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Контрольная работа к первому модулю УМК "Starlight 11" (Вариант II)

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Контрольная работа к модулю 1 УМК "Starlight-11"

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«Контрольная работа к первому модулю УМК "Starlight 11" (Вариант II)»

Test 1B

  1. Fill in the necessary word: expression, gained, built, wink, broaden, common, confidence, space, matters, forehead.

  1. The skin on his wrinkled …… was brown like an old football.

  2. It’s amazing but her facial …… didn’t change.

  3. “How are you, girls?” Tom asked with a …… .

  4. He had …… popularity as a body language expert.

  5. Mary would like to work abroad to …… her horizons.

  6. There are some minor …… we still need to discuss.

  7. Street dentists are a …… sight in Pakistan.

  8. In her last job Linda …… a reputation as a hard worker.

  9. Having personal …… is really very important for Americans.

  10. Good training allows beginners to improve their …… and they enjoy skiing.

  1. Fill in the necessary particle: in, with, up, of, up for, off.

  1. Most travel agents deal …… the companies.

  2. We are at the airport to see Helen …… . Her flight arrives at 6 p.m.

  3. Children should be aware …… the danger of taking drugs.

  4. One of his toes was cut …… in the accident.

  5. It’s time we stood …… our rights.

  6. If a caller is rude, just hang …… .

  1. Open the brackets using the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives:

  1. The nightlife in Paris is (exciting) than in Brussels.

  2. That is (silly) excuse you’ve ever given me.

  3. If you need any (far) information, call the office from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

  4. That was (bad) train I’ve ever travelled on!

  5. He spoke (well) than his opponent and won the debates.

  6. This year, fashionable clothes are (colourful) than they were last year.

  1. Ask guestions:

  1. Now he earns his living by training people in non-verbal communication. (Wh-Question)

  2. Dan snapped his fingers to attract the waiter’s attention. (Yes/No-Question)

  3. Live music can be broadcasted on the radio. (Or-Question)

  4. Her popularity has increased since she won the lottery. (Tag-Question)

  5. They were deep in conversation when I entered the room. (Question to the Subject)

  1. Report:

  1. The expert said, “ You should watch the pupil of the eye”.

  2. Bob said, “ If I visited the WOMAD every year, I would feel happy”.

  3. Dr Dolittle said to his parrot, “How many languages do you know?”

  4. The doctor said, “Take the pills twice a day.”

  5. She asked, “Have you ever seen bees dancing?”

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Контрольная работа к первому модулю УМК "Starlight 11" (Вариант II)

Автор: Яхтина Жанна Васильевна

Дата: 30.08.2017

Номер свидетельства: 426741

Похожие файлы

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    ["file_id"] => string(6) "426740"
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    ["date"] => string(10) "1504064911"

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