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«Олимпиада по английскому языку для 3 класса»
Задание 1 Посмотри и прочитай. Напиши yes /no.
1 The boat is green and red.
2 A boy is swimming in the water.
3 The woman is wearing a jacket.
4 A man is sleeping under a tree.
5 The woman is reading a book.
Задание 2. Выбериподходящееслово.
I live in the 1) _____ with my family and friends. I play with them a lot. In the morning I eat a 2) _____. It’s my favourite food. I’m small but I’ve got a long 3) ____. I can run, jump and climb trees. I can’t read a 4) ___ and I don’t go to 5) ____. What am I? I’m a monkey.
banana trees book bike school tail
Задание 3 Напишипо-английскикемтебеприходится:
дочь твоей бабушки
брат твоей мамы
папа твоего папы
мама твоей мамы
дочь твоего папы
Задание 4Составь и напиши предложения.
uncle John / books / read / likes to
mountains / I / ski / can / in the / in winter
drawing / is / a robot / the boy
is / rabbit / the table / under / Fred’s
friend / your /from / is / where /
Задание 5Выбери правильный вариант.
____ washing the car?
Are you b) You are c) They are
2. ____ plays computer games every day.
a) I b) My friend c) Boys and girls
3. -____ are the children? – At school.
a) Who b) Where c) What
4. Whose pen is it?
a) my mum b) my sister’s c) Ben
5. These are my friends and those are ____ pets.
a) their b) your c) our
1. Укажитеневерныйвариант:
А. She always phones her mum in the evenings.
Б. It snows hard here in winter.
В. The underground isn’t working at the moment.
Г. The trains and buses isn’t running.
2. Укажитеверныйвариант: There are three men ____the boat.
А. in
Б. at
В. on
Г. to
3. Посмотрите на картинку и укажите верный вариант: What is she?
А. A teacher
Б. A hairdresser
В. A dancer
Г. A driver
4. Укажитеверныйвариант: We always __pizza on Friday evenings.
А. have
Б. has
В. having
Г. is having
5. Посмотрите на картинку и соотнесите вид транспорта – water buses – с местом:
А. New York
Б. Tokyo
В. Venice
Г. Amsterdam
6. Укажитеверныйвариант: I don’t drink ___tea very often.
А. the
Б. a
В. an
Г. 0
7. Укажитеверныйвариант: Which of the types of film can be funny?
А. a thriller
Б. a comedy
В. a horror
Г. a documentary
8. Укажите верный вариант: Where is El Dorado?
A. In Africa
Б. In Australia
В. In South America
Г. Nowhere
9. Укажитеверныйвариант: Which sea is actually the world’s largest lake?
А. The Black Sea
Б. The Caspian Sea
В. The Tasman Sea
Г. The Red Sea
10. Укажитеверныйвариант: ____you listening to the news?
А. Do
Б. Does
В. Are
Г. Is
11. Укажите слово, которое может употребляться с прилагательным ‘high’:
А. lake
Б. desert
В. field
Г. hill
12. Укажитеверныйвариант: Pandas’ favourite food is ________.
А. rice
Б. bamboo
В. meat
Г. milk
13. Укажитеверныйвариант: Are Tommy and Bob friends? – Yes, _____.
А. they do.
Б. they don’t
В. they are
Г. they aren’t
14. Найдитеошибку: Hello everyone, these is Sue Gordon once again. How are things with you?
А. everyone
Б. these
В. once
Г. with
15. Укажите верный вариант: Look! The man ________your bicycle!
А. take
Б. takes
В. is taking
Г. taking
Укажите, в каких из следующих пар подчеркнутые буквы будут читаться одинаково (давать один и тот же звук): (5 points).