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Контрольная работа для 10 класса, учебник М.З Биболетовой по теме " Снова в школу""

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«Контрольная работа для 10 класса, учебник М.З Биболетовой по теме " Снова в школу""»

Контрольная работа №1

Цель: проконтролировать степень понимания прослушанного и прочитанного текстов.

1.Listen to four people speaking about their experience of doing dangerous sports and match the statement with speakers.
A She / He has never been seriously injured.
B She / He used to do other kinds of sports for some time.
C She / He started doing the sport far away from home.
D She / He is doing this kind of sport to prove her / his belief about what makes a happy person.

2.Read the text and decide which pair of twins.
a)is going to the same university …
b)is going to study different subjects …
c)always stick together …
d)is going to different universities …
e)is surprised about their result …
f)is going to celebrate their result …

Twins shine at A-levels
It would seem that 2005 is the year of the twin. Of all the A-level success stories – and with the pass going up again there are more that ever – four sets of twins.
1 Lydia and Caroline, from Gloucester ,are both going to Cambridge University to study veterinary science after getting five As each – in the same subjects: maths ,biology ,physics, chemistry and general studies. Lydia admitted competition did come into it. «I`m glad we got the same, otherwise one of us would have had boasting about it to the other.» Caroline added : «It`s very strange that we both got the same result ,I can`t quite believe it»
2 Alexa and Sophie, achieved nine grade – A passes between them and have both secured placed at Cambridge – although studying different subjects at different colleges. The twins were students at Colchester Country School for girls, where 18 pupils achieved five passes at grade A. Alexa said , «I was reasonably confident. My As-levels were good and I only needed to get Cs so it wasn`t much of a shock.»
3 Wendy and Grace, identical twins, both got four A- grades and are going to study medicine at Leeds University together. They do everything together. Wendy said , «We both got the same results in our GCSE and A- levels so it seems to be becoming a bit of a habit.» Celebration will be at local pub tonight, they said.
4 Henry and Ken , both pupils at Bishop Vesey`s grammar school in Sutton Coldfield ,West Midlands, followed their 11 A or A-star grades at GCSE with five As at A-level – each. But these twins aren`t sticking together. Henry is to study medicine at Nottingham University and Ken will be studying engineering at Cambridge.
b)Read the text again and write down what these numbers stand for in it.
a)18… b)2005… c)4sets… d)9 grade A passes…

Критерии оценивания контрольной работы:

Каждое задание оценивается в один балл:

10 баллов – “5”

9-7 баллов – “4”

6-3 баллов – “3”

2-0 баллов – “2”

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

Контрольная работа для 10 класса, учебник М.З Биболетовой по теме " Снова в школу""

Автор: Аистова Л.А.

Дата: 29.12.2016

Номер свидетельства: 374437

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