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Контрольная работа по чтению для учащихся 5-х классов по учебнику М.В. Вербицкой "Forward"

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«контрольная работа по чтению для учащихся 5-х классов по учебнику М.В. Вербицкой "Forward"»

Reading Test for the 5th form (the 4th term) Variant 1

In the summer of 2010, when I was ten, I went to Norway to visit my Grandfather Jorgen. He spent all his life on a small mountain farm, far from big cities and department stores. I was an American, I lived in a town, and I always thought that people simply bought what they needed. My grandfather showed me a different life. A little toy boat will always remind me of these life lessons.

One day Grandfather Jorgen said, “Come here, I have something for you. Would you like to have a toy boat? You can sail it at the lake,” he said.

“Wonderful”, I thought, looking around for the boat. But there wasn`t any.

Grandfather took a piece of wood. “The boat is in there,” he said. “You can bring it out.” Then he gave me a knife and showed me how to work with it. He answered my questions, but I did all the work myself.

“It will be a fine boat, and you`ll be making it all with your hands,” he said. “No one can give you what you do for yourself.” He was saying it again as I was working.

Finally, I finished the boat. The boat wasn`t much to look at, but I was proud of it.

I could say, “I did it!”

Task 1. Read the text and say whether these sentences are true or false ( T/ F)

  1. In the summer of 2001, when he was ten, he went to Norway to visit his Grandfather Joseph.

  2. Grandfather spent all his life on a large mountain farm, next to big cities and department stores.

  3. The boy always thought that people simply bought what they needed.

  4. A little teddy bear will always remind the boy of the life lessons.

  5. The boat was much to look at, he was proud of it.

Task 2. Complete the sentences using the text (write only the answers)

  1. I always thought that people __________.

  2. My grandfather showed me __________.

  3. He answered my questions, but __________.

  4. No one can give you what __________.

  5. The boat wasn`t much to look at, but __________.

Task 3. Complete the sentences with the right variant (write only the answer)

  1. The boy who tells the story was born in 2001/ 2000/ 2010.

  2. Grandfather Joseph lived in a town/ a city/ the country.

  3. In the sentence “But there wasn`t any”, the word any refers to the lake/ the boat/ the piece of wood.

  4. Grandfather Joseph bought the toy boat for his grandson/ made the toy boat for his grandson/ showed his grandson how to make the toy boat.

  5. “The boat wasn`t much to look at” means that the boat wasn`t very nice/ the boat wasn`t very big/ the boy didn`t want to look at it.

Task 4. Answer the questions

  1. When did the boy go to Norway to visit his Grandfather Jorgen?

  2. Where did Grandfather Joseph spend all his life?

  3. What will always remind the boy of the life lessons?

  4. Did Grandfather Joseph make the toy boat for his grandson?

  5. Was the boy proud of his toy boat?

*Extra task. Answer the questions

  1. Why couldn’t the boy sail the boat?

  2. What was the boat made of?

  3. What tools did the boy have?

  4. What does “I did it!” show?

  5. Do you agree with Grandfather Joseph? Why?

Reading Test for the 5th form (the 4th term) Variant 2

In the summer of 2010, when I was ten, I went to Norway to visit my Grandfather Jorgen. He spent all his life on a small mountain farm, far from big cities and department stores. I was an American, I lived in a town, and I always thought that people simply bought what they needed. My grandfather showed me a different life. A little toy boat will always remind me of these life lessons.

One day Grandfather Jorgen said, “Come here, I have something for you. Would you like to have a toy boat? You can sail it at the lake,” he said.

“Wonderful”, I thought, looking around for the boat. But there wasn`t any.

Grandfather took a piece of wood. “The boat is in there,” he said. “You can bring it out.” Then he gave me a knife and showed me how to work with it. He answered my questions, but I did all the work myself.

“It will be a fine boat, and you`ll be making it all with your hands,” he said. “No one can give you what you do for yourself.” He was saying it again as I was working.

Finally, I finished the boat. The boat wasn`t much to look at, but I was proud of it.

I could say, “I did it!”

Task 1. Read the text and say whether these sentences are true or false ( T/ F)

  1. In the summer of 2010, when the boy was ten, he went to Netherlands to visit his Grandfather Jorgen.

  2. Grandfather spent all his life on a small mountain farm, far from big cities and department stores.

  3. The boy was an Australian.

  4. Grandfather did all the work himself.

  5. The boat wasn`t much to look at, but I was proud of it.

Task 2. Complete the sentences using the text (write only the answer)

  1. I went to Norway to __________.

  2. My grandfather showed me __________.

  3. Then he gave me a knife and __________.

  4. No one can give you what __________.

  5. The boat wasn`t much to look at, but __________.

Task 3. Complete the sentences with the right variant (write only the answer)

  1. The boy who tells the story was born in 2010/ 2000/ 2003.

  2. Grandfather Joseph lived in a town/ a city/ the country.

  3. In the sentence “But there wasn`t any”, the word any refers to the boat/ the lake/ the piece of wood.

  4. Grandfather Joseph bought the toy boat for his grandson/ made the toy boat for his grandson/ showed his grandson how to make the toy boat.

  5. “The boat wasn`t much to look at” means that the boat wasn`t very nice/ the boat wasn`t very big/ the boy didn`t want to look at it.

Task 4. Answer the questions

  1. When did the boy go to Norway to visit his Grandfather Jorgen?

  2. Where did Grandfather Joseph spend all his life?

  3. What will always remind the boy of the life lessons?

  4. Did Grandfather Joseph make the toy boat for his grandson?

  5. Was the boy proud of his toy boat?

*Extra task. Answer the questions

  1. Why couldn’t the boy sail the boat?

  2. What was the boat made of?

  3. What tools did the boy have?

  4. What does “I did it!” show?

  5. Do you agree with Grandfather Joseph? Why?

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

контрольная работа по чтению для учащихся 5-х классов по учебнику М.В. Вербицкой "Forward"

Автор: Трофимова Елизавета Сергеевна

Дата: 03.05.2016

Номер свидетельства: 323961

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    ["seo_title"] => string(108) "kontrol-naia-rabota-po-audirovaniiu-dlia-uchashchikhsia-5-kh-klassov-po-uchiebniku-m-v-vierbitskoi-forward-1"
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