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Контрольная работа для 11 класса, учебник М.З Биболетовой по теме "Стремление к новому лучшему миру "

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Контрольная работа для 11 класса проводится по окончании 3 четверти.

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«Контрольная работа для 11 класса, учебник М.З Биболетовой по теме "Стремление к новому лучшему миру "»

Контрольная работа № 3

Цель: контроль степени понимания прослушанного текста и изученной лексики по теме : «Стремление к новому лучшему миру»

  1. a) Listen to five people talking about environmental problem and match them to the statements.

1 People can preserve the Earth for future generations. _______

2 Plastic is difficult to destroy. ______

3 Trees help to make the air cleaner. _______

4 Recycling and using renewable energy can help. ______

5 People are using environmentally harmful. _______

b) Listen again and decide which of the speakers:

1 mentions that most of things we use today are made of plastic _____

2 believes that destruction of the Earth can be stopped ______

3 compares people with dinosaurs ______

4 hopes that our actions now will help future generations ______

5 insist on taking environmental problems seriously _____

6 things we should use less plastic ______

7 suggest planting a lot of trees ______

8 insists on using recycled paper ______

9 names some harmful effects of environmental pollution ______

10 thinks people should use solar energy more ______

  1. Read the text and choose the best options to fill in the gaps.

Wind energy

Every day you can see the wind blowing and watch all of that wasted energy just floating away. A lot of energy is thought to be (1) … and all you need to use it are a few wind turbines! Currently less than 1% of the Earth`s energy needs are (2) … by wind, with Denmark being the most wind-friendly producing 23% of its own energy needs from wind. The energy produced is totally clean and also one of the (3) … around and it is able to produce (4) … 18 times more energy than is consumed in its construction, (5) … nuclear which is estimated at around five. People are often worried about the look of wind farms but what they often forget is that the land can still (6) … for farming, with only 1% of the spase being taken up by the wind turbines. One of the biggest (7) … about wind turbines, is their effect on bats and birds. In Norway, nine out of ten sea eagles were killed by turbines. Bats too are a serious problem. Even the manufacturers of wind turbines are (8) … concerned by the numbers of bats being killed, prompting ongoing research.

  1. A handy B available C convenient D ready

  2. A supplied B hardest C distributed D donated

  3. A easiest B select C cheapest D most expensive

  4. A on average B in average C by average D to average

  5. A contrasted to B matched to C compared to D added to

  6. A be using B have used C have been D be used

  7. A advantages B benefits C prospects D concerns

  8. A deeply B badly C wrongly D sadly

Критерии оценивания :

На контрольную работу отводится 45 мин, учитывая инструктаж.

Каждый правильный ответ оценивается в 1 балл.

18 - 17 (б.) – «5»

16 - 12 (б.) – «4»

11 - 3 (б.) - «3»

2 - 0 (б) - «2»

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс

Автор: Аистова Л.А.

Дата: 29.12.2016

Номер свидетельства: 374445

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