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Контрольная работа 10 класс 4 модуль

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Тематический контроль . Модуль 4.10 класс

I) Fill in: repair, switch, waste, paper, glass, packed, extinction, campaign, compost, endangered.

1.One man`s … is  another man`s treasure.

2. You must … off  the light when leave an empty room.

3. We have to protect rare animals from … .

4. Try to … your  gadget before you buy a new one.

5. … is made of wood. Save the trees!

6. …can be recycled.

7. My teacher has started a recycling… at school.

8. Make a … heap in the garden.

9. Dolphins are … nowadays.

10.Prepare … lunch in a reusable lunchbox.

II) Fill in: could,  have to,  ought to,  must,  shouldn`t,  don`t have to.

  1. You …  prepare your project works to the next lesson.
  2. I can`t go out because I … finish writing my letter.
  3. My friend … speak German from his childhood.
  4. You… read this book . It`s for older people.
  5. It`s Sunday today so I… go to work.
  6. The people … stop the destruction of the  rainforests.

III) Form negatives from the words in brackets.

1.Some nature problems are (possible ) to solve.

2. Smoking in public places is (legal) in our country now.

3. Many plants and animals will soon (appear) .

4. This person is sometimes (responsible).

IV) Fill in: in, from, of, away from, for, by, with, on.

  1. Glass is made … sand.
  2.  Many animals are … danger.
  3. The cat runs … a dog.
  4. Fill is a great fan … Manchester United.
  5. Sprays are harmful … the environment.
  6. Many species are protected … law.
  7. Please be careful what you do … any waste water.
  8. A lot of cars in Russia  run … petrol.

V) Put the adjectives in brackets into correct form.

1. Jim is the (lazy) pupil in the class.

2. Your armchair  is (comfortable) than Jane`s.

3. My new flat is (big) than the old.

4. That day  was (happy) in my life  because I met my love.

5. Sam is (sociable) boy of all our friends.



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«Контрольная работа 10 класс 4 модуль »

Тематический контроль . Модуль 4.10 класс

I) Fill in: repair, switch, waste, paper, glass, packed, extinction, campaign, compost, endangered.

1.One man`s … is another man`s treasure.

2. You must … off the light when leave an empty room.

3. We have to protect rare animals from … .

4. Try to … your gadget before you buy a new one.

5. … is made of wood. Save the trees!

6. …can be recycled.

7. My teacher has started a recycling… at school.

8. Make a … heap in the garden.

9. Dolphins are … nowadays.

10.Prepare … lunch in a reusable lunchbox.

II) Fill in: could, have to, ought to, must, shouldn`t, don`t have to.

  1. You … prepare your project works to the next lesson.

  2. I can`t go out because I … finish writing my letter.

  3. My friend … speak German from his childhood.

  4. You… read this book . It`s for older people.

  5. It`s Sunday today so I… go to work.

  6. The people … stop the destruction of the rainforests.

III) Form negatives from the words in brackets.

1.Some nature problems are (possible ) to solve.

2. Smoking in public places is (legal) in our country now.

3. Many plants and animals will soon (appear) .

4. This person is sometimes (responsible).

IV) Fill in: in, from, of, away from, for, by, with, on.

  1. Glass is made … sand.

  2. Many animals are … danger.

  3. The cat runs … a dog.

  4. Fill is a great fan … Manchester United.

  5. Sprays are harmful … the environment.

  6. Many species are protected … law.

  7. Please be careful what you do … any waste water.

  8. A lot of cars in Russia run … petrol.

V) Put the adjectives in brackets into correct form.

1. Jim is the (lazy) pupil in the class.

2. Your armchair is (comfortable) than Jane`s.

3. My new flat is (big) than the old.

4. That day was (happy) in my life because I met my love.

5. Sam is (sociable) boy of all our friends.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

Контрольная работа 10 класс 4 модуль

Автор: Максимова Ольга Григорьевна

Дата: 15.02.2015

Номер свидетельства: 173517

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