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Лексико-грамматические тесты по теме "Как разнообразен этот мир" УМК Кузовлева В.П.

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Лексико-грамматичесие тесты в 10 классе по теме «Как разнообразен этот мир» по УМК Кузовлева В.П.

1.Australia is an continent  lying southeast of ….Asia.

a)the  b) a  c)an  d)-

2.Australia,s best-known river is….Murray.

a)the  b) a  c)an  d)-

3….its geographical position Australia is called the Land Down Under.

a)Thanks to the fact that  b)thanks to  c)so  d)because

4.One of the most interesting thinks about Australia,s  geography is its animal life,….it has many animals that are unlike those found in other parts of the world.

a)because  b)so  c)that,s  why

5.….most Australians live near the sea, sport is very popular, especially water sports.

a)Because   b)That,s why   c)So that

6.Flirida,s nickname is….

a)the Flower State  b)the Gold State  c)the Oil State  d)Granite State

7.Pennsylvania,s nickname is…

a)the Flower State  b)the Gold State  c)the Oil State  d)Granite State

8.Much of the country is a useless desert in….

a)USA  b)UK  c)Australia  d)Russia

9.Cockney is spoken in….

a)Australia  b)USA c)Canada d)Britain

10.About 44% of the population of Britain spend time….

a)fishing  b)swimming  c)gardening  d)singing.

11.No place in it is more than 120 kilometres  from the sea.

a)Australia  b)USA c)Canada d)Britain

12.Russia has long and….winters.

a)cold  b)windy  c)warm  d)rainy

13.I,d like to live in a city where there…pollution.

a)is  b)isn,t  c)are  d)aren,t

14.The USA is washed by the….in the east.

a)Pacific Ocean b)Indian Ocean c)Atlantic Ocean  d)North Sea

15.A flight from Moscow to Magadan takes….

a)days  b)weeks  c)hours  d)years

16.The largest lake in Russia is….

a)Baikal  b)Ladoga  c) Volga  d)Amur

17.The people are hospit-  here.

a)-ality b)-ive  c)-ic  d)-able

18.You should be just more patien-.

a)-ive b)-t  c)-ic  d)-ous

19.What state is named after the Queen of England?

a)Vermont b)Pennsylvania  c)Virginia  d)Maine

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«Лексико-грамматические тесты по теме "Как разнообразен этот мир" УМК Кузовлева В.П. »

Лексико-грамматичесие тесты в 10 классе по теме «Как разнообразен этот мир» по УМК Кузовлева В.П..

1.Australia is an continent lying southeast of ….Asia.

a)the b) a c)an d)-

2.Australia,s best-known river is…..Murray.

a)the b) a c)an d)-

3…..its geographical position Australia is called the Land Down Under.

a)Thanks to the fact that b)thanks to c)so d)because

4.One of the most interesting thinks about Australia,s geography is its animal life,….it has many animals that are unlike those found in other parts of the world.

a)because b)so c)that,s why

5..….most Australians live near the sea, sport is very popular, especially water sports.

a)Because b)That,s why c)So that

6.Flirida,s nickname is….

a)the Flower State b)the Gold State c)the Oil State d)Granite State

7.Pennsylvania,s nickname is…

a)the Flower State b)the Gold State c)the Oil State d)Granite State

8.Much of the country is a useless desert in….

a)USA b)UK c)Australia d)Russia

9.Cockney is spoken in….

a)Australia b)USA c)Canada d)Britain

10.About 44% of the population of Britain spend time….

a)fishing b)swimming c)gardening d)singing.

11.No place in it is more than 120 kilometres from the sea.

a)Australia b)USA c)Canada d)Britain

12.Russia has long and….winters.

a)cold b)windy c)warm d)rainy

13.I,d like to live in a city where there…pollution.

a)is b)isn,t c)are d)aren,t

14.The USA is washed by the….in the east.

a)Pacific Ocean b)Indian Ocean c)Atlantic Ocean d)North Sea

15.A flight from Moscow to Magadan takes….

a)days b)weeks c)hours d)years

16.The largest lake in Russia is….

a)Baikal b)Ladoga c) Volga d)Amur

17.The people are hospit- here.

a)-ality b)-ive c)-ic d)-able

18.You should be just more patien-.

a)-ive b)-t c)-ic d)-ous

19.What state is named after the Queen of England?

a)Vermont b)Pennsylvania c)Virginia d)Maine

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

Лексико-грамматические тесты по теме "Как разнообразен этот мир" УМК Кузовлева В.П.

Автор: Черепанова Любовь Леонидовна

Дата: 20.09.2015

Номер свидетельства: 232032

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