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Дидактический материал факультативного занятия по английскому языку для учащихся 3 класса

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Дидактический материал факультативного занятия по английскому языку для учащихся 3 класса

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«Дидактический материал факультативного занятия по английскому языку для учащихся 3 класса»

Задание по факультативу английского языка – 3 класс

Very Tall Mouse and Very Short Mouse

bug – жучок

(to) pass – проходить (мимо)

root – корень

roof – крыша

cellar – подвал

were caught – были пойманы

drop – капля

puddle – лужа

(to) get dry – сохнуть

ceiling – потолок

floor – пол

(to) hold up – поддерживать

rainbow - радуга

both - оба

Once there was а very tall mouse and а very short mouse who were good friends.

When they met, Very Tall Mouse said, “Hello, Very Short Mouse.” And Very Short Mouse said, “Hello, Very Tall Mouse.”

The two friends went for а walk together. When they walked, Very Tall Mouse said, “Hello, birds!” And Very Short Mouse said, “Hello, bugs!”

When they passed by а garden, Very Tall Mouse said, “Hello, flowers.” And Very Short Mouse said, “Hello, roots.”

When they passed by а house, Very Tall Mouse said, “Hello, roof.” And Very Short Mouse said, “Hello, cellar.”

One day the two mice were caught in а rain. Very Tall Mouse said, “Hello, raindrops.” And Very Short Mouse said, “Hello, puddles.”

They ran home to get dry. “Hello, ceiling,” said Very Tall Mouse “Hello floor, ” said Very Short Mouse.

Soon the rain was over. The two friends ran to the window. Very Tall Mouse held Very Short Mouse up to see. “Hello, rainbow,” they both said together and smiled. Very Tall Mouse and Very Short Mouse are very good friends!

  1. Answer the questions:

  1. Are the mice good friends?

  2. How did the mice call each other?

  3. Did they go for a walk together?

  4. Who said “Hello, birds”?

  5. Who said “Hello, roots”?

  6. Who said “Hello, flowers”?

  7. Who said “Hello, raindrops”?

  8. Who said “Hello, puddles”?

  9. Who said “Hello, rainbow ”?

  10. Did the mice smile?

  1. Are these words in the text (Есть ли эти слова в тексте)?

A mouse, a cat, tall, long, short, little, hello, good-bye, to walk, to pass, to say, to cry, to fly, to hold up, birds, bugs, flowers, trees, bushes, roof, cellar, window, rain, snow, lake, river, puddles, swimming-pool, raindrops, snowballs, ceiling, floor, door, together, smile, rainbow, good friends.

  1. Find in the text (Найди в тексте):

  1. «Привет, Очень Высокая Мышь!»

  2. «Привет, жучки!»

  3. «Привет, корни!»

  4. «Привет, лужи!»

  5. «Привет, потолок!»

  1. True or False? (Правда или Неправда)

  1. The mice never say “hello” to each other.

  2. The mice go for a walk together.

  3. Very Tall Mouse said, “Hello, puddles.”

  4. One day the two mice were caught in а rain.

  5. The mice look at the rainbow together.

  1. Choose the correct variant (Выбери правильный вариант):

  1. The two friends went for а … together.

  1. work B) walk C) wolk

  1. They … by а garden.

  1. pased B) pessed C) passed

  1. One day the two mice were caught in а … .

  1. snow B) rain C) storm

  1. “Hello, …, ” they both said together and smiled.

A) rainfall B) raindrop C) rainbow

  1. Very Tall Mouse and Very Short Mouse are very … friends!

  1. nice B) best C) good

  1. Connect the beginning with the end (Соедини начало и конец предложений):

1) The mice A) to the window.

2) Very Tall Mouse said, B) were very good friends.

3) “Hello floor,” C) said Very Short Mouse.

4) The two friends ran D) was over.

5) Soon the rain E) “Hello, Very Short Mouse.”

  1. Find words in a chain (Найди слова в цепочке):


  1. Write correct words (Запиши слова правильно):

usome, foro, gbu, rewfol, ilsem, bworian, dergan, lkaw, swon, usohe

  1. Translate into Russian (Переведи на русский):

A black bug, a long root, a red roof, a high ceiling, a big puddle.

  1. Translate (Переведи):

Две мышки были друзьями. Они жили в одном доме. Их дом был маленький. Там было две кровати, одно очень маленькое окно и одна маленькая дверь. Каждый день мышки ходили гулять вместе. Они были очень хорошими друзьями.


  1. Answer the questions:

  1. Yes, they are.

  2. Very Tall Mouse and Very Short Mouse

  3. Yes, they did.

  4. Very Tall Mouse

  5. Very Short Mouse

  6. Very Tall Mouse

  7. Very Tall Mouse

  8. Very Short Mouse

  9. Very Tall Mouse and Very Short Mouse

  10. Yes, they did

  1. Are these words in the text (Есть ли эти слова в тексте)?

A mouse, tall, short, hello, to walk, to pass, to say, to hold up, birds, bugs, flowers, roof, cellar, window, rain, puddles, raindrops, ceiling, floor, together, smile, rainbow, good friends.

  1. Find in the text (Найди в тексте):

  1. “Hello, Very Tall Mouse.”

  2. «Hello, bugs!»

  3. “Hello, roots.”

  4. “Hello, puddles.”

  5. “Hello, ceiling !”

  1. True or False? (правда или неправда)

  1. false

  2. true

  3. false

  4. true

  5. true

  1. Choose the correct variant (выбери правильный вариант):

  1. The two friends went for а … together.

  1. work B) walk C) wolk

  1. They … by а garden.

  1. pased B) pessed C) passed

  1. One day the two mice were caught in а … .

  1. snow B) rain C) storm

  1. “Hello, …, ” they both said together and smiled.

A) rainfall B) raindrop C) rainbow

  1. Very Tall Mouse and Very Short Mouse are very … friends!

  1. nice B) best C) good

  1. Connect the beginning with the end (Соедини начало и конец предложений):

1-B, 2-E, 3-C, 4-A, 5-D

  1. Find words in a chain (найди слова в цепочке):

Friend, mouse, walk, bug, together, ceiling, puddle, floor, rain, smile

  1. Write correct words (Запиши слова правильно):

mouse, roof, bug, flower, smile, rainbow, garden, walk, snow, house

  1. Translate into Russian (Переведи на русский):

черный жучок, длинный корень, красная крыша, высокий потолок, большая лужа.

  1. Translate (Переведи):

Two mice were friends. They lived in one house. Their house was small. There were two beds, one very small window and one small door. Every day the mice went for a walk together. They were very good friends.

Использованная литература: «Little bear and other stories» («Маленький медвежонок и другие рассказы») Книга для чтения на английском языке в 3-4 классах общеобразовательных учебных заведений. Адаптация и словарь А.В. Шитова. Издательство «Антология», 2014

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 3 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Автор: Ирина Васильевна Винокурова

Дата: 26.01.2017

Номер свидетельства: 383934

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