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Контрольная работа по английскому в формате ОГЭ по теме "Книги, журналы, газеты " для 9 класса.

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работа включает в себя 6 заданий. Задания на аудирование, на знание неправильных глаголов, развернутые ответы на вопросы, словообразование. 

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«Контрольная работа по английскому в формате ОГЭ по теме "Книги, журналы, газеты " для 9 класса.»

Test Unit 2

Task 1.

Task 2. Complete the sentences.

  1. We saw a lot of (break) chairs in the room.

  2. The man (talk) with Mrs. Smith is her son's teacher, if I'm not mistaken.

  3. Do you enjoy (listen) to classical music?

  4. We are looking forward to (see) you again soon.

  5. The second question (ask) at the conference yesterday was very interesting.

  6. He stopped (smoke) a month ago.

  7. I saw him (leave) the house. I don't know where he went.

Task 3. Complete the sentences. Use “one” or “ones”.

  1. There are so many pop groups but the American ________ are the best.

  2. Pupils can get good marks. Especially ________ who work hard.

  3. Marcus has got many sweaters but he simply wears the blue_______ because it’s his favourite.

  4. Have you already read your book? Which _______? The _______ you have to read until Friday.

  5. 5. Can you see the cars over there? The old red _______ is mine, and the new white ______ belongs to my boss.

Ta Task 4. Answer the questions.

  1. What is your favorite book? Who is the author?

  2. What genre of books do you prefer?

  3. What device do you use to read books?

  4. Do you usually read books for enjoyment or information?

  5. What have you learned from the books you read?

Task 5 . Complete the sentence with derivatives of the words .

  1. You can sit in … armchair by the fireplace (comfort).

  2. I like to watch … news. (day)

  3. I became very … when I couldn’t find my passport. (nerve)

  4. The … concluded tha the police officer had done nothing wrong. (investigate)

  5. The teacher saw no … in the pupil. (improve)

  6. I never wanted to be … (fame )

  7. The nurse will do some tests to check on your child’s … (develop)

  8. For comfortable … shopping you have to have a car. (week)

Task 6 . Write 3 forms of irregular verbs.

  1. Быть

  2. Есть

  3. Пить

  4. Начинать

  5. Встречать

  6. Плавать

  7. Резать

  8. Находить

  9. Покупать

  10. Забывать


Task 1.

There are magazines on just about anything you can think of. Just walk into a big bookstore and see the hundreds of different kinds of magazines. There are magazines for men, magazines for women, for children, for bankers, stamp collectors and even English students. They’re quite amazing when you think about it. There’s so much information in them. It must take a long time to make one magazine. And they are such great value for money. I like reading magazines that I would never usually buy. This happens when I’m in a waiting room. I like flicking through the magazine rack and looking through the magazine. I don’t care if it’s in another language. The pictures are interesting.

Task 2.

  1. We saw a lot of broken chairs in the room.

  2. The man talking with Mrs. Smith is her son's teacher, if I'm not mistaken.

  3. Do you enjoy listening to classical music?

  4. We are looking forward to seeing you again soon.

  5. The second question asked at the conference yesterday was very interesting.

  6. He stopped smoking a month ago.

  7. I saw him leaving the house. I don't know where he went.

Task 3.

  1. I don't know much about the games played by children nowadays.

  2. We found a doctor working at a hospital in Liverpool.

  3. The coffee drunk in Turkey is very strong.

  4. I really loved the flowers grown in our garden.

  5. Don't wake the baby sleeping in the next room.

  6. Julia is on the train arriving at Platform 3.

  7. The television bought twenty years ago was stolen.

  8. A woman wearing a yellow dress opened the door.

Task 4.

  1. ones

  2. ones

  3. one

  4. one, one

  5. one, one

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Автор: Титова Елена Евгеньевна

Дата: 12.03.2024

Номер свидетельства: 647035

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