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Контрольная работа по английскому языку в 7 классе Rainbow English

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I Read the text and mark the sentences after it as true (T), false (F) or not stated

Jackson Hole

Jackson Hole is a beautiful valley situated in the state of Wyoming, USA. The place got its name from David Jackson, a traveler and a hunter, who once lived there. His friends called it Jackson Hole because it really looked like a hole in the middle of the mountains.

Jackson Hole is a popular holiday place. In summer month, people go there to walk in the mountains, ride horses, go finishing and boating on the rivers and lakes. Many visitors cross the valley in boats on the Snake River. It turns from side to side, like a snake. The water in the river moves very fast and you have to be brave to travel on it.

Jackson Hole still keeps its Old West traditions. There are shops with cowboy hats and boots and cafes which look like saloons of the American West. Holidaymakers can ride horses or go to a rodeo to see traditional competitions. The rodeo usually begins with a parade of cowboys and horses. Then comes the competition. Riders try to stay on a wild animal for eight seconds. They also ride wild horses and large bulls. The animals try to throw the cowboys to the ground. The riders try not to fall off. Another thing that cowboys do is throwing a rope around a young cow`s legs. The cowboy who does this in the shortest time wins. People come to Jackson Hole from all over the world to enjoy the best of cowboy and mountain culture.

  1. It was David Jackson who gave the valley its name.
  2. There are a lot of things people can enjoy doing in Jackson Hole.
  3. The Snake River is a longest in Wyoming.
  4. It is easy to sail along the Snake River.
  5. Horses help people to win in a rodeo.
  6. Visitors from abroad come to Jackson Hole for holidays.

II Choose the right verb forms to complete the sentences.

1. Miss Philips (never laughed/has never laughed) __________________ at her pupils in her whole life.

2. Dad (just taught/has just taught) ________________ me to fish.

3. It (got/has got) _____________ dark about an hour ago. It`s name to go to home.

4. The other day we suddenly (found/have found) ______________ the museum we wanted to visit.

III Use the verbs in brackets in the right tenses – past simple or present perfect.

1. The other day we (find) ______________ a lovely café and (have) ________________ tea there.

2. Some years ago the family (have) _____________ a small cottage at the seaside.

3. The children (already leave) _____________ home, they are on their way to school.

4. My friend (send) _______________ me several e-mails today.

5. That day they (hear) ________________ the good news and (go) ______________ home at once.

IV Complete the sentences with the appropriate function words.

1. When I asked my question, he looked _____ me _____ surprise.

2. The secret room was situated ____ the back of the house.

3. I took the key but ______ but ____ my surprise the door was open.

4. The Mississippi River flows ____ the Gulf of Mexico.

V Expand the brackets by using Present Perfect

1. He (to lose) his passport.
2.I (to know) Kate since we were at school together.
3.They (to buy) a new car.
4.I already (to meet) this person.
5.Anna (to eat) five apples today.
6.My friends already (to see) this film​.

7.We (to receive) a lot of presents lately.

8.My mother (to work) in the library all her life.

9.My sister recently (to enter) this university.

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«Контрольная работа по английскому языку в 7 классе Rainbow English»

I Read the text and mark the sentences after it as true (T), false (F) or not stated

Jackson Hole

Jackson Hole is a beautiful valley situated in the state of Wyoming, USA. The place got its name from David Jackson, a traveler and a hunter, who once lived there. His friends called it Jackson Hole because it really looked like a hole in the middle of the mountains.

Jackson Hole is a popular holiday place. In summer month, people go there to walk in the mountains, ride horses, go finishing and boating on the rivers and lakes. Many visitors cross the valley in boats on the Snake River. It turns from side to side, like a snake. The water in the river moves very fast and you have to be brave to travel on it.

Jackson Hole still keeps its Old West traditions. There are shops with cowboy hats and boots and cafes which look like saloons of the American West. Holidaymakers can ride horses or go to a rodeo to see traditional competitions. The rodeo usually begins with a parade of cowboys and horses. Then comes the competition. Riders try to stay on a wild animal for eight seconds. They also ride wild horses and large bulls. The animals try to throw the cowboys to the ground. The riders try not to fall off. Another thing that cowboys do is throwing a rope around a young cow`s legs. The cowboy who does this in the shortest time wins. People come to Jackson Hole from all over the world to enjoy the best of cowboy and mountain culture.

  1. It was David Jackson who gave the valley its name.

  2. There are a lot of things people can enjoy doing in Jackson Hole.

  3. The Snake River is a longest in Wyoming.

  4. It is easy to sail along the Snake River.

  5. Horses help people to win in a rodeo.

  6. Visitors from abroad come to Jackson Hole for holidays.

II Choose the right verb forms to complete the sentences.

1. Miss Philips (never laughed/has never laughed) __________________ at her pupils in her whole life.

2. Dad (just taught/has just taught) ________________ me to fish.

3. It (got/has got) _____________ dark about an hour ago. It`s name to go to home.

4. The other day we suddenly (found/have found) ______________ the museum we wanted to visit.

III Use the verbs in brackets in the right tenses – past simple or present perfect.

1. The other day we (find) ______________ a lovely café and (have) ________________ tea there.

2. Some years ago the family (have) _____________ a small cottage at the seaside.

3. The children (already leave) _____________ home, they are on their way to school.

4. My friend (send) _______________ me several e-mails today.

5. That day they (hear) ________________ the good news and (go) ______________ home at once.

IV Complete the sentences with the appropriate function words.

1. When I asked my question, he looked _____ me _____ surprise.

2. The secret room was situated ____ the back of the house.

3. I took the key but ______ but ____ my surprise the door was open.

4. The Mississippi River flows ____ the Gulf of Mexico.

V Expand the brackets by using Present Perfect

1. He (to lose) his passport.
2.I (to know) Kate since we were at school together.
3.They (to buy) a new car.
4.I already (to meet) this person.
5.Anna (to eat) five apples today.
6.My friends already (to see) this film​.

7.We (to receive) a lot of presents lately.

8.My mother (to work) in the library all her life.

9.My sister recently (to enter) this university.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Контрольная работа по английскому языку в 7 классе Rainbow English

Автор: Галина Васильевна Понетайкина

Дата: 18.02.2022

Номер свидетельства: 600626

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