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Контрольная работа по английскому в формате ОГЭ по теме "Наука и техника" для 9 класса.

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«Контрольная работа по английскому в формате ОГЭ по теме "Наука и техника" для 9 класса.»

Test Unit 3

Task 1. Listen and complete the sentences.

  1. Do you need a visa _____________ your country?

  2. Do you need ______________ the language to get around your city?

  3. Is it easy _____________ a cheap place to stay?

  4. Is it safe ______________ around late at night?

  5. Do you have to pay ____________ in museums?

Task 2. Read the text and match its paragraphs (A-F)with the titles (1-7). There is on title you don’t have to use.

1.  Where did the first coffeehouse appear?

2.  Where was coffee first found?

3.  Where were the first coffee berries cultivated?

4.  Who adapted coffee as a national drink in 1776?

5.  What are the ways of making coffee?

6.  What happens if one drinks coffee slowly and how can it cause some experiments?

7.  What made the first European coffeehouses so popular?

A. Coffee was first found in Eastern Africa in the area we know today as Ethiopia. A popular legend says that one day a man called Kaldi was watching his goats eating grass and leaves. He noticed that after eating berries from a certain bush the goats became very active. Curious, Kaldi tried the berries himself. He found that these berries gave him additional energy. The story quickly spread throughout the region.

B. The first coffee berries were transported from Ethiopia to Arabian countries and then they were cultivated in Yemen. From there, coffee travelled to Turkey where coffee beans were roasted for the first time over open fires. The roasted beans were crushed and then boiled in water, creating the drink we enjoy today. Finally, in the seventeenth century coffee arrived in France, Britain and Italy.

C. The first coffeehouses opened in Mecca and quickly became popular centres of social and political activity. The government believed that coffee stimulated radical thinking, and the governor even thought it might unite his opposition. As a result, coffee was forbidden in Mecca. The same thing happened in Turkey a century later, when coffee drinkers were severely punished.

D. They say, in 1776 the thirteen American colonies adopted coffee as their national drink instead of tea. When the British tried to raise the tax on tea, Americans refused to buy it and switched to coffee. In fact, by drinking coffee Americans demonstrated their political views and their dislike for the British  — the famous tea-lovers.

E. The Italians drink their espresso with sugar, the Germans and Swiss add an equal part of hot chocolate, the Mexicans prefer it with cinnamon, and the Belgians  — with chocolate. Coffee drinkers in the Middle East usually add cardamom and spices. The Egyptians, on the other hand, are extremely fond of pure, strong coffee. They add neither milk nor cream.

F. When the first European coffeehouses opened, they quickly grew into places where people played chess, exchanged gossip, sang and danced. Coffeehouses were very popular because anyone could go and enjoy a cup of the drink. The price of a cup of coffee was reasonable. European coffee houses became meeting points for intellectuals, writers and businessmen.









Test Unit 3

Task 1. Listen and complete the sentences.

  1. 1.Do you need a visa _____________ your country?

  2. Do you need ______________ the language to get around your city?

  3. Is it easy _____________ a cheap place to stay?

  4. Is it safe ______________ around late at night?

  5. Do you have to pay ____________ in museums?

Task 2. Read the text and match its paragraphs (A-F)with the titles (1-7). There is on title you don’t have to use.

1.  Where did the first coffeehouse appear?

2.  Where was coffee first found?

3.  Where were the first coffee berries cultivated?

4.  Who adapted coffee as a national drink in 1776?

5.  What are the ways of making coffee?

6.  What happens if one drinks coffee slowly and how can it cause some experiments?

7.  What made the first European coffeehouses so popular?

A. Coffee was first found in Eastern Africa in the area we know today as Ethiopia. A popular legend says that one day a man called Kaldi was watching his goats eating grass and leaves. He noticed that after eating berries from a certain bush the goats became very active. Curious, Kaldi tried the berries himself. He found that these berries gave him additional energy. The story quickly spread throughout the region.

B. The first coffee berries were transported from Ethiopia to Arabian countries and then they were cultivated in Yemen. From there, coffee travelled to Turkey where coffee beans were roasted for the first time over open fires. The roasted beans were crushed and then boiled in water, creating the drink we enjoy today. Finally, in the seventeenth century coffee arrived in France, Britain and Italy.

C. The first coffeehouses opened in Mecca and quickly became popular centres of social and political activity. The government believed that coffee stimulated radical thinking, and the governor even thought it might unite his opposition. As a result, coffee was forbidden in Mecca. The same thing happened in Turkey a century later, when coffee drinkers were severely punished.

D. They say, in 1776 the thirteen American colonies adopted coffee as their national drink instead of tea. When the British tried to raise the tax on tea, Americans refused to buy it and switched to coffee. In fact, by drinking coffee Americans demonstrated their political views and their dislike for the British  — the famous tea-lovers.

E. The Italians drink their espresso with sugar, the Germans and Swiss add an equal part of hot chocolate, the Mexicans prefer it with cinnamon, and the Belgians  — with chocolate. Coffee drinkers in the Middle East usually add cardamom and spices. The Egyptians, on the other hand, are extremely fond of pure, strong coffee. They add neither milk nor cream.

F. When the first European coffeehouses opened, they quickly grew into places where people played chess, exchanged gossip, sang and danced. Coffeehouses were very popular because anyone could go and enjoy a cup of the drink. The price of a cup of coffee was reasonable. European coffee houses became meeting points for intellectuals, writers and businessmen.









Task 3. Paraphrase these sentences.

  1. It’s hard to understand her ideas.

Her ideas are _______________________ .

  1. It’s impossible to believe the fact.

The fact ___________________________.

  1. It’s easy to complete this project.

This project _________________________.

  1. It is difficult to use the device.

The device __________________________.

  1. It was dangerous to do that experiment.

That experiment _______________________.

Task 4. Complete the text with the appropriate forms of the verbs on the right.

Mia was suddenly taken ill at school. She felt very hot and __________(SHE) head ached terribly.

The teacher insisted on taking her to the doctor. However, when Mia __________(BRING) to the school medical room, the doctor was out.

The nurse _________(TAKE) her temperature  — it was very high and she immediately called for the doctor. The doctor examined her.

“It's the __________(FOUR) sick child since morning. The symptoms are the same. It's the flu.” The doctor looked worried and upset. Then he addressed. Mia:“When exactly did you start to feel unwell?” “It was in Maths.

We ___________(WRITE) a test when I started to feel weak and very tired. I wasn't able to concentrate on the test.” “I see. I'll give you an injection and you'll feel a bit _________(WELL). We have to contact your parents so that they can collect you.”

“I ___________(CALL) her mum already,” the nurse said. “She'll be here soon.” “Fine. And we need to take measures to prevent the virus from spreading throughout the school.” The doctor said that he __________(HAVE TO) see the headmaster and Mia saw him leave the room.

But she ____________(NOT CAN) remember anything else  — she'd fallen into a deep sleep.

Everyone knows that the blue whale is the largest animal in the world.

Its size is really _________________ (IMPRESS): an adult whale can be about 30 m long and its heart is as large as the average car.

It’s hard to believe that such a giant feeds on krill  — tiny shrimp-like creatures. In spite of its size, the blue whale is a great ______________ (SWIM).

It moves very ______________ (GRACEFUL) and is able to reach the speed of over 30 km/h. Blue whales can talk to each other and their language is very complex.

They exchange ______________ (INFORM) over very long distances and they can sing too!

Sadly, these _____________ (AMAZE) animals became endangered due to people who hunted them widely.

Now hunting is prohibited by law but, _________________ (FORTUNATELY), the whales' population is still very small.

Task 3. Paraphrase these sentences.

  1. It’s hard to understand her ideas.

Her ideas are _______________________ .

  1. It’s impossible to believe the fact.

The fact ___________________________.

  1. It’s easy to complete this project.

This project _________________________.

  1. It is difficult to use the device.

The device __________________________.

  1. It was dangerous to do that experiment.

That experiment _______________________.

Task 4. Complete the text with the appropriate forms of the verbs on the right.

Mia was suddenly taken ill at school. She felt very hot and __________(SHE) head ached terribly.

The teacher insisted on taking her to the doctor. However, when Mia __________(BRING) to the school medical room, the doctor was out.

The nurse _________(TAKE) her temperature  — it was very high and she immediately called for the doctor. The doctor examined her.

“It's the __________(FOUR) sick child since morning. The symptoms are the same. It's the flu.” The doctor looked worried and upset. Then he addressed. Mia:“When exactly did you start to feel unwell?” “It was in Maths.

We ___________(WRITE) a test when I started to feel weak and very tired. I wasn't able to concentrate on the test.” “I see. I'll give you an injection and you'll feel a bit _________(WELL). We have to contact your parents so that they can collect you.”

“I ___________(CALL) her mum already,” the nurse said. “She'll be here soon.” “Fine. And we need to take measures to prevent the virus from spreading throughout the school.” The doctor said that he __________(HAVE TO) see the headmaster and Mia saw him leave the room.

But she ____________(NOT CAN) remember anything else  — she'd fallen into a deep sleep.

Everyone knows that the blue whale is the largest animal in the world.

Its size is really _________________ (IMPRESS): an adult whale can be about 30 m long and its heart is as large as the average car.

It’s hard to believe that such a giant feeds on krill  — tiny shrimp-like creatures. In spite of its size, the blue whale is a great ______________ (SWIM).

It moves very ______________ (GRACEFUL) and is able to reach the speed of over 30 km/h. Blue whales can talk to each other and their language is very complex.

They exchange ______________ (INFORM) over very long distances and they can sing too!

Sadly, these _____________ (AMAZE) animals became endangered due to people who hunted them widely.

Now hunting is prohibited by law but, _________________ (FORTUNATELY), the whales' population is still very small.


Task 1.

  1. Do you need a visa to visit your country?

  2. Do you need to speak the language to get around your city?

  3. Is it easy to find a cheap place to stay?

  4. Is it safe to walk around late at night?

  5. Do you have to pay to go in museums?

Task 2. 231457

Task 3.

  1. Her ideas are hard to understand.

  2. The fact is impossible to believe.

  3. This project is easy to complete.

  4. The device is difficult to use.

  5. That experiment was dangerous to do.

Task 4
















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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Контрольная работа по английскому в формате ОГЭ по теме "Наука и техника" для 9 класса.

Автор: Елена Евгеньевна Титова

Дата: 12.03.2024

Номер свидетельства: 647036

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