerShe reads slowly

He is a quick runnerHe runs quickly

She is a bad cook – She cook badly

He is a good footballer – He plays football well

ex 4 on p 249

Read and say:

- who is the best at English

- who is the worst at English

- who is the best tennis-player

- who is the worst footballer

ex 5 on p 249

Read and learn the proverb. Give the Russian equivalent

If you cannot have the best, make the best of what you have.

IV. Concluding the lesson

-What is adverb ?

-What new words do you know?

V. Giving the home task

ex 11 on p 152

Your Mother is going to buy a new clothes. She’ll make a list of them. What will she write in the list?

VI. Putting the marks

Pupils your marks for today ………

The lesson is over. Good bye!

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 4 класс

Открытый урок по английскому языку на тему "The Adverb"

Автор: Салибекова Огулжан Сулаймановна

Дата: 22.05.2017

Номер свидетельства: 417498

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