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Лексический тест УМК Rainbow English 6 Unit 2

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«Лексический тест УМК Rainbow English 6 Unit 2»

6th form/Unit 2. V-ry

Back/ a trip/ during/ find/ resort/ diary/ terrible (2)/ sandcastles/ beach/ sand

1.Sochi is a famous ____on the Black Sea. 2. It is not easy to _____ a room in a good hotel during the summer season. 3. We had _____ weather when we were in St.P/.It rained a lot. 4. When do English pupils go ___ to school after holidays? 5. I can’t walk. There is ___ in my shoe. 6. Last June we made ____ to Scotland. 7. I like playing volleyball on the _____. 8. Please, write in your ____ everything you will find interesting. 9. ____our holidays we always travel a lot. 10. I Liked to make ____ on the yellow sandy beaches. 11. Polly hated her summer holidays. They were____.

6th form/Unit 2. V-ry

Back/ a trip/ during/ find/ resort/ diary/ terrible (2)/ sandcastles/ beach/ sand

1.Sochi is a famous ____on the Black Sea. 2. It is not easy to _____ a room in a good hotel during the summer season. 3. We had _____ weather when we were in St.P/.It rained a lot. 4. When do English pupils go ___ to school after holidays? 5. I can’t walk. There is ___ in my shoe. 6. Last June we made ____ to Scotland. 7. I like playing volleyball on the _____. 8. Please, write in your ____ everything you will find interesting. 9. ____our holidays we always travel a lot. 10. I Liked to make ____ on the yellow sandy beaches. 11. Polly hated her summer holidays. They were____.

6th form/Unit 2. V-ry

Back/ a trip/ during/ find/ resort/ diary/ terrible (2)/ sandcastles/ beach/ sand

1.Sochi is a famous ____on the Black Sea. 2. It is not easy to _____ a room in a good hotel during the summer season. 3. We had _____ weather when we were in St.P/.It rained a lot. 4. When do English pupils go ___ to school after holidays? 5. I can’t walk. There is ___ in my shoe. 6. Last June we made ____ to Scotland. 7. I like playing volleyball on the _____. 8. Please, write in your ____ everything you will find interesting. 9. ____our holidays we always travel a lot. 10. I Liked to make ____ on the yellow sandy beaches. 11. Polly hated her summer holidays. They were____.

6th form/Unit 2. V-ry

Back/ a trip/ during/ find/ resort/ diary/ terrible (2)/ sandcastles/ beach/ sand

1.Sochi is a famous ____on the Black Sea. 2. It is not easy to _____ a room in a good hotel during the summer season. 3. We had _____ weather when we were in St.P/.It rained a lot. 4. When do English pupils go ___ to school after holidays? 5. I can’t walk. There is ___ in my shoe. 6. Last June we made ____ to Scotland. 7. I like playing volleyball on the _____. 8. Please, write in your ____ everything you will find interesting. 9. ____our holidays we always travel a lot. 10. I Liked to make ____ on the yellow sandy beaches. 11. Polly hated her summer holidays. They were____.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Лексический тест УМК Rainbow English 6 Unit 2

Автор: Черепанова Наталья Евгеньевна

Дата: 21.10.2020

Номер свидетельства: 560830

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