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Лексико-грамматические упражнения

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

I. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. Are you. working?

a) yet, b) just, c) else, d) still.

2.1 don't know this writer. —. do I.

a) So, b) Also, c) Either, d) Neither.

3. I can hear you well enough. You. shout.

a) must, b) mustn't, c) needn't, d) need.

4. We wondered who..

a) is he, b) was he, c) he is, d) he was.

5. Can you wait. minutes?

a) few, b) a few, c) little, d) a little.

6. Carlbs is not so. at English as Jack.

a) good, b) better, c) worse, d) best.

7. Barbara is not. in sports.

a) to interest, b) interest, c) interested, d) interesting.

8. Put on your warm coat,. a strong wind outside.

a) it is, b) there is, c) it was, d) there was.

9.. of you must go and see her at the hospital.

a) Some, b) Somebody, c) Any, d) Anybody.

10. When will you have your watch. ?

a) repair, b) repaired, c) repairing, d) to repair.

11. Your watch. 2 minutes fast, it's 12 o'clock now.

a) is, b) was, c) are, d) were.

12. They made a lot of friends during. trip.

a) —, b) a, c) an, d) the.

13. Christie turned. her father for advice.

a) up, b) to, c) at, d) in.

14. The teacher expected him. better at the exam.

a) to do, b) doing, c) do, d) did.

15. The children were let. for a walk.

a) going, b) go, c) to go, d) to have gone.

16. Nobody. saw them leave the house. a) others, b) more, c) get, d) else.

17. We can't wait, something has.

a) done, b) do, c) to be done, d) to do.

18. The tourists said they wouldn't leave the town before they. all the sights.

a) see, b) have seen, c) will see, d), had seen.

19. You needn't worry, your. parents..

a) are warned, b) have warned, c) have been warned, d) were warned.

20. I wishyou. the meeting. It was so interesting.

a) attend, b) attended, c) had attended, d) would attend.

II. Раскройте скобки, употребив правильную глагольную форму.

Rob Jonkins almost (1 — have) a nervous breakdown and his doctor (2 — advise) him to go to a quiet and peaceful place.

Rob (3 — decide) (4 — go) to Cornwall the next weekend. Penquay (5 — be) a very small fishing village. There (6 — be) no trains <?r buses to Penquay so he (7 — have) to drive. It (8 — be) a long journey, and Rob (9 — arrive) late on Friday evening. He (10 — meet) by the landlady of the quest house, Mrs Doone. He (11 — show) to his room. Rob (12 — be) very tired and (13 — go) straight to bed. He (14 — sleep) well and not (15 — wake) up until nine o'clock the next morning.

Rob (16 — go) downstairs for breakfast. Because there (17 — be) no other guests Mrs Doone (18 — invite) him to have breakfast with her and her daughter, Catherine, who already (19— come) to the dining room. She (20 — be) about thirteen years old. Mrs Doone (21 — go) to the kitchen (22 — prepare) breakfast. Rob and Catherine (23 — look) at each. other nervously for a few seconds, before Rob asked why there (24 — be) four places at the table. Catherine (25 — say) it (26 — be) her father's place, who (27— go) out in his boat three years before and never (28 — return). Nobody (29 — know) what (30 — happen) to him. But mother always (31 — keep) that place for him, because she (32 — hope) he (33 — come) back. "My mother (34 — wait) for him for three years," said Catherine.

Rob (35 — see) a photograph on the wall and (36 — stare) at the empty chair. Suddenly he (37 — hear) footsteps outside the door and (38 — see) a tall man, with black beard he (39 — see) in the photograph, enter the room. Rob (40 — rush) out of the room.

1- d, 2- d, 3- с, 4- d, 5-b, 6- a, 7- с, 8- b, 9- а, 10-b, 11-а, 12-d, 13-b, 14-а, 15-b, 16-d, 17- с, 18- d, 19-с, 20 - с.

1 — had, 2 — advised, 3 — decided, 4 — to go, 5 — was, 6 — were, 7 — had, 8 — was, 9 — arrived, 10 — was met, 11 — was shown, 12 — was, 13— went, 14— slept, 15— did not wake, 16— went, 17— were, 18—, invited, 19 — had come, 20 — was, 21 — went, 22 — to prepare, 23 — had been looking, 24— were, 25 — said, 26— was, 27— had gone, 28— returned, 29 — knew, 30 — had happened, 31 — kept, 32 — hoped, 33 — would come, 34 — has been waiting, 35 — saw, 36 — stared, 37 — heard, 38 — saw, 39 — had seen, 40 — rushed.

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«Лексико-грамматические упражнения»

I. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. Are you ... working?

a) yet, b) just, c) else, d) still.

2.1 don't know this writer. — ... do I.

a) So, b) Also, c) Either, d) Neither.

3. I can hear you well enough. You ... shout.

a) must, b) mustn't, c) needn't, d) need.

4. We wondered who ... .

a) is he, b) was he, c) he is, d) he was.

5. Can you wait ... minutes?

a) few, b) a few, c) little, d) a little.

6. Carlbs is not so ... at English as Jack.

a) good, b) better, c) worse, d) best.

7. Barbara is not ... in sports.

a) to interest, b) interest, c) interested, d) interesting.

8. Put on your warm coat, ... a strong wind outside.

a) it is, b) there is, c) it was, d) there was.

9. ... of you must go and see her at the hospital.

a) Some, b) Somebody, c) Any, d) Anybody.

10. When will you have your watch ... ?

a) repair, b) repaired, c) repairing, d) to repair.

11. Your watch ... 2 minutes fast, it's 12 o'clock now.

a) is, b) was, c) are, d) were.

12. They made a lot of friends during ... trip.

a) — , b) a, c) an, d) the.

13. Christie turned ... her father for advice.

a) up, b) to, c) at, d) in.

14. The teacher expected him ... better at the exam.

a) to do, b) doing, c) do, d) did.

15. The children were let... for a walk.

a) going, b) go, c) to go, d) to have gone.

16. Nobody ... saw them leave the house. a) others, b) more, c) get, d) else.

17. We can't wait, something has ....

a) done, b) do, c) to be done, d) to do.

18. The tourists said they wouldn't leave the town before they ... all the sights.

a) see, b) have seen, c) will see, d), had seen.

19. You needn't worry, your. parents ... .

a) are warned, b) have warned, c) have been warned, d) were warned.

20. I wishyou ... the meeting. It was so interesting.

a) attend, b) attended, c) had attended, d) would attend.

II. Раскройте скобки, употребив правильную глагольную форму.

Rob Jonkins almost (1 — have) a nervous breakdown and his doctor (2 — advise) him to go to a quiet and peaceful place.

Rob (3 — decide) (4 — go) to Cornwall the next weekend. Penquay (5 — be) a very small fishing village. There (6 — be) no trains his room. Rob (12 — be) very tired and (13 — go) straight to bed. He (14 — sleep) well and not (15 — wake) up until nine o'clock the next morning.

Rob (16 — go) downstairs for breakfast. Because there (17 — be) no other guests Mrs Doone (18 — invite) him to have breakfast with her and her daughter, Catherine, who already (19— come) to the dining room. She (20 — be) about thirteen years old. Mrs Doone (21 — go) to the kitchen (22 — prepare) breakfast. Rob and Catherine (23 — look) at each. other nervously for a few seconds, before Rob asked why there (24 — be) four places at the table. Catherine (25 — say) it (26 — be) her father's place, who (27— go) out in his boat three years before and never (28 — return). Nobody (29 — know) what (30 — happen) to him. But mother always (31 — keep) that place for him, because she (32 — hope) he (33 — come) back. "My mother (34 — wait) for him for three years," said Catherine.

Rob (35 — see) a photograph on the wall and (36 — stare) at the empty chair. Suddenly he (37 — hear) footsteps outside the door and (38 — see) a tall man, with black beard he (39 — see) in the photograph, enter the room. Rob (40 — rush) out of the room.

1- d, 2- d, 3- с, 4- d, 5-b, 6- a, 7- с, 8- b, 9- а, 10-b, 11-а, 12-d, 13-b, 14-а, 15-b, 16-d, 17- с, 18- d, 19-с, 20 - с.

1 — had, 2 — advised, 3 — decided, 4 — to go, 5 — was, 6 — were, 7 — had, 8 — was, 9 — arrived, 10 — was met, 11 — was shown, 12 — was, 13— went, 14— slept, 15— did not wake, 16— went, 17— were, 18—, invited, 19 — had come, 20 — was, 21 — went, 22 — to prepare, 23 — had been looking, 24— were, 25 — said, 26— was, 27— had gone, 28— returned, 29 — knew, 30 — had happened, 31 — kept, 32 — hoped, 33 — would come, 34 — has been waiting, 35 — saw, 36 — stared, 37 — heard, 38 — saw, 39 — had seen, 40 — rushed.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Лексико-грамматические упражнения

Автор: Понетайкина Галина Васильевна

Дата: 24.09.2024

Номер свидетельства: 656780

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