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Лексический тест 8 класс Unit 1. Тема "Профессии" УМК Афанасьева О.В. Михеева И.В. для школ с углубленным изучением

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«Лексический тест 8 класс Unit 1. Тема "Профессии" УМК Афанасьева О.В. Михеева И.В. для школ с углубленным изучением»

8th form. Professions.

Electrician sailor receptionist lawyer travel agent social worker vet editor pharmacist chemist estate agent barber shop assistant cook dressmaker

  1. A person who helps to control a boat or a ship. 2. A person whose job is to work with electricity. 3. A person who studies chemistry, a scientist. 4. A person whose job is to talk for people in the court. 5. A person who welcomes or deals with people arriving at a hotel. 6. A person who cuts men’s hair. 7. A person who prepares food. 8. A person who does work to improve bad social conditions. 9. A person who looks after sick animals. 10. A person whose business is to arrange trips to foreign countries. 11. A person who makes outer clothes. 12. A person who sells things. 13. A person who makes and sells medicines. 14. A person who prepares and organizes a newspaper. 15. A person whose business is to buy and sell houses.

8th form. Professions.

Electrician sailor receptionist lawyer travel agent social worker vet editor pharmacist chemist estate agent barber shop assistant cook dressmaker

  1. A person who helps to control a boat or a ship. 2. A person whose job is to work with electricity. 3. A person who studies chemistry, a scientist. 4. A person whose job is to talk for people in the court. 5. A person who welcomes or deals with people arriving at a hotel. 6. A person who cuts men’s hair. 7. A person who prepares food. 8. A person who does work to improve bad social conditions. 9. A person who looks after sick animals. 10. A person whose business is to arrange trips to foreign countries. 11. A person who makes outer clothes. 12. A person who sells things. 13. A person who makes and sells medicines. 14. A person who prepares and organizes a newspaper. 15. A person whose business is to buy and sell houses.

8th form. Professions.

Electrician sailor receptionist lawyer travel agent social worker vet editor pharmacist chemist estate agent barber shop assistant cook dressmaker

  1. A person who helps to control a boat or a ship. 2. A person whose job is to work with electricity. 3. A person who studies chemistry, a scientist. 4. A person whose job is to talk for people in the court. 5. A person who welcomes or deals with people arriving at a hotel. 6. A person who cuts men’s hair. 7. A person who prepares food. 8. A person who does work to improve bad social conditions. 9. A person who looks after sick animals. 10. A person whose business is to arrange trips to foreign countries. 11. A person who makes outer clothes. 12. A person who sells things. 13. A person who makes and sells medicines. 14. A person who prepares and organizes a newspaper. 15. A person whose business is to buy and sell houses.

Electrician sailor receptionist lawyer travel agent social worker vet editor pharmacist chemist estate agent barber shop assistant cook dressmaker

  1. A person who helps to control a boat or a ship. 2. A person whose job is to work with electricity. 3. A person who studies chemistry, a scientist. 4. A person whose job is to talk for people in the court. 5. A person who welcomes or deals with people arriving at a hotel. 6. A person who cuts men’s hair. 7. A person who prepares food. 8. A person who does work to improve bad social conditions. 9. A person who looks after sick animals. 10. A person whose business is to arrange trips to foreign countries. 11. A person who makes outer clothes. 12. A person who sells things. 13. A person who makes and sells medicines. 14. A person who prepares and organizes a newspaper. 15. A person whose business is to buy and sell houses.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Автор: Черепанова Наталья Евгеньевна

Дата: 21.10.2020

Номер свидетельства: 560832

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