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Контрольная работа по теме "Is your country a land of traditions?"

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Контрольная работа по теме "Is your country a land of traditions?" 8 класс. Кузовлев. 

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«Контрольная работа по теме "Is your country a land of traditions?"»

Test Yourself 1

  1. Listen to the interviews of people from different countries. Match the speakers with their opinions.

  1. Translate the following expressions into English.

  1. независимое государство

  2. располагаться на юге

  3. приходить на ум

  4. ассоциировать с Россией

  5. пожать друг другу руки

  6. сохранять обычаи и традиции

  7. объединять нации

  8. отмечать годовщину

  9. глазеть на людей

  10. пройти без очереди

  1. Transform the sentences using the structure “subject + passive verb + infinitive”.

  1. They say that the British are polite and reserved.

  2. People think that the Germans are hard-working.

  3. People consider that the Russians have a good sense of humour.

  4. People believe that the French dress well.

  5. People know that the Spanish are emotional and easy-going.

  6. People suppose that the English like gardening.

4. Complete the questions with the correct tag endings.

1. He has got a lot of problems with Maths, …?

2. There are no pictures in the room, ... ?
3. They can’t sing English songs, ... ?
4. Let’s play tennis, ... ?
5. Your son counts quickly, ...?
6 We met last year, ... ?
7. He must study better, ... ?
8. She never goes to school on Saturday, ... ?

9. Everybody heard this joke, ... ?
10. Nothing will happen, ... ?

5.   Read the text.

The Holidays in the USA.

     The United States is a young country. But it is rich in customs and traditions. People from the east to the west of the USA happily celebrate local and national occasions. Some of them, like Thanksgiving Day, are connected with American history. Others, like Christmas are associated with religious events. Independence Day that marks the birth of the country is widely celebrated by the Americans. Wherever Americans are on the day they always unite for picnics, barbecues and to watch fireworks. Many Americans gladly follow their local or ethnic traditions and take part in local festivals and fairs. These celebrations include special food, drink and entertainment. Although the history of the USA is not long, the country has a long list of national, ethnic and regional celebrations.


    1. Say if these sentences are true or false ( T or F ).

  1. The United States is an old country.

  2. It is rich in customs and traditions.

  3. Some of them are connected with American history.

  4. Americans on the day unite for picnics, barbecues and to watch films.

  5. Many Americans take part in local festivals and fairs.

  6. These celebrations include special food, drink and entertainment.

  7. The history of the USA is long.

b) Complete the sentences using the missing words and expressions.  

    1. local    

    2. American history    

    3. customs and traditions    

    4. widely              

    5. the history of the USA    

    6. fireworks

  1. It is rich in … .

  2. Some of them are connected with … .

  3. Independence Day is … celebrated by the Americans.

  4. Americans always unite to watch … .

  5. Many Americans take part in … festivals and fairs.

  6. … is not long.

6. Imagine that any British holiday is coming. In your letter to your British friend pass your wishes on him / her and ask him / her question to find out how they celebrate this holiday (no less than 4 questions). (80 words)

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

Контрольная работа по теме "Is your country a land of traditions?"

Автор: Давыдова Дарья Александровна

Дата: 31.10.2018

Номер свидетельства: 483018

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