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Контрольная работа для 9 кл. по теме "Печатные страницы" к УМК О.В.Афанасьевой и И.В.Михеевой

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Итоговый тест по теме 2 главы "Печатные страницы" содержит задания на чтение и понимание текста, лексико-грамматический тест по теме "Причастие"

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«Контрольная работа для 9 кл. по теме "Печатные страницы" к УМК О.В.Афанасьевой и И.В.Михеевой»

Form 9 I variant Test 2___________________________________

The Printed Page: Books, Magazines, Newspapers.

1. Read the text and match paragraphs with their titles. There’s one title you don’t have to use. 6-___

a) The Book’s Second Life.

b) The Adventure that Goes on.

c) The Scholar of English.

d) The Trilogy Finds Its readers.

e) The Universe Created by the Writer.

f) The Unheroic Race.

g) The Tolkien Fans.

1. The Lord of the Rings is one of the most popular fantasy novels. Its author, John Rinald Reuel Tolkien, was born in 1892 in South Africa and grew up in England, in a village near Birmingham. He took part in the First World War. Then he became a professor of English at Oxford University.

2. It all began with the Hobbit, the story made up for his sons and published in 1938. The main characters of this book later appeared in The Lord of the Rings. Tolkien hated technology, he wanted to see England as it was before the invention of engineers. He loved ancient myths and borrowed his characters from Anglo-Saxon, Scandinavian and other European mythology. In his books he created his own world inhabited by wizards, elves, dwarfs, goblins and hobbits.

3. Hobbits are Tolkien’s own invention. The word is a combination of Homo (meaning “man”) and rabbit. In 1970 the word “hobbit” was included into the Oxford Dictionary. Tolkien tells his readers that hobbits are peaceful rather short creatures with furry legs. Hobbits are fond of their cosy underground homes and their gardens. They don’t like adventures of any kind. Nevertheless, the main character of The Hobbit, Bilbo Baggins, is forced to take part in a long and dangerous journey full of extraordinary and risky adventures.

4. The Lord of the Rings, a second book about hobbits, Bilbo’s nephew, Frodo Baggins, is given a dangerous task. He must destroy the magic ring which gives its owner great power. If the ring falls into the hands of Sauron, the Dark Lord, he and his dark forces will rule the world. So Frodo has to take the Ring to the Dark Lord’s own territory and throw it into the fires of Mount Doom.

5. The book took eleven years to write. It has three parts and is more than 1000 pages. When it was published in 1954, it became an immediate success. Tolkien’s magic world caught readers’ imagination and became a cult on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.

6. For many years film-makers didn’t take the risk to make a film based on the book. But finally the phenomenon that Tolkien hated so much – technology – helped. With modern computer effects it became possible to create a realistic interpretation of the book. The director Peter Jackson found suitable gettings in his native New Zealand and made them look as real as possible. Some people believe that both the book and the three-part film are among the greatest works of nowadays.









2. Complete the sentences 6-___

cheerful, failed, fascinating, strange, rarely, whisper

1) I____________get up earlier than seven a.m.

2) Speak louder, please. Don’t____________your answer.

3) The child was cute and_____________.

4) What a_____________idea!

5) He____________to enter a university.

6) His was a_____________ decision I couldn’t understand it.

3. Use one or ones. 4-___

1) -I think Mary’s photos are great.

-Yes, they are. Especially the old_______.

2) –Look! I’ve broken two of my painting brushes.

-You’ll have to buy new_____, I think.

3) -Peter’s younger brother is playing instead of Peter today.

-Really? Is he the______in a red T-short?

4) I like war stories and adventure_______.

4.Make participle I and participle II 5-___

Participle I

Participle II






5. Choose the appropriate participle. 6-___

1) This newspaper (reading\read) by millions of people is very popular.

2) The face of the actor (playing\played) in the new film isn’t familiar at all.

3) The news (broadcasting\broadcast) in the evening is one of the most popular programmes on television.

4) These books (preparing\prepared) for the lesson must be taken to the classroom.

5) Her name is not Kate. She is (calling\called) Emma.

6) (Admiring\admired) the performance, the children applauded non-stop.

6. Use participle (I or II) 5-___

1) The children (fascinate)_______________by the fairy tale asked to continue reading.

2) The woman (sell)_________________the newspapers is my aunt.

3) The police officers (investigate)_________________the crime promised to find the criminal.

4) The student (call)______________out the names is in the third year.

5) Who is the lady (walk)_______________in the opposite direction?

7. Say what these people are being asked to do. 4-___

Example: The car looks very dirty.

Do you mind washing the car?

1) The text must be read.______________________________________________________________________

2) The plants need to be watered.________________________________________________________________

3) The homework has to be completed.___________________________________________________________

4) They want to hear your song._________________________________________________________________















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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс

Автор: Волкова Елена Николаевна

Дата: 17.12.2017

Номер свидетельства: 444809

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