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Контрольная работа по английскому языку в 5 классе

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Контрольная работа по английскому языку в 5 классе за 3 четверть

Variant 1.

  1.  Read the text and give short answers to the questions from it.

My name is Liz. I am eleven years old. I live in England with my mother, father and a younger sister.  My mother is an engineer and my father is a vet.

            We have got two dogs. Their names are Bim and Bom. Dogs are my favourite animals. They are funny and I like playing with them very much. I walk out my dogs three times a day, before and after school and in the evening.

            I want to be a vet because I love animals and I want to help them as my dad.

Answer the questions:

 Пример:   What the girl's name? -   ___Liz_____________

1. Has she got an elder brother? – (Yes /no)______________________________

2.What does her mother do? -  ______________________

3.What does her father do? -  ______________________

4.What are her favourite pets? - _______________________

5. What is she going to be?  Why-___________________________________________

  1. Read the text of a letter and fill in the appropriate words ( слова, подходящие по смыслу)

A Letter from Britain.

Hello! My name is John!                                                                  

 I am from Britain.                                                                            

 I want to tell you about my family.                                                   

 We are a (1) … English family.                                                         

We are a very (2)… family.                                                                

I have got a mother, a father and a sister.                                        

We (3)… well with each other.                                                         

My father is a (4)…. And his hobby is (5)… .                                  

As for my mother she is a (6) ….  And she is fond of (7)… .          

My sister is a little girl. She is very (8)… . She likes (9)… .          

Our family is very (10)…. 

a) naughty

b) cooking

c) fishing 

d) driver 

e) friendly

f) get on

g) playing

h) close

i) housewife

j) typical                                                

3.Find and write down the antonyms:

1. friendly

2. naughty

3. athletic

4. shy

5. kind

6. impolite

7. unhappy

a. polite

b. cruel

c. happy

d. unfriendly

e. non - athletic

f. obedient

g. brave


Variant 2.

  1.  Read the text and give short answers to the questions from it.

My name is Nina. I am twelve years old. I live in Russia with my mother, father and an elder brother.  My mother is a teacher and my father is a doctor.

            We have got a cat. Its name is Murka. It is funny and naughty and  I like playing with it very much. Murka likes to run, jump and play with a  small ball.

            I want to be a teacher because I love children and I want to teach them  Literature as my mother.

Answer the questions:

 Пример:   How old is she? -   ___ten_____________

1.What is her name? -  _______________________________

2.What does her mother do? -  ______________________

3.What pet has she got? -  ______________________

4.Has she got a younger brother? - (Yes /no)______________________________

5.What is she going to be?  Why-____________________________________________

2. Read the text of a letter and fill in the appropriate words ( слова, подходящие по смыслу)

A Letter from America.

Hello! My name is Alison!                                                                  

 I am from America.                                                                            

 I want to tell you about my family.                                                   

 We are a (1) … American family.                                                         

We are a very (2)… family.                                                                

I have got a mother, a father and a brother.                                        

We (3)… well with each other.                                                         

My father is a (4)…. And his hobby is (5)… .                                  

As for my mother she is a (6) ….  And she is fond of (7)… .          

My brother is a little boy. He is very (8)… . He likes (9)… .          

Our family is very (10)…. 

a) obedient

b) typical

c) reading 

d) nurse

e) playing

f) get on

g) loving

h) hospitable

i) manager

j) knitting                                                

3.Find and write down the antonyms:

1. noisy

2. lucky

3. obedient

4. shy

5. clever

6. impolite

7. athletic

a. naughty

b. stupid

c. polite

d. unlucky

e. quiet

f. non - athletic

g. brave

Ключи к контрольной работе:

Variant 1.

1.1. No, she hasn't.

  1. an engineer
  2.  a vet
  3. dogs
  4. a vet,  because I love animals and I want to help them.

2. 1 –j,  2  –h, 3  – f, 4  – d, 5- c,  6 – i,   7- b,  8- a,  9- g,  10 – e.

3. 1-d,   2-f,   3 – e,  4- g,  5 – b,  6 – a, 7 – c.

Variant 2.

  1. 1 - Nina
  2.  -  a teacher
  3. - a cat
  4.  - No, she hasn't.
  5. - a teacher,  because I love children.

2. 1- b,  2- g,  3- f,  4 – i, 5- c, 6- d, 7- j, 8 – a, 9 – e, 10 – h

3.  1- e,  2- d, 3 – a, 4- g,  5- b,  6 – c,  7 - f

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«Контрольная работа по английскому языку в 5 классе»

Контрольная работа по английскому языку в 5 классе за 3 четверть

Variant 1.

  1. Read the text and give short answers to the questions from it.

My name is Liz. I am eleven years old. I live in England with my mother, father and a younger sister. My mother is an engineer and my father is a vet.

We have got two dogs. Their names are Bim and Bom. Dogs are my favourite animals. They are funny and I like playing with them very much. I walk out my dogs three times a day, before and after school and in the evening.

I want to be a vet because I love animals and I want to help them as my dad.

Answer the questions:

Пример: What the girl's name? - ___Liz_____________

1. Has she got an elder brother? – (Yes /no)______________________________

2.What does her mother do? - ______________________

3.What does her father do? - ______________________

4.What are her favourite pets? - _______________________

5. What is she going to be? Why-___________________________________________

  1. Read the text of a letter and fill in the appropriate words ( слова, подходящие по смыслу)

A Letter from Britain.

Hello! My name is John!

I am from Britain.

I want to tell you about my family.

We are a (1) … English family.

We are a very (2)… family.

I have got a mother, a father and a sister.

We (3)… well with each other.

My father is a (4)… . And his hobby is (5)… .

As for my mother she is a (6) … . And she is fond of (7)… .

My sister is a little girl. She is very (8)… . She likes (9)… .

Our family is very (10)… .

a) naughty

b) cooking

c) fishing

d) driver

e) friendly

f) get on

g) playing

h) close

i) housewife

j) typical

3.Find and write down the antonyms:

1. friendly

2. naughty

3. athletic

4. shy

5. kind

6. impolite

7. unhappy

a. polite

b. cruel

c. happy

d. unfriendly

e. non - athletic

f. obedient

g. brave

Variant 2.

  1. Read the text and give short answers to the questions from it.

My name is Nina. I am twelve years old. I live in Russia with my mother, father and an elder brother. My mother is a teacher and my father is a doctor.

We have got a cat. Its name is Murka. It is funny and naughty and I like playing with it very much. Murka likes to run, jump and play with a small ball.

I want to be a teacher because I love children and I want to teach them Literature as my mother.

Answer the questions:

Пример: How old is she? - ___ten_____________

1.What is her name? - _______________________________

2.What does her mother do? - ______________________

3.What pet has she got? - ______________________

4.Has she got a younger brother? - (Yes /no)______________________________

5.What is she going to be? Why-____________________________________________

2. Read the text of a letter and fill in the appropriate words ( слова, подходящие по смыслу)

A Letter from America.

Hello! My name is Alison!

I am from America.

I want to tell you about my family.

We are a (1) … American family.

We are a very (2)… family.

I have got a mother, a father and a brother.

We (3)… well with each other.

My father is a (4)… . And his hobby is (5)… .

As for my mother she is a (6) … . And she is fond of (7)… .

My brother is a little boy. He is very (8)… . He likes (9)… .

Our family is very (10)… .

a) obedient

b) typical

c) reading

d) nurse

e) playing

f) get on

g) loving

h) hospitable

i) manager

j) knitting

3.Find and write down the antonyms:

1. noisy

2. lucky

3. obedient

4. shy

5. clever

6. impolite

7. athletic

a. naughty

b. stupid

c. polite

d. unlucky

e. quiet

f. non - athletic

g. brave

Ключи к контрольной работе:

Variant 1.

1.1. No, she hasn't.

  1. an engineer

  2. a vet

  3. dogs

  4. a vet, because I love animals and I want to help them.

2. 1 –j, 2 –h, 3 – f , 4 – d, 5- c, 6 – i, 7- b, 8- a, 9- g, 10 – e.

3. 1-d, 2-f, 3 – e, 4- g, 5 – b, 6 – a, 7 – c.

Variant 2.

  1. 1 - Nina

  2. - a teacher

  3. - a cat

  4. - No, she hasn't.

  5. - a teacher, because I love children.

2. 1- b, 2- g, 3- f, 4 – i , 5- c, 6- d, 7- j, 8 – a, 9 – e , 10 – h

3. 1- e, 2- d, 3 – a , 4- g, 5- b, 6 – c, 7 - f

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Контрольная работа по английскому языку в 5 классе

Автор: Понетайкина Галина Васильевна

Дата: 24.06.2018

Номер свидетельства: 474213

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