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Контрольно-измерительные материалы по английскому языку для 10 класса УМК FORWARD

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Итоговый контрольный тест по английскому языку для 10 класса  (УМК FORWARD).

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«Контрольно-измерительные материалы по английскому языку для 10 класса УМК FORWARD»

Final test in English.

The 10-th form.

Variant I

Level A. Read the text given below Find out the passive verbs in the text.

Translate these passive forms into Russian.

1. Castle Stuart \ Scotland.

Castle Stuart which was built about 400 years ago, has a violent history. Two people were murdered while the castle was being built. Not long after the building was finally completed in 1625. The castle was attacked by the Clan McIntosh and was abandoned. Since then it has been fully restored and is now a luxury hotel.

2. Сomplete the sentences with the passives of the verbs in brackets.

1. When ____________the Castle Stuart__________(build)?

2. How many people_________________(murder)?

3. ___________the castle ____________(attack) by the Clan McIntosh?

3. Choose the right variant of the Passive Voice.

1. Mushrooms (gather) in autumn.

a) has been gathered b) are gathered

c) had been gathered d) are being gathered

2. She watched TV while dinner (prepare)

a) is being prepared b) was prepared

c) has been prepared d) was being prepared

3. Many houses (destroy) during the Great Fire of London.

a) had been destroyed b) are being destroyed

c) were destroyed d) will be destroyed

Level B. Use the right form of the verb each situation (Conditionals).

1. If you … in yourself, you would succeed.

a) believed b) will believe

c) would believe d) believe

2. If I … you, I would go to the seaside this summer.

a) am b) were

c) will be d) would be

3. If I … him, I would have given him your message.

a) saw b) had seen

c) would have seen d) have seen

4. - Dad is angry with you.

- I’m sorry I wish I … those rude words.

a) don’t say b) didn’t say

c) wasn’t said d) hadn’t said

5. Nothing … if he hadn’t lost the way

a) would have happened b) would happen

c) will happen d) had happened

Level B. Choose the right verbial form. Sequence of tenses.

1. She told me she ____________to America.

a) never was b) had never been

c) will never be d) would never be

2. She said she _____________help me because she had too much to do.

a) can’t b) will be able

c) is to d) couldn’t

3. He gave all his money to me because he _________ me.

a) would trust b) trusted

c) had trusted d) trusts

4. I didn’t know that you ________already the letter.

a) had received b) received

c) would receive d) receive

Complete the sentences with a, the or O

1.Coco Chanel fell asleep in__________sun.

2. In Greek or Roman society people thought that ______pale face was________ most attractive symbol of aristocracy.

3.Queen Elizabeth_____ First started going bald at an early age.

4._________Women had been using dangerous chemicals to paint their faces until__________1920s.

5.______________modern kilt was invented in__________18-th century.

Read the text given below and ask questions of different types.

(A story of Hollywood).

One day in 1908 a group of people from Chicago came to Los Angeles to shoot a film. In 1911 the first studio appeared in Hollywood. Silent and black-and-white films of early years starring Mary Pickford and Charlie Chaplin were forced out by sound films in the middle of the 1920s. The first colour film, Gone With the Wind, was shot in 1939. This film brought a great success to Vivien Leigh and Clark Cable. The number of the studios grew very quickly. The first genres were melodrama, western and comedy, later appeared adventure and historical films.

Level С. Describe the photo and answer the questions. (p.28)

1. What kind of accident is shown?

2. What can be done to reduce the risk of accidents?

3. How important is human error in most accidents?

4. Look at the photo and choose the topic it suggests:

pollution (accidents) traffic problems

Look at the photo and describe an appearance of any person from the photo.

Use vocabulary below:

dyed untidy a pony tail look like a student

tanned well-dressed shoulder-length a cute nose

curly trendy a perm dark eyes

well-built neat wavy casual clothes

Answer the questions:

  1. How old are the people? Where are they?

  2. What do you think they have in common?

  3. Do they have a good relationship with each other?

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Контрольно-измерительные материалы по английскому языку для 10 класса УМК FORWARD

Автор: Бурнос Елена Анатольевна

Дата: 16.05.2016

Номер свидетельства: 327471

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