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Контрольная работа для 11 класса, учебник М.З Биболетовой по теме" Работа твоей мечты"

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«Контрольная работа для 11 класса, учебник М.З Биболетовой по теме" Работа твоей мечты"»

Контрольная работа № 2

Цель: контроль степени понимания прослушанного текста и изученной лексики по теме : «Работа твоей мечты»

1. a) Listen to a career officer talking about the importance of a person`s first job and decide whether these statements are true (T) or false (F).

1 Everyone likes his/her first job.

2 Money is the main reason you get your first job.

3 Your first job helps you to feel independent.

4 Your first job teaches you responsibility.

5 You don`t have to show up to your first job.

6 If you are sick, your supervisor will find somebody to fill in.

7 If you don`t do a good job, you will lose your position.

8 You will use all your skills in your first job.

9 You will feel more adult because of your first job.

10 your first job will help you to grow personally.

b) Listen again and choose the best option from the questions below.

1 Most people look forward to their first job because …

a) it`s interesting.

b) it gives them money.

c) it seems enjoyable.

2 Your first job …

a) gives you independence.

b) enables you to go on living with your parents.

c) provides you only monetary benefits.

3 To keep your first job you should …

a) be nice to your supervisor.

b) attend work every day.

c) find someone to work for you.

4 Having your first job means you can …

a) show your freedom to your parents.

b) speak to them about your maturity.

c) do more of what you want.

5 Your first job might be …

a) fun

b) unskilled

c) unique.

2. Fill in the gaps in the text with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

Dear Sarah,

Thank you for your letter which I (0) received last week. It was really good to hear from you. You said you (1) … (see) Anton recently but you didn`t say how he was. Please, let me know and give him my best regards.

I (2) … (be) in Novgorod for three months and I`m enjoying life here very mach. I`ve been working as a manager since I (3) … (arrive) and I find it really interesting.

I`m living in a small hotel at the moment, but I (4) … (move) to a flat next week. I`ve asked friend of mine to share it with me.

I`m learning Russian and I can already understand what people around me are talking about. But I find it really difficult to speak Russian. I (5) … (finish) the course by the end of the year and hope I feel more confident with this language.

You said you (6) …(come) to see me this Christmas. I hope you haven`t changed your mind. Don`t forget to bring some warm clothes as it gets really cold in winter.

If you (7) … (come) I`ll show you around. There`s an awful lot to see.

Love, Dee.

Критерии оценивания :

На контрольную работу отводится 45 мин, учитывая инструктаж.

Каждый правильный ответ оценивается в 1 балл.

22 - 21 (б.) – «5»

20 - 11 (б.) – «4»

10 - 4 (б.) - «3»

3 - 0 (б.) - «2»

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс

Контрольная работа для 11 класса, учебник М.З Биболетовой по теме" Работа твоей мечты"

Автор: Аистова Л.А.

Дата: 29.12.2016

Номер свидетельства: 374444

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