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Контрольная работа по английскому языку 7 класс 1 раздел Афанасьева "Радужный английский"

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Контрольная работа по английскому языку 7 класс 1 четверть

  1. Listen, (18), and complete the sentences.
  1. Ann..
  1. thinks that schools are not the best place to give education
  2. says that children mustn’t go to school to get education

is not certain that schools are the best place to give education

  1. Tom..
  1. is for school education
  2. says that schooling at home is good for America
  3. is not sure that schools give a good education in America
  1. Ann is sure that parents..
  1. teach children better than school teachers
  2. know their children better than school teachers
  3. are better friends for children than teachers
  1. Tom says that school education is better than home education because..
  1. children learn to do many things together
  2. boys and girls can sleep a lot in the morning
  3. schools have special programmes
  1. Read the text and the sentences after it. Decide in which of the sentences the information is true, false or not stated.

The American school year isn’t very long. There are two terms and at the end of each term students get their marks and a report card from their teachers.

American students have rather many vacations in the school year. They have two weeks for spring vacation, two weeks for Christmas vacation and three months for summer vacation.

American schoolchildren have four years of high school[1]. In the first two years of high school, they have fairly many exams. Each student takes exams in English and mathemat­ics, but they are not very difficult. In the last two years American stu­dents prepare for college.

  1. People usually say that American school life is not very hard. The American school year is longer than the English school year.
  2.  Teachers give marks to their students at the end of each term.
  3. American pupils have four vacations during the school year.
  4. Every child in America goes to high school.
  5. English and mathematics are the most important subjects for everybody.
  6. American students take some exams during the last years of their schooling.


American students have a fairly easy life.

  1. USE OF ENGLISH (Grammar and Vocabulary)


Complete the sentences. Use the words from the box.

To, of, out, back, into, for, in, over

  1. I am tired. writing dictations. 2) Jack got a good mark. Eng­lish. 3) I do not know what happened. them yesterday. 4) Our classes are.. We can go home. 5) Never talk. to people who are older than you. 6) My older brother talked me. the trip to the USA by sea. He said it was a very long voyage. 7) What are your usual marks. Russian? 8) Try and talk him. of rereading this text.

Choose the right forms to make the sentences complete.

  1. Julia didn’t want to break the rules, but in fact she (break/broke) them.
  2. It (happen/happened) two centuries ago. 3) I bought a new dictionary last week and (pay/paid) 30 dollars for it. 4) If you (come/will come) to­morrow, you (see/will see) Jane. 5) I am not sure what mark he (will get/gets) for the test. 6) I always (wear/am wearing) a school uniform when I go to school.
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«Контрольная работа по английскому языку 7 класс 1 раздел Афанасьева "Радужный английский"»

Контрольная работа по английскому языку 7 класс 1 четверть

  1. Listen, (18), and complete the sentences.

  1. Ann ... .

  1. thinks that schools are not the best place to give education

  2. says that children mustn’t go to school to get education

is not certain that schools are the best place to give education

  1. Tom ... .

  1. is for school education

  2. says that schooling at home is good for America

  3. is not sure that schools give a good education in America

  1. Ann is sure that parents ... .

  1. teach children better than school teachers

  2. know their children better than school teachers

  3. are better friends for children than teachers

  1. Tom says that school education is better than home education because ... .

  1. children learn to do many things together

  2. boys and girls can sleep a lot in the morning

  3. schools have special programmes

  1. Read the text and the sentences after it. Decide in which of the sentences the information is true, false or not stated.

The American school year isn’t very long. There are two terms and at the end of each term students get their marks and a report card from their teachers.

American students have rather many vacations in the school year. They have two weeks for spring vacation, two weeks for Christmas vacation and three months for summer vacation.

American schoolchildren have four years of high school1. In the first two years of high school, they have fairly many exams. Each student takes exams in English and mathemat­ics, but they are not very difficult. In the last two years American stu­dents prepare for college.

  1. People usually say that American school life is not very hard. The American school year is longer than the English school year.

  2. Teachers give marks to their students at the end of each term.

  3. American pupils have four vacations during the school year.

  4. Every child in America goes to high school.

  5. English and mathematics are the most important subjects for everybody.

  6. American students take some exams during the last years of their schooling.

  7. American students have a fairly easy life.


  1. USE OF ENGLISH (Grammar and Vocabulary)

Complete the sentences. Use the words from the box.

To, of, out, back, into, for, in, over

  1. I am tired ... writing dictations. 2) Jack got a good mark ... Eng­lish. 3) I do not know what happened ... them yesterday. 4) Our classes are ... . We can go home. 5) Never talk ... to people who are older than you. 6) My older brother talked me ... the trip to the USA by sea. He said it was a very long voyage. 7) What are your usual marks ... Russian? 8) Try and talk him ... of rereading this text.

Choose the right forms to make the sentences complete.

  1. Julia didn’t want to break the rules, but in fact she (break/broke) them.

  2. It (happen/happened) two centuries ago. 3) I bought a new dictionary last week and (pay/paid) 30 dollars for it. 4) If you (come/will come) to­morrow, you (see/will see) Jane. 5) I am not sure what mark he (will get/gets) for the test. 6) I always (wear/am wearing) a school uniform when I go to school.


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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

Автор: Понетайкина Галина Васильевна

Дата: 31.05.2016

Номер свидетельства: 331819

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    ["seo_title"] => string(81) "kontrolnaiarabotapoanghliiskomuiazyku7klass3razdielafanasievaraduzhnyianghliiskii"
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