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Лексико-грамматический тест по английскому языку для 7 класса по УМК Биболетовой М.З.

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Лексико-грамматический тест по английскому языку для 7 класса


Данный тест предназначен для проверки знаний и умений учащихся в конце  2 четверти  по УМК  Биболетовой М.З.


1.Complete the sentences with one of the word combinations:

official languages, round the world, by plane, foreign languages, was awarded, the only, collected himself, neither, successful, peoples

1. The winners will travel … from Australia to India.

2. He can speak three… English, German and Spanish.

3. There are two … in Canada : English and French.

4. If you work hard, you will be … in your career.

5. English is the … solution to  the communication  problem.

6.  The famous scientist … a Nobel prize.

7. The winners of the World Teenagers Competition travelled …by different means of transport.

8. We can get to the USA … by car nor by train.

9. He … and began the report.

10. … of different nationalities live in Russia.

2. Put the verbs  in the Present Simple Passive.

1.The room …( to  clean) every day.

2. I  often.( to ask)by the teacher.

3.The new  houses …( to build) every year.

4. This  salad … ( to make ) of apples and bananas.

5. English …( to speak) by many people.

6. Many official languages … ( to speak) in India.

3. Put the verbs  in the Past  or Future Simple Passive

1. This picture … ( to paint) last year.

2. This test … ( to write ) tomorrow.

3. This book … ( to publish) next year.

4. The flowers … ( to water) in 2 days. ( через 2 дня)

5. He … (  to award ) the prize 2 months ago.

6. We … ( to tell) this story the day after tomorrow.

7. The new  roads … ( to  build ) last months.

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«Лексико-грамматический тест по английскому языку для 7 класса по УМК Биболетовой М.З. »

Progress Check (Form 7, Term 2)

  1. Complete the sentences with one of the word combinations:

official languages, round the world, by plane, foreign languages, was awarded, the only, collected himself, neither, successful, peoples

1. The winners will travel … from Australia to India.

2. He can speak three… English, German and Spanish.

3. There are two … in Canada : English and French.

4. If you work hard , you will be … in your career.

5. English is the … solution to the communication problem.

6. The famous scientist … a Nobel prize.

7. The winners of the World Teenagers Competition travelled …by different means of transport.

8. We can get to the USA … by car nor by train.

9. He … and began the report.

10. … of different nationalities live in Russia.

2. Put the verbs in the Present Simple Passive.

1.The room …( to clean) every day.

2. I often ..( to ask)by the teacher.

3.The new houses …( to build) every year.

4. This salad … ( to make ) of apples and bananas.

5. English …( to speak) by many people.

6. Many official languages … ( to speak) in India.

3. Put the verbs in the Past or Future Simple Passive

1. This picture … ( to paint) last year.

2. This test … ( to write ) tomorrow.

3. This book … ( to publish) next year.

4. The flowers … ( to water) in 2 days. ( через 2 дня)

5. He … ( to award ) the prize 2 months ago.

6. We … ( to tell) this story the day after tomorrow.

7. The new roads … ( to build ) last months.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

Лексико-грамматический тест по английскому языку для 7 класса по УМК Биболетовой М.З.

Автор: Сулейманова Альфия Ирековна

Дата: 20.08.2015

Номер свидетельства: 226148

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