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Контрольная работа для 7 кл. по теме "Некоторые факты об англо-говорящем мире" к УМК О.В.Афанасьевой и И.В.Михеевой "Rainbow English"

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Публикация содержит в себе лексико-грамматический тест по английскому языку к учебнику для 7 класса О.В. Афанасьевой и И.В. Михеевой "Rainbow English" по теме "Не которые факты об англо-говорящем мире"

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«Контрольная работа для 7 кл. по теме "Некоторые факты об англо-говорящем мире" к УМК О.В.Афанасьевой и И.В.Михеевой "Rainbow English"»

Form 7 I variant Test 3___________________________________

Some Facts about English-speaking World.

1. Read the text and complete it with the phrases (a-f). 6-___

a) to countries all over the world

b) in warm dry places

c) do not work in factories or on farms

d) grow a lot of wheat

e) are situated mostly in the drier parts

f) it is less hot

Australia is a rich country and life there is good. Where does its money came from? Sheep, cattle (рогатый скот) minerals, wheat, fruit, and wine are some of the answers.

Sheep have been important since the earlier days. Most Australian sheep are Spanish merinos. They appeared in Australia in 1797. Merinos are strong animals and live happily (1)_____________________. Now twenty per cent of the word’s sheep live in Australia, manly in the states New South Wales and Victoria. Twenty-five per cent of the world’s wool comes from there.

Cattle stations (2)________________________of the north and centre. The meat from Australian cattle goes (3)______


Gold made Australia rich in the 19th century. The country also has oil, silver and other minerals. They bring lots of money. But digging for minerals often destroys the land.

The states Western Australia and New South Wales (4)____________________. They sell it to the USA, China and Japan. Australia grows other kinds of food too. In Queensland, the state in the east of the country, they grow bananas. Further south, where (5)___________________________________, apples appear. And in recent years Australia has been making very good wine too.

But Australia is like many other modern countries, because now most of its workers (6)__________________________.

Two-thirds of them work in shops, offices, banks or schools.


Factories – фабрика, wheat – пшеница, drier – сравнительная степень прилагательного dry (сухой), less – меньше, merinos – порода овец, меринос, per cent – процент, dig – копать, grow – расти, выращивать, appear – появляться.







2. Complete the sentences. Use the adverbs in the right place. 3-___

Example: He has taught me anything (never). He has never taught me anything.

1) Patrick has bought two dictionaries. (already)____________________________________________________________

2) Peter has not caught any fish. (yet)_____________________________________________________________________

3) You have built a sandcastle. (never)____________________________________________________________________

3. Complete the sentences. 5-___

border, lily-of-the-valley, coast, flow, chain

1) The _________________is a beautiful spring flower.

2) Masha spent her holidays on the Black Sea______________.

3) Does the Mississippi, the longest river in the USA,___________south?

4) The Urals is a famous ______________of mountains in Russia.

5) What countries does Russia _______________on?

4. Use Present Perfect. 5-___

1) Sorry, I (break)___________________your favourite pen.

2) Which of the mobiles ________you________ (choose)?

3) Little Nick ________never_______ (ride) a horse.

4) –Is Frank at home? –Yes, he ________just (drive)_________back.

5) Where _______Nick (go)________?

5. Complete the sentences. 5-___

friendly, womanly, lonely, shapely, lovely

1) Her legs have a nice shape. She has _____________legs.

2) Sarah has no friends. She always feels unhappy and ______________.

3) It was a______________day in early spring with a lot of sunshine and a warm wind from the sea.

4) Everybody likes to hear_____________words, we like it when people speak nicely to us.

5) Don’t use bad language, Rose. It is not _________________.

6. Match the answers. 4-___

the Mississippi

the country which has got fifty states


the name of the continent and at the same time of the country


the longest river in the USA

the USA

the continent where India is situated















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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

Автор: Волкова Елена Николаевна

Дата: 05.02.2018

Номер свидетельства: 454890

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