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Контрольная работа по итогам 1 четверти для 7 класса УМК “Enjoy English” Биболетовой М.З.

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Данная контрольная работа направленна  на контроль лексических единиц, словообразования, употребление инфинитива и V-ing формы, изученных в 1 четверти  7 класса, УМК “Enjoy English” Биболетовой М.З. Работа состоит из 9 заданий, максимально охватывающих изученный материал. Предложенные упражнения могут быть использованы и в процессе изучения данной темы.

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«Контрольная работа по итогам 1 четверти для 7 класса УМК “Enjoy English” Биболетовой М.З. »

Контрольная работа по итогам 1 четверти для 7 класса УМК “Enjoy English” Биболетовой М.З.

  1. Match the words with their definitions.

Соотнеси слово с определением.

  1. means

  1. a person who takes part in some events

  1. to win

  1. to go from place to place

  1. worth

  1. to make up, think of or produce for the first time

  1. participant

  1. to have or show different opinion

  1. to travel

  1. to finish an educational course

  1. message

  1. a method or way (of doing)

  1. to invent

  1. good enough for

  1. to disagree

  1. to think to be true

  1. to graduate

  1. to be the best or first in a competition

  1. to believe

  1. a spoken or written piece of information

  1. Match pairs of words that go together.

Составь словосочетания.

  1. free

  1. a conference

  1. lucky

  1. fingers

  1. fashionable

  1. trip

  1. to get along with

  1. world

  1. the age of

  1. haircut

  1. to participate in

  1. ideas

  1. to share

  1. participant

  1. to cross

  1. partners

  1. civilized

  1. with people

  1. to communicate

  1. communication

  1. Change the underlined words and phrases, using the words from under the line.

Замени подчеркнутые слова и словосочетания подходящими по смыслу словами.

  1. I wish you good fortune.

  2. The quickest method of travelling is by plane.

  3. Andrei Ivanov is the person who has won.

  4. He has been to the UK two times.

  5. That meeting was wrong use of time.

  6. Sometimes I don’t have the same opinion as my classmates.

  7. Mr. Thomson is a person who works in a science.

  8. During school holidays children enjoy their state of being free.

  1. winner, b) scientist, c) disagree with, d) luck, e) a waste, f) freedom, g) twice, h) means

  1. Insert the necessary word.

Вставь подходящее по смыслу слово.

  1. Let’s go to the museum. We have a good ……...to visit it for free.

  2. He was ………and got a prize.

  3. Are there many ………in the competition?

  4. Our team are going to travel ……….the world.

  5. All people must …………one another.

  6. Don’t watch TV much: it’s a ………of time.

  7. Will you …………in the conference next week?

  8. I am sorry for Pete: he has ……….a competition.

  9. I think so too, I …………with you.

  10. This game is …………….trying.

  11. In my …………these questions are very difficult.

  12. Sometimes ………don’t understand children.

  1. respect, b) in luck, c) round, d) participants, e) waste, f) chance, g) opinion, h) take part,

i) adults, j) lost, k) agree, l) worth

  1. Complete the sentences.

Закончи предложения.

  1. A person who works much is …………. .

  2. A person who produces new and original ideas is ……….. .

  3. A person who often has guests and is happy to see them is ………… .

  4. A person who is always ready to help is ……………. .

  5. A thing which is not safe is ………………. .

  6. A person who likes to be with others is …………… .

  7. Situations that you can’t forget are …………… .

  8. A story which is very funny is ………………… .

  9. A thing which costs (стоит) much is ………………. .

  10. Children who don’t get along with their parents are ……………… .

  11. A book which is about science is ……………….. .

  1. Open the brackets, using the necessary tense-form.

Раскрой скобки, используя нужную форму глагола.

  1. He always (help) his brother with his homework. 2. Sam is sad: he (lose) a game. 3. Pupils (be) in the classroom now. They (write) a test. 4. We (not, discuss) our trip yesterday. 5. All participants (meet) the day after tomorrow. 6. You ever (have) a foreign pen friend? 7. How many lessons you (have) every day? 8. I (be) at a conference last Monday and (listen) to a very interesting report. 9. Now I (understand) the rule. 10. your friend (play) in our school team?- Yes, she ……….. . 11. You ever (take) part in any competitions?- Yes, I …………… . 12. The competition (take) place two weeks ago. I (not, win), but it (be) worth trying. 13. When we (be) ill, we (miss) lessons. 14. Ann always (work) hard and (have) good results. 15. At the moment he (travel) around the world. 16. He (not, win) our school competitions very often.

  1. Choose the correct answer.

Выбери правильную форму.

  1. This film is worth …….

  1. see

  1. to see

  1. seeing

  1. I’d like …….to foreign countries.

  1. travel

  1. to travel

  1. travelling

  1. He’s just finished ……..a test.

  1. write

  1. writing

  1. to write

  1. I enjoy ……….in the warm sea.

  1. to swim

  1. swim

  1. swimming

  1. You shouldn’t ……your chance.

  1. miss

  1. to miss

  1. missing

  1. Pete doesn’t mind …..homework sometimes.

  1. doing

  1. do

  1. to do

  1. He is going to give up ……

  1. smoke

  1. smoking

  1. to smoke

  1. Do you mind …….in the conference?

  1. participate

  1. to participate

  1. participating

  1. Would you like …….your chance in our competition?

  1. to try

  1. try

  1. trying

  1. Stop ……….PE lessons.

  1. missing

  1. miss

  1. to miss

  1. Can you ……a computer?

  1. to use

  1. use

  1. using

  1. All players must ……..the rules of

the game.

  1. to know

  1. knowing

  1. know

  1. Fill in the gaps with the adjective, changing the form of the word.

Заполни пропуски прилагательными, изменив форму слова в правой колонке.

If you like to produce new 1)___________ ideas and make 2) ______________ things with your hands, then we are waiting for you exactly!

usually, fun

If you can solve 3) _____________ problems well and like to have 4) _____________ duties. If you can find a common language with 5)______________ people, then you are welcome to our club!

difficulty importance


If you know a lot of 6) ___________ recipes and want to share them with 7) ________ chefs or simply cannot cook yourself, then welcome to our club! Our food is always finger-licking good! Your food will be 8) ______________ too.




If you are 9) ______________ and 10) _______________, if you have already practised on the piano or guitar, then let you be in our band!

create, music

  1. Form a word to suit in the blank space.

Употреби требующуюся форму слова.

  1. I want to be a …… . (science)

  2. Your advice (совет) is always …. . (use)

  3. Designer is a …………profession. (create)

  4. Lomonosov is famous for his ………….work. (science)

  5. Be ………….and don’t make mistakes. (care)

  6. He is always ………..before tests. (nerve)

  7. He is an …….tourist. (Italy)

  8. Tchaikovsky was a famous Russian … . (music)

  9. Who is the …….of this wonderful painting? (create)

  10. My friend is a good computer …… . (use).

  11. Our ………lasts since childhood. (friend)

  12. This photographer’s pictures are very …….. . (impress)

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

Контрольная работа по итогам 1 четверти для 7 класса УМК “Enjoy English” Биболетовой М.З.

Автор: Бубнова Елена Львовна

Дата: 08.06.2015

Номер свидетельства: 218455

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