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Контрольная работа для 8 класса в двух вариантах. Rainbow English 8. Unit 1. Sport and outdoor activities.

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Контрольная работа для 8 класса в двух вариантах. Rainbow English 8. Unit 1. Sport and outdoor activities.

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«Контрольная работа для 8 класса в двух вариантах. Rainbow English 8. Unit 1. Sport and outdoor activities.»

Rainbow English 8. Test 1. Sport and outdoor activities.

Variant 1.

1. Fill in: advantage, battle, climb, athletic, equipment, excitement, honour, nation, score, peace. Two words are extra.

  1. Students can get discount tickets for all __________ events.

  2. Earlier this year, I had the ___________ of meeting the President.

  3. Younger workers tend to be at an _________ when applying for jobs.

  4. The crowd screamed with ______________.

  5. You don't have to __________ the tree; it may be possible to shake the apples down.

  6. No one else can __________ goals like he can!

  7. The soldiers formed into _________ order.

  8. An oligarchy rules their __________.

2. Insert the verbs in the Past Perfect or Past Simple tense.

  1. I __________ (have) breakfast before I ________ (go) to school.

  2. He ________ (go) to meet his friends after he ________ (do) his homework.

  3. By 8 o’clock the rain _________ (stop).

  4. Alice________ (be) late because she _________ (miss) the bus.

  5. She ________ (go) to the post-office after she __________ (write) the letter.

  6. When I (get) __________to the party, it (already start)___________raining.

  7. Yesterday we (start) ______ our training only after Harry (return) ________.

  8. Jason (open)_______the window. A white sheet of snow (cover)__________the ground.

3. Use in, up or with to complete the sentence

  1. The music festival ended ... a great party

  2. They ended the meal ... coffee and ice cream.

  3. We wanted to goto Glasgow but the car broke down and we ended ... in Leeds.

  4. The man finished his speech ... a line from Leo Tolstoy.

  5. The professor ended his lecture ... a joke.

4. Choose the right words to complete the sentences.

  1. There are eight people in the spaceship (team/crew).

  2. Bob can be (honest/dishonest). He tells lies easily.

  3. If you are not trained enough, doing some exercises can be (painless/painful).

  4. When Jim saw Mary, she was crying and looked absolutely (helpful/helpless).

  5. The pupils ended their meeting (in/with) the school hymn.

Rainbow English 8. Test 1. Sport and outdoor activities.

Variant 2.

1. Fill in: advantage, battle, climb, athletic, equipment, excitement, honour, nation, score, peace. Two words are extra.

  1. The _________ has chosen democracy over monarchy.

  2. A lot of money was spent on the _________ of the new hospital.

  3. That two-day conflict has become the most famous __________ in history.

  4. How could he turn the situation to his __________?

  5. Her face was alive with __________.

  6. The roads __________ high into the hills.

  7. After many years of war, people on both sides were longing for _________.

  8. An oak tree was planted in __________ of the occasion.

2. Insert the verbs in the Past Perfect or Past Simple tense.

  1. He ________ (work) at the factory before he ________ (enter) the college.

  2. He _______ (get) a bad mark for his test because he ________ (make) a lot of mistakes in it.

  3. I _______ (go) to bed after I ________ (finish) reading the book.

  4. The child _________ (fall) asleep before the parents ________ (come) home.

  5. They ________ (marry) before they ________ (buy) this house.

  6. Jenifer (complete)___________ the training by 7 o’clock.

  7. I just (finish) ____________ writing my essay, when Laura (phone) ______.

  8. When we (meet)__________, John (already do)__________everything for our next class.

3. Use in, up or with to complete the sentence

  1. The basketball game ended ... a draw.

  2. Mary ended her composition ... a quotation.

  3. The Trafalgar battle ended ... the English victory.

  4. The students lost their way in the forest but fortunately they ended ... at the camp.

  5. The volleyball game ended ... the score 3 to 1.

Choose the right words to complete the sentences.

  1. There are great (climatic/climate) changes in this region.

  2. Your answer is not quite full Peter. (What else/where else) can you add to it.

  3. The students lost their way in the forest but fortunately they ended (up/in) at the camp.

  4. Mark was (excited/exciting) about going abroad.

  5. To know three foreign languages is a great (advantage/disadvantage).

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Контрольная работа для 8 класса в двух вариантах. Rainbow English 8. Unit 1. Sport and outdoor activities.

Автор: Рябова Дарья Викторовна

Дата: 04.02.2024

Номер свидетельства: 645116

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