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Контрольная работа по английскому языку за 2 четверть 2016-2017 учебный год в 6 классе (ФГОС) по учебнику М.З.Биболетовой.

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Контрольная работа по английскому языку за 2 четверть 2016-2017 учебный год в 6 классе (ФГОС) по учебнику М.З.Биболетовой.

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«Контрольная работа по английскому языку за 2 четверть 2016-2017 учебный год в 6 классе (ФГОС) по учебнику М.З.Биболетовой.»

6 класс (ФГОС). Progress check № 2.

Task 1. Match the words.

1. Join a) lunch

2. Go on b) a project

3. Protect c) a school uniform

4. Make d) endangered animals

5. Save e) mobile phones

6. Follow f) rides

7. Wear g) nature

8. Have h) school rules

9. Use i) pudding

10. Do j) clubs

Task 2. Complete the text.

Forty, join, poems, canteen, Knowledge, information, facilities, subjects, Physics, dictations.

Our School.

School is our second home. We spend a lot of time at school. At school children study different 1) … and make new friends.
I go to school five days a week. The lessons begin at eight in the morning.

Each lesson lasts for 2) … minutes. Every day we have 5 or 6 lessons. We learn different subjects at school: History, Maths, 3) … , Chemistry, Biology, English and others.

We get much 4) … at school. We often write tests, essays and 5) … , read literature, go on educational excursions.

We usually have a lot of homework. Sometimes I write compositions, make reports on History, Geography or Biology, learn 6) …
Our school has many sport 7) … : a large gym, a stadium and a football field. Pupils have lessons of physical education here.

There is a big 8) … in our school where children have breakfast or lunch.
There are many traditions in our school. It has become a tradition to mark the Day of 9) … on the first of September and we celebrate school’s birthday.
After classes sometimes pupils have out-of-classes activities, for example: different festivals, celebrations, meetings, performances, music concerts.
At school we can 10) … school clubs or take part in sport competitions.

Task 3. Complete the sentences.

1. We …to read this book.

 a) has gone b) are going c) will go

2. Have you ever … to Westminster Abbey?

a) were b) be c) been

3. My cousin … a sport club recently.

a) has joined b) will join c) joined

4. His brother … just … his best friend at the zoo.

 a) has meet b) is meeting c) has met

 5. They … to the theatre last week.

a) have gone b) went c) goes 

6. Look! The dog … with his ball.

a) play b) is playing c) are playing

7. He usually … his grandparents on Sunday.

a) visits b) visit c) is visiting

8. What … in the kitchen, Mum?

a) do you b) you do c) are you doing

9. She … dinner now.

a) is having b) have c) has

10. He … magazines every day.

a) reads b) is reading c) read

Task 4. Complete the sentences.

1. There is … (much/ many/ a few) salt in the soup.

2. There are … (much/ a little/ a few) schools in our city.

3. I’ve got … (much/ a few/ a little) water.

4. We’ve got … (little/ many/ few) free time.

5. I have never seen so … (much/ little/ many) stars in the sky.

6. Anna spent … (much/ few/a little) days in Rome.

7. Would you like … (some/ any) apple juice?

8. There is not … (some/ any) food in the fridge.

9. Can I have … (some/ any) water, please?

10. There are … (some/ any) students in the classroom.

Task 5 . Complete the sentences.

1. On the 1st of January people have New Year … . (CELEBRATE)

2. Pupils … to the cinema yesterday. (GO)

3. All the … like playing computer games. (CHILD)

4. Moscow is the … city in Russia. (BIG)

5. My hobby is … . (READ)

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Автор: Лотохова Лариса Михайловна

Дата: 16.06.2017

Номер свидетельства: 422121

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