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Контрольная работа для 8-ых классов к учебнику "Английский в фокусе"под редакцией Ю.Е. Ваулина, Д.Дули,О.Е.Подоляко Модуль 6

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Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 8 классов.Английский в фокусе,6 модуль,2 варианта.

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«Контрольная работа для 8-ых классов к учебнику "Английский в фокусе"под редакцией Ю.Е. Ваулина, Д.Дули,О.Е.Подоляко Модуль 6»

8 form

Progress Check 6

Variant 1

1.Fill in the wordssouvenirs, varied, local, seasick, booked

1.Laura got ………….. during her cruise from Spain to Portugal.

2.Britain has got a very ……………landscape, including mountains, forests, beautiful seacoasts and valleys.

3.Have you already …………… the tickets to New York?

4.My mother likes to buy…………… for her sisters on holidays.

5.We went to a small village to meet the native people and to try the ……………. cuisine.

2. Rewrite the sentences in reported speech

1. Mrs. Smith: "Don't play in front of my window!"
2. Your mother: "Come back in one hour."
3. The police officer: '’You can't park here.’’

4. Susan: ’’I left my umbrella here two days ago.'’ 

5. Peter: '’I'll see you tomorrow, Helen.'’ 

6. He :”Have you ever visited this country?”

7. George: "Feed the cat, please"

  1. Fill in phrasal verbsset off, set aside, set back, sets in

1.The new shopping center wasn’t ready and the opening was ……….. for a few weeks.

2.We must plant these trees before the cold weather ……………. .

3.You should ………. some money to buy a new car.

4.What time will we ……………. for the airport tomorrow?

4. Fill in the prepositionsoff, without, on, for, at

  1. Please, send me all the information ………….. delay.

  2. There are many boats ……… hire at the Port.

  3. It’s cheaper travelling ……….. season because the prices at the hotels are low.

  4. We are going to meet …………. the railway station.

8 form

Progress Check 6

Variant 2

1. Fill in the wordsexplore, guided, snaps, sunstroke, miss

1.I’d love to see you holiday …………. from Bahamas.

2.Hurry up or we’ll …………… our flight!

3.I like going on ……………. tours around Europe.

4..Would you like to …………… the nature of this country?

5.My friend got ………….. at the beach and had to go to the hospital.

2. Rewrite the sentences in reported speech

  1. Louise: "Have you ever played the piano?"

  2. Helen: " I will ring you."

  3. Tom: "Call me in the evening."

  4. Victoria: "Don’t leave me alone? please"

  5. Jane: “Are you hungry?”

  6. Jim: “Do you like Australia?”

  7. Sylvia: "Why did you come late?"

3. Fill in phrasal verbsset back, set aside, setting in, set off

1.The summer was ………… and the weather was nice and sunny.

2.Let’s …………… now, before it has started raining!

3.Jenny ……………. some money for her summer holiday.

4.The problems with the car ……….. us ………..for three hours.

4. Fill in the prepositionsat, on, in, from, on

1.You should book your tickets ………. advance.

2.Jason spent two days ……….. the seaside.

3.There was a terrible accident ………… the road.

4.There are 120 passengers ………….. board.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Автор: Деревцова Наталья Александровна

Дата: 20.03.2017

Номер свидетельства: 401814

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